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- Worried? : science investigates some of life's common concerns / by Johnson, Lise A.; Chudler, Eric H.,author.; Chudler, Kelly S.,illustrator.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.How scientific reasoning explains our most common daily fears from germs to natural disasters and everything in between. Quick--what do you worry about most? Your cell phone giving you cancer? The public bathroom you're using being dirty? GMOs in your food? An asteroid strike? Something else? In this witty and evidenced-based book, Lise Johnson and Eric Chudler get to the root of our worries, all the while using science to help tame the anxiety beast. News media, social media, and every mom blog in the world are continuously flagging new things for you to worry about. From obsessing over Lyme disease-infested ticks to worrying about amusement park safety, no-one is immune to the pervasive effects of anxiety brought on by normal, everyday activity. Each topic in this wide-ranging book is subjected to scientific scrutiny, and assigned a place on the "worry index," with the authors concluding the only things worth worrying about are those that can cause significant harm, are likely to happen, and are (somewhat) preventable. Whether you are a constant worrier or a stick-your-head-in-the-sand-and-hope-for-the best sort of person, you'll find something to love in this witty and informative book.Food. Caffeine ; Dietary supplements ; Food additives ; Fair trade ; Gluten ; Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) ; Organic produce ; Pasteurized milk ; Salt ; Sugar ; Teflon ; Alcohol ; Meat ; Food safety ; Fat ; Antibiotics in food animals -- Medicine. Oral contraception ; Giving birth in a hospital ; Ebola ; Brain-eating amoeba ; Medical errors ; Acetaminophen ; General anesthesia ; Medical imaging ; Flesh-eating infection ; Health care-associated infections -- Environment. Mobile phones ; Mold ; Microwave ovens ; Asbestos -- Chemicals. Aluminum ; Flame retardants ; Fluoride ; Formaldehyde ; Lead ; Mercury ; BPA ; DEET -- Animals. Snakes ; Cats ; Bears ; Bees ; Dogs ; Shark attack ; Spiders ; Ticks ; Mosquitoes -- Travel. Elevators ; Public restrooms ; Public transportation ; Public swimming pools ; Airport body scanners ; Bedbugs ; Cruise ships ; Amusement park rides -- Miscellaneous. Pirates ; Toys made in China ; Asteroid strike -- Conclusion -- Appendix A: Do-it-yourself -- Appendix B: Reading a scientific paper -- Appendix C: First aid kit.
- Subjects: Worry.; Anxiety.; Psychology.; Adaptation, Psychological.; Anxiety.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Wemberly worried / by Henkes, Kevin.;
A mouse named Wemberly, who worries about everything, finds that she has a whole list of things to worry about when she faces the first day of nursery school.
- Subjects: Juvenile materials.; Worry; First day of school; Nursery schools; Schools; Mice; Worry; First day of school; Nursery schools; Mice;
- © 2000., Greenwillow Books,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- When to worry : how to tell if your teen needs help--and what to do about it / by Boesky, Lisa Melanie.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Is my teen normal? Teens displaying typical behavior vs. when to worry -- Sad, mad, or bad : teens who are too moody -- Unfocused and on the run : teens who cannot pay attention or have too much energy -- Rebels without a cause : teens who break rules or laws -- Run by fear : teens who stress, obsess, or are on edge -- Under the influence : teens who use alcohol and other drugs -- Hungry for help : teens too concerned about body image, weight and food -- Secret pain : teens who cut or burn themselves -- Ending it all : teens who think about dying -- Not making the connection : teens who have a hard time "getting it" -- Behaving bizarrely : teens who lose touch with reality -- What's going on? obtaining the right evaluation for your teen -- Help is on the way? obtaining the right treatment for your teen -- You make a difference : positive parenting for teens with special needs -- Don't forget your oxygen mask : the importance of self-care -- Appendix A: Resources and support -- Appendix B: Psychiatric medication chart.
- Subjects: Adolescent psychopathology.; Teenagers; Teenagers; Parent and teenager.; Problem youth.;
- © c2007., AMACOM,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Don't worry, Douglas! / by Melling, David.;
Douglas the bear has just been given a hat by his father. But despite his father's advice to take care of the hat, the hat gets caught on a tree and turns into a long string of spaghetti. How will Douglas ever tell his dad?
- Subjects: Bears; Hats; Humorous stories.; Family life; Fathers and sons; Bears; Hats; Families; Fathers and sons;
- © 2011., Tiger Tales,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Don't worry Bear / by Foley, Greg E.,1969-;
Ages 2 up.A caterpillar reassures a worried bear that they will see each other again when the caterpillar emerges from its cocoon.
- Subjects: Bears; Cocoons; Caterpillars; Butterflies; Bears; Cocoons; Caterpillars; Butterflies;
- © 2008., Viking,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The worry trick : how your brain tricks you into expecting the worst and what you can do about it / by Carbonell, David A.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 231-232).Introduction -- The worry trick -- It's all in my head-- and I wish it would leave! -- Your dual relationship with worry -- Feeling afraid in the absence of danger: how odd is that? -- Putting out fires with gasoline, and the rule of opposites -- The mad libs of anxiety: catch the worries before they catch you -- Thinking about thoughts -- Uncle Argument and your relationship with worry -- AHA! Three steps for handling chronic worry -- Your daily worry workout -- The worry parasite -- Breaking the secrecy trap -- Specialized worries: sleep and illness -- Closing thoughts: There's something funny about worry ..."Using powerful, evidence-based therapies, The Worry Trick is designed to help you break the cycle of anxiety and worry. Filled with tips and techniques, this book will show you how to identify the "trick" that underlies your anxious thoughts and help you keep worry from getting the best of you. With this book, you'll learn to observe your anxious feelings with distance and clarity--and finally conquer worry once and for all."--Back cover.
- Subjects: Worry.; Anxiety; Anxiety;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Exam stress : [electronic resource] : No worries! by Dorland, Su.;
The first test-prep guide to conquering the toughest exam challenge of all--stress!Each year millions of high school and college students sit down to the make-or-break SAT or final exams. And while the content of a course may not be impossible to master, for many, the stress surrounding an exam often is. In Exam Stress? No Worries! trained psychologist Su Dorland gives frazzled students insights into the causes of exam anxiety, why some people get anxious about exams and why others don't, steps for coping with the two Ps (perfectionism and procrastination), and ways to finally free oneself from exam stress. Includes a free CD with centering exercises, visualization techniques, and relaxation tracks. Offers advice for students mixing work or other commitments with study, as well as off-campus students, mature students, international, or students from migrant worker families. The EPUB format of this title may not be compatible for use on all handheld devices.Electronic reproduction.
- Subjects: Electronic books.; Stress management.; Examinations; Nonfiction.; Education.;
- © 2012.,
- On-line resources: -- Click to access digital title in OverDrive.;
- The 10 best anxiety busters : simple strategies to take control of your worry / by Wehrenberg, Margaret.;
A worried mind, and body too: What kind of anxiety do you have? -- Anxiety busters. Avoid CATS (not the furry ones) -- Breathe -- Use mindfulness with shifting awareness -- Just relax! No, really, just relax ... -- Don't make mountains out of molehills -- Stop and swap -- Contain your worry -- Think something different, do something different -- Control TMA (too much activity) -- Plan and practice -- 10 common stressful situations and tips on handling them.
- Subjects: Anxiety.; Worry.; Mental health.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Dr. Strangelove, or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb [DVD] / by Sellers, Peter,1925-1980.act; Scott, George C.,1927-1999.act; Kubrick, Stanley.drtpro; George, Peter,1924-1966.Red alert.;
Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Sterling Hayden, Keenan Wynn, Slim Pickens.Producer and director, Stanley Kubrick ; screenplay, Stanley Kubrick, Peter George, Tery Southern.DVD.A satire in which the U.S. president and his military advisors struggle ineptly to avert a holocaust after a psychotic Air Force general launches a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union because he fears that the Russians are poisoning the water supply in the United States.
- Subjects: Comedy films.; Feature films.; Films for the hearing impaired.; Comedy; Cold War;
- © c2001., Columbia TriStar Home Video,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Forgetting : when to worry, what to do / by Breitung, Joan Carson.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 245-286) and index.Reversible and irreversible dementia : know your enemy -- Mild cognitive impairment : an early warning? -- Alzheimer's disease : going, going, gone! -- Depression : more than just the blues -- Caregivers : who cares? -- Dementia : facts and fiction -- Falls : accidents that will happen -- Advice and consent.
- Subjects: Memory disorders in old age.; Older people; Older people; Dementia.; Caregivers.;
- © 2008., Prometheus Books,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
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