Results 1 to 8 of 8
- What the best college teachers do / by Bain, Ken.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. [191]-200) and index.Introduction: Defining the best -- What do they know about how we learn? -- How do they prepare to teach? -- What do they expect of their students? -- How do they conduct class? -- How do they treat their students? -- How do they evaluate their students and themselves?What makes a great teacher great? Who are the professors students remember long after graduation? This book, the conclusion of a fifteen-year study, offers valuable answers for all educators. The short answer is--it's not what teachers do, it's what they understand. Lesson plans and lecture notes matter less than the special way teachers comprehend the subject and value human learning. Whether historians or physicists, in El Paso or St. Paul, the best teachers know their subjects inside and out--but they also know how to engage and challenge students and to provoke impassioned responses. Most of all, they believe in two things: that teaching matters, and that students can learn. Bain describes examples of ingenuity and compassion, of students' discoveries of new ideas and the depth of their own potential. This book is a source of insight and inspiration for first-year teachers and seasoned educators.--From publisher's description.
- Subjects: College teaching; Effective teaching; Whitman College;
- © 2004., Harvard University Press,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Music in the USA : a documentary companion / by Tick, Judith.edt; Beaudoin, Paul E.,1960-edt;
Includes bibliographical references and index.1540-1770. -- 1. Early encounters between indigenous peoples and European explorers / (Castañeda, Drake, de Meras, Smith, Wood) -- 2. From the Preface to the first edition of the Bay psalm book -- 3. Four translations of Psalm 100 / (Tehilim, Bay Psalm Book, 1640 and 1698, Watts) -- 4. From the diaries of Samuel Sewall -- 5. The ministers rally for musical literacy / (Mather, Walter, Symmes) -- 6. Benjamin Franklin advises his brother on how to write a ballad and how not to write like Handel -- 7. Social music for the elite in colonial Williamsburg -- 8. Advertisements and notices from colonial newspapers.1770-1830. 9. "Christopher Crotchet, singing master from Quavertown" -- 10. Singing the revolution / (Adams, Dickinson, Greeley) -- 11. Elisha Bostwick hears a Scots prisoner sing "Gypsie Laddie" -- 12. A sidebar into ballad scholarship : the wanderings of "The gypsy laddie" / (Child, Sharp, Coffin, Bronson) -- 13. William Billings and the new sacred music / (Billings, Gould) -- 14. Daniel Read on pirating and "scientific music" -- 15. Turn-of-the-century theater songs from Reinagle, Rowson, and Carr : "America, commerce, and freedom" and "The little sailor boy" -- 16. Padre Narciso Durán describes musical training at the Mission San Jose -- 17. Moravian musical life at Bethlehem / (Henry, Till, Bowne) -- 18. Reverend Burkitt brings camp meeting hymns from Kentucky to North Carolina in 1803 -- 19. John Fanning Watson and errors in Methodist worship -- 19. Reverend James B. Finley and Mononcue sing "Come thou fount of every blessing."1830-1880. -- 21. Thomas D. Rice acts out Jim Crow and Cuff -- 22. William M. Whitlock, banjo player for the Virginia Minstrels -- 23. Edwin P. Christy, Stephen Foster, and "Ethiopian minstrelsy" -- 24. Stephen Foster's legacy / (Foster, Gordon, Robb, Simpson, Willis, Galli-Curci, Ellington, Charles) -- 25. The Fasola folk, The southern harmony, and The sacred harp / (Walker, White, King) -- 26. A sidebar into the discovery of shape-note music by a national audience / (Jackson, The sacred harp, 1991) -- 27. The Boston public schools set a national precedent in music education -- 28. Lorenzo Da Ponte recruits an Italian opera company for New York -- 29. Music education for American girls -- 30. Early expressions of cultural nationalism / (Hopkins, Fry, Putnam's Monthly) -- 31. John S. Dwight remembers how he and his circle "were but babes in music" -- 32. George Templeton Strong hears the American premiere of Beethoven's Fifth -- 33. German Americans adapting and contributing to musical life -- 34. Emil Klauprecht's German-American novel, Cincinnati, oder, Die Geheimnisse des Westens -- 35. P.T. Barnum and the Jenny Lind fever -- 36. Miska Hauser, Hungarian violinist, pans for musical gold -- 37. From the journals of Louis Moreau Gottschalk -- 38. The 'four-part blend' of the Hutchinson Family -- 39. Walt Whitman's conversion to opera -- 40. Clara Kellogg and the memoirs of an American prima donna -- 41. Frederick Douglass from My bondage and my freedom -- 42. Harriet Beecher Stowe and two scenes from Uncle Tom's cabin -- 43. From Slave songs of the United States (1867) -- 44. A sidebar into memory : slave narratives from the Federal Writers' Project in the new deal -- 45. George F. Root recalls how he wrote a classic union song -- 46. A confederate girl's diary during the Civil War -- 47. Soldier-musicians from the North and the South recall duties on the front -- 48. Ella Sheppard Moore, a Fisk Jubilee Singer --- 49. Patrick S. Gilmore and the golden age of bands / (Newspaper review, Herbert) -- 50. Theodore Thomas and his musical manifest destiny / (Rose Fay Thomas, Theodore Thomas).1880-1920. -- 51. John Philip Sousa : excerpts from his Autobiography -- 52. Why is a good march like a marble statue? / (Pryor, Fennell) -- 3. Willa Cather mourns the passing of the small-town opera house -- 54. Henry Lee Higginson and the founding of the Boston Symphony Orchestra -- 55. American classical music goes to the Paris World's Fair of 1889 -- 56. George Chadwick's ideals for composing classical concert music -- 57. Late 19th-century cultural nationalism : the paradigm of Dvořák / (Creelman, Paine, Burleigh) -- 58. Henry Krehbiel explains a critic's craft and a listener's duty -- 59. Amy Fay tackles the "woman question" -- 60. Amy Beach, composer, on "Why I chose my profession" -- 61. Edward MacDowell, poet-musician, remembered / (Currier, Gilman) -- 62. Paul Rosenfeld's manifesto for American composers -- 63. From the writings of Charles Ives -- 64. Frederic Louis Ritter looks for the "people's song" -- 65. Frances Densmore and the documentation of American Indian songs and poetry -- 66. A sidebar into national cultural policy : the Federal Cylinder Project -- 67. Charles K. Harris on writing hits for Tin Pan Alley -- 68. Scott Joplin, ragtime visionary / (Scott Joplin, Lottie Joplin) -- 69. A sidebar into the ragtime revival of the 1970s : William Bolcom reviews The collected works of Scott Joplin -- 70. James Reese Europe on the origin of "modern dances" -- 71. Irving Berlin on "love-interest as a commodity" in popular songs -- 72. Caroline Caffin on the "music and near-music" of Vaudeville -- 73. Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" Morton describes New Orleans and the discipline of jazz.1920-1950. -- 74. Bessie Smith, artist and blues singer / (press notice, Bailey, Schuller) -- 75. Thomas Andrew Dorsey "Brings the people up" and carries himself along -- 76. Louis Armstrong in his own words -- 77. Gilbert Seldes waves the flag of pop -- 78. Al Jolson and The jazz singer -- 79. Carl Stalling : master of cartoon music : an interview -- 80. A sidebar into postmodernism: John Zorn Turns Carl Stalling into a Prophet -- 81. Alec Wilder writes lovingly about Jerome Kern -- 82. George Gershwin explains that "Jazz is the voice of the American soul" -- 83. William Grant Still, pioneering African American composer / (Still, Locke, Still) -- 84. The inimitable Henry Cowell as described by the irrepressible Nicolas Slonimsky -- 85. Ruth Crawford and her "astonishing juxtapositions" -- 86. "River Sirens, Lion Roars, all music to Varèse" : an interview in Santa Fe -- 87. Leopold Stokowski and "debatable music" -- 88. Henry Leland Clark on the Composers Collective -- 89. Marc Blitzstein in and out of the treetops of The cradle will rock -- 90. Samuel Barber and the controversy around the premiere of Adagio for strings / (Downes, Pettis, Menotti, Harris) -- 91. Virgil Thomson, composer and critic -- 92. Arthur Berger divides Aaron Copland into two styles and Copland puts himself back together again -- 93. Aaron Copland on the "personality of Stravinsky" -- 94. The American period of Arnold Schoenberg / (Sessions, Newlin) -- 95. Uncle Dave Macon, banjo trickster at the Grand Ole Opry -- 96. The Bristol sessions and country music -- 97. A sidebar into the folk revival : Harry Smith's canon of old-time recordings -- 98. Zora Neale Hurston on "spirituals and neo-spirituals" -- 99. The hard times of Emma Dusenbury, source singer -- 100. John and Alan Lomax propose a "Canon for American folk song" -- 101. Woody Guthrie praises the "spunkfire" attitude of a folk song -- 102. Fred Astaire dances like a twentieth-century American / (Williams) -- 103. The innovations of Oklahoma! / (de Mille, Engel) -- 104. Duke Ellington on swing as a way of life -- 105. Malcolm X recalls the years of swing -- 106. The many faces of Billie Holiday / (Holiday, Wilson, Bennett) -- 107. Ralph Ellison and the birth of bebop at Minton's.1950-1975. -- 108. Ella Fitzgerald on stage / (Peterson) -- 109. Leonard Bernstein charts an epic role for musical theater -- 110. Stephen Sondheim on writing theater lyrics -- 111. Muddy Waters explains "why it doesn't pay to run from trouble" -- 112. Elvis Presley in the eye of musical twister / (newspaper reviews, Gould, Lewis) -- 113. Chuck Berry in his own words -- 114. The five string banjo : hints from the 1960s speed-master, Earl Scruggs -- 115. Pete Seeger, a TCUAPSS, Sings out!" -- 116. Bob Dylan turns liner notes into poetry -- 117. Janis Joplin grabs pieces of our hearts / (Joplin, Graham) -- 118. "Handcrafting the grooves" in the studio: Aretha Franklin at Muscle Shoals / (Wexler) -- 119. Jimi Hendrix, virtuoso of electricity / (Hendrix, Bloomfield) -- 120. Amiri Baraka theorizes a black nationalist aesthetic -- 121. Greil Marcus and the new rock criticism -- 122. Charles Reich on the music of "Consciousness III" -- 123. McCoy Tyner on "the jubilant experience of John Coltrane"s classic quartet -- 124. Miles Davis : excerpts from his autobiography -- 125. A Vietnam vet remembers rocking and rolling in the mud of war -- 126. George Crumb and Black angels : "A quartet in time of war" -- 127. Milton Babbitt on electronic music / (Babbitt, Brody and Miller) -- 128. Edward T. Cone satirizes music theory's new vocabulary -- 129. Mario Davidovsky, an introduction / (Chasalow) -- 130. Elliot Carter on the "different time worlds" in String quartets no. 1 and 2 -- 131. John Cage, words and Music for changes / (Cage, Anderson) -- 132. Harold Schonberg on "art and bunk, matter and anti matter" -- 133. Pauline Oliveros, composer and teacher -- 134. Steve Reich on "music as a gradual process."1975-2000. -- 135. Star Wars meets Wagner / (Dyer, Tomlinson) -- 136. Tom Johnson demonstrates what minimalism is all about -- 137. Morton Feldman and his West German fan base / (Feldman, Post) -- 138. Philip Glass and the roots of reform opera -- 139 Laurie Anderson does "stand-up" performance art / (Anderson, Gordon) -- 140. Meredith Monk and the revelation of voice -- 141. Recapturing the soul of the American orchestra / (Duffy, Tower) -- 142. Two economists measure the impact of blind auditions -- 143. John Harbison on modes of composing -- 144. Wynton Marsalis on learning from the past for the sake of the present -- 145. John Adams, an American master -- 146. The incorporation of the American Folklife Center -- 147. Daniel J. Boorstin's welcoming remarks at the Conference on Ethnic Recordings in America -- 148. Willie Colón on "conscious salsa" -- 149. The accordion travels through "roots music" / (Savoy) -- 150. Conjunto music--"a very beautiful accordiante flower / (Santiago Jiménez, Flaco Jiménez, Jordán) -- 151. Gloria Anzaldúa on Vistas y corridos : my native tongue -- 152. Contemporary Native American music and the Pine Ridge Reservation / (Porcupine Singers, Frazier) -- 153. MTV and the music video / (MoMA, Hoberman) -- 154. Turning points in the career of Michael Jackson / (Jackson, Jones) -- 155. Sally Banes explains why "breaking is hard to do" -- 156. Two members of public enemy discuss sampling and copyright law -- 157. DJ Qbert, master of turntable music -- 158. A press release from the Country Music Association -- 159. Ephemeral music : Napster's congressional testimony."Music in the USA: A Documentary Companion charts a path through American music and musical life using as guides the words of composers, performers, writers and the rest of us ordinary folks who sing, dance, and listen. The anthology of primary sources contains about 160 selections from 1540 to 2000. Sometimes the sources are classics in the literature around American music, for example, the Preface to the Bay Psalm Book, excerpts from Slave Songs of the United States, and Charles Ives extolling Emerson. But many other selections offer uncommon sources, including a satirical story about a Yankee music teacher; various columns from 19th-century German American newspapers; the memoirs of a 19th-century diva; Lottie Joplin remembering her husband Scott; a little-known reflection of Copland about Stravinsky; an interview with Muddy Waters from the Chicago Defender; a letter from Woody Guthrie on the "spunkfire" attitude of a folk song; a press release from the Country Music Association; and the Congressional testimony around "Napster." "Sidebar" entries occasionally bring a topic or an idea into the present, acknowledging the extent to which revivals of many kinds of music play a role in American contemporary culture. This book focuses on the connections between theory and practice to enrich our understanding of the diversity of American musical experiences. Designed especially to accompany college courses which survey American music as a whole, the book is also relevant to courses in American history and American Studies." "The primary audience for this book is students in college courses in American music or in American culture, American media, and American history. The book will be of great interest to scholars in these areas as well, and will be a longstanding reference. The book will appeal to the general audience as well."--Jacket.
- Subjects: Music; Whitman College;
- © 2008., Oxford University Press,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Ginseng dreams : the secret world of America's most valuable plant / by Johannsen, Kristin,1957-;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 199-203) and index.Man-root -- Out sangin' -- Shang gardens -- Virtually wild -- "Come back when you have a real crime to report" -- From the hollows to Hong Kong -- Under the microscope -- -- Ginseng dreams.
- Subjects: American ginseng.; Panax; Materia Medica; Ginseng; Whitman College;
- © c2006., University Press of Kentucky,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Tools for teaching / by Davis, Barbara Gross.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.This is the long-awaited update on the bestselling book that offers a practical, accessible reference manual for faculty in any discipline. This new edition contains up-to-date information on technology as well as expanding on the ideas and strategies presented in the first edition. It includes sixty-one chapters designed to improve the teaching of beginning, mid-career, or senior faculty members. The topics cover both traditional tasks of teaching as well as broader concerns, such as diversity and inclusion in the classroom and technology in educational settings--Publisher's description.
- Subjects: Whitman College; College teaching; Classroom management; Curriculum planning;
- © ©2009., Jossey-Bass,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Lincoln and McClellan : the troubled partnership between a president and his general / by Waugh, John C.;
Parallel beginnings -- Between two wars -- Catching the brass ring -- The real McClellan -- Man on horseback -- The numbers game -- Under siege -- Presidential angst -- Planning for Armageddon -- Troubled minds -- Yorktown blues -- At the gates of Richmond -- Shifting blame -- Dogfight down the James -- New policy and old brains -- In command of nothing -- The road to Sharpsburg -- Hellfire on the Antietam -- The quiet after the storm -- McClellan's bodyguard -- Fatigued horses -- Sacked -- The unpolitical politician -- Two storks by a frog pond -- Sound and fury.Includes bibliographical reference (p. [219]-244) and index.Examines the contentious relationship between President Abraham Lincoln and General George McClellan, discussing the high-born McClellan's tendency to look down on Lincoln, and charging that even though the president gave the general all that was needed to fight, McClellan, a great organizer and strategist, was apparently reluctant to go into battle.
- Subjects: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865; McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885; Command of troops; Whitman College;
- © 2010., Palgrave Macmillan,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Remaking the presidency : Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson, 1901-1916 / by Arnold, Peri E.,1942-;
Includes bibliographical references (p. [253]-263) and index.The progressive era and the presidency -- The political education of Theodore Roosevelt: partisan loyalty, reform, and the politics of self-display -- Constructing leadership to make history: anti-trust and the navy -- The political education of William Howard Taft: toward a brilliant career -- Improvising for continuity: the tariff and the blow-up at interior -- The political education of Woodrow Wilson: interpretive leadership and expediency -- A parliamentary presidency: the tariff, bank reform, and anti-trust -- The progressive presidents and the modern presidency.In a period of American history marked by congressional primacy, presidential passivity, and hostility to governmental action, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson became iconic presidents through activist leadership. The author, a leading presidential scholar, goes beyond the biographers to explain what really set Roosevelt apart from his predecessor William McKinley, how Wilson differed from his successor Warren G. Harding, and how we might better understand the forgettable William Howard Taft in between. This is the first comparative study of the three Progressive Era presidents, examining the context in which they served, the evolving institutional role of the presidency, and the personal characteristics of each man. The author explains why Roosevelt and Wilson pursued activist roles, how they gained the means for effective leadership in a role that had not previously supported it, and how each of the three negotiated the choppy crosscurrents of changing institutions and politics with entirely different outcomes. The author delineates the American political scene at the turn of the twentieth century, one characterized by a weakening of party organizations, the rise of interest groups and print media, and increasing demands for reform. He shows how the Progressive Era presidents marked a transition from the nineteenth century's checks and balances to the twentieth's expansive presidential role, even though demands for executive leadership were at odds with the presidency's means to take independent action. Each of these presidents was uniquely challenged to experiment with the office's new potential for political independence from party and Congress, and the author explains how each had to justify their authority for such experimentation. He also shows how their actions were reflected in specific policy case studies: the Northern Trust and naval modernization under Roosevelt, tariff reform and the Pinchot/Ballinger debate over conservation under Taft, and the Federal Reserve and Federal Trade Commission under Wilson. Ultimately, Arnold shows how the period's ferment affected both the presidency and its incumbents and how they in turn affected progressive politics. More important, he helps us better understand two presidents who continue to inspire politicians of differing stripes and relates their leadership styles to the modern development of the presidency.
- Subjects: Progressivism (United States politics); Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919.; Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930.; Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924.; Progressive Party (1912); Roosevelt, Theodore; Taft, William H.; Wilson, Woodrow; USA; Progressismus; Repräsentation (Politik); Präsidiales Regierungssystem; Parlamentarische Kontrolle; Politische Bildung; Whitman College;
- © c2009., University Press of Kansas,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Latin America : an interpretive history / by Charlip, Julie A.,1954-; Burns, E. Bradford.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 325-337) and index.Land and people -- From conquest to empire -- Independence -- New nations -- The emergence of the modern state -- New actors on an old stage -- The Mexican explosion -- From world wars to Cold War -- The revolutionary option -- Debt and dictatorship -- The limits of liberalism -- Forward to the past."Latin America: An Interpretive History interweaves the story of Latin America with coverage of broader themes and regional differences. Building upon the work of original author E. Bradford Burns, current author Julie Charlip presents Latin American history as a continuum to help students make connections among time periods and events, and see the impact of the past upon the present." - Amazon.
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- School shooters : understanding high school, college, and adult perpetrators / by Langman, Peter F.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.1. Laying the foundation -- Three populations of school shooters -- Three psychological types of school shooters -- 2. Psychopathic secondary school shooters -- A word on psychopathic personalities -- Attacks by psychopathic secondary school shooters -- Robert Poulin -- Brenda Spencer -- Barry Loukaitis -- Andrew Golden -- Eric Harris -- Robert Steinhäuser -- Tim Kretschmer -- 3. Psychotic secondary school shooters -- A word on psychotic symptoms -- Attacks by psychotic secondary school shooters -- Luke Woodham -- Michael Carneal -- Andrew Wurst -- Kipland Kinkel -- Dylan Klebold -- Alvaro Castillo -- Pekka-Eric Auvinen -- 4. Traumatized secondary school shooters -- A word on trauma -- Attacks by traumatized secondary school shooters -- Eric Houston -- Gary Scott Pennington -- James Rouse -- Evan Ramsey -- Mitchell Johnson -- Jason Hoffman -- Jeffrey Weise -- Eric Hainstock -- Asa Coon -- Thomas "T.J." Lane -- 5. College shooters : targeted attacks -- Targeted attacks by psychopathic shooters -- Gang Lu -- Valery Fabrikant -- Robert Flores -- Targeted attacks by shooters with psychotic and psychopathic traits -- Peter Odighizuwa -- Biswanath Halder -- Amy Bishop -- 6. College shooters : random and ambiguous attacks -- Random attacks by psychopathic shooters -- Charles Whitman -- Wayne Lo -- Random attacks by psychotic shooters -- Seung Hui Cho -- Steven Kazmierczak -- Matti Saari -- Ambiguous attacks -- Edward Allaway -- One Goh -- 7. Aberrant adult shooters -- Young adults who attacked colleges they did not attend -- Mark Lépine -- Jillian Robbins -- Kimveer Gill -- Adults who attacked schools they had attended years before -- Patrick Purdy -- Bruco Eastwood -- Wellington de Oliveira -- Adam Lanza -- Adults who attacked elementary schools to which they had no connection -- Laurie Dann -- James Wilson -- Thomas Hamilton -- Adult whose attack was in an atypical educational setting -- Jiverly Wong -- 8. Patterns among school shooters -- The significance of the body -- Military failures -- Educational failures -- Occupational failures -- Romantic failures -- Frequent and significant relocations -- Psychotic shooters : sibling rivalry -- Other possible factors -- External influences -- Peer support -- Ideologies and role models -- Media violence -- 9. Preventing school shootings : threat assessment and warning signs -- The many faces of school shooters -- Threat assessment -- What are the warning signs? -- Forms of leakage -- School assignments -- Warning signs at home -- Warning signs online -- Sudden purchase of firearms -- School employees -- Aberrant attacks -- The unpredictability of victim selection -- Immediate aftermath -- 10. Key findings -- Findings versus conventional wisdom -- The magnitude of their attacks -- Suicide among school shooters -- The typology across the populations of shooters -- Other observations.School shootings scare everyone, even those not immediately affected. They make national and international news. They make parents afraid to send their children off to school. But they also lead to generalizations about those who perpetrate them. Most assumptions about the perpetrators are wrong, and many of the warning signs are missed until it's too late. Here, Peter Langman takes a look at 48 national and international cases of school shootings in order to dispel the myths, explore the motives, and expose the many factors that drive people to rampage attacks. Finally, he addresses violence prevention and the importance of identifying at-risk individuals before it is too late. --Jacket flap.Examines forty-eight national and international cases of school shootings to dispel the myths, explore the motives, and expose the many factors that drive people to rampage attacks.
- Subjects: School violence; School shootings;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
Results 1 to 8 of 8