
A short history of film / by Dixon, Wheeler W.,1950-; Foster, Gwendolyn Audrey.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 395-415) and index.Timeline 1832-2012 -- The invention of the movies -- The birth of an American industry -- World cinema : the silent era -- The Hollywood studio system in the 1930s and 1940s -- International cinema through World War II -- Postwar challenges to the movies -- World cinema in the 1950s -- The 1960s explosion -- World cinema 1970 to the present -- The new Hollywood."Provides a concise and accurate overview of the history of world cinema"--P. [4] of cover.
Subjects: Motion pictures; Motion picture industry;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

A short course in photography : film and darkroom : an introduction to photographic technique / by London, Barbara,1936-; Stone, Jim,1947-author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Machine generated contents note: 1.Camera -- Getting Started Camera and film -- Loading film into the camera -- Focusing and setting the exposure -- Exposure readout -- Exposing the film -- What will you photograph? -- Using a digital camera -- Types of Cameras -- Basic Camera Controls -- More about Camera Controls -- Inside a single-lens reflex camera -- Shutter Speed Affects light and motion -- Aperture Affects light and depth of field -- Shutter Speed and Aperture Blur vs. depth of field -- Getting the Most from Your Camera and Lens -- 2.Lens -- Lens Focal Length The basic difference between lenses -- Normal Focal Length The most like human vision -- Long Focal Length Telephoto lenses -- Short Focal Length Wide-angle lenses -- Zoom, Macro, and Fisheye Lenses -- Focus and Depth of Field -- Automatic Focus -- Depth of Field Controlling sharpness in a photograph -- More about Depth of Field How to preview it -- Perspective How a photograph shows depth --Note continued: Lens Attachments Making close-ups -- Using filters -- 3.Film -- Selecting and Using Film -- Film Speed and Grain The two go together -- Color in Photography -- Color Films -- 4.Exposure -- Normal Exposure, Underexposure, and Overexposure -- Exposure Meters What different types do -- How to calculate and adjust an exposure manually -- Overriding an Automatic Exposure Camera -- Making an Exposure of an Average Scene -- Exposing Scenes that are Lighter or Darker than Average -- Backlighting -- Exposing Scenes with High Contrast -- Low Light and Reciprocity -- Exposures in Hard-to-Meter Situations -- 5.Developing the Negative -- Processing Film Equipment and chemicals you'll need -- Mixing and Handling Chemicals -- Processing Film Step by Step Setting out materials needed -- Preparing the film -- Development -- Stop bath and fixer -- Washing and drying -- Summary of Film Processing -- How Chemicals Affect Film -- Evaluating Your Negatives --Note continued: Push Processing -- 6.Printing in a Darkroom -- Printing Equipment and materials you'll need -- Making a Contact Print Step by Step -- Processing a Print Step by Step Development -- Stop bath and fixer -- Washing and drying -- Summary of Print Processing -- Making an Enlarged Print Step by Step Setting up the en larger -- Exposing a test print -- Exposing a final print -- Evaluating Your Print for Density and Contrast -- More about Contrast How to control it in a print -- Local Controls Burning in and dodging -- Cropping -- Spotting -- Mounting a Print -- Equipment and materials you'll need -- Dry Mounting a Print Step by Step -- Bleed Mounting/Overmatting -- 7.Lighting -- Qualities of Light From direct to diffused -- Existing Light Use what's available -- The Main Light The strongest source of light -- Fill Light To lighten shadows -- Simple Portrait Lighting -- Using Artificial Light Photolamp or flash -- More about Flash How to position it --Note continued: Using Flash -- 8.Digital Photography -- Equipment and Materials You'll Need -- Pixels Make the Picture -- Digital Color Modes, gamuts, spaces, and profiles -- Channels -- Using Histograms and the Info Palette -- Setting up a Workflow Stay organized -- Photographer's Workflow Programs -- Importing an Image -- Scanning -- Getting Started Editing an Image -- Adjusting an Image Levels -- Curves -- Adjusting Part of an Image Selections -- More Techniques Layers -- Filters -- Retouching -- Sharpening -- Compositing -- Editing a Digital Photograph Step by Step -- Soft Proofing -- Printing -- Storage, Archiving, Retrieval -- Ethics and Digital Imaging -- 9.Seeing Like a Camera -- What's in the Picture The edges or frame -- The background -- Focus Which parts are sharp -- Time and Motion in a Photograph -- Depth in a Picture Three dimensions into two -- Chaos into order -- Photographing for Meaning -- Portraits Informal: Finding them -- Formal: Setting them up --Note continued: Photographing the Landscape -- Photographing the Cityscape -- Photographing Inside -- Responding to Photographs -- 10.History of Photography -- Daguerreotype "Designs on silver bright" -- Calotype Pictures on paper -- Collodion Wet-Plate Sharp and reproducible -- Gelatin Emulsion/Roll-Film Base Photography for everyone -- Early Portraits -- Early Travel Photography -- Early Images of War -- Time and Motion in Early Photographs -- Color Photography -- The Photograph as Document -- Photography and Social Change -- Photojournalism -- Photography as Art in the 19th Century -- Pictorial Photography and the Photo-Secession -- The Direct Image in Art -- The Quest for a New Vision -- Photography as Art in the 1950s and 1960s -- Photography as Art in the 1970s and 1980s -- Digital Photography.
Subjects: Photography.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Nathaniel Hawthorne's Rappaccini's daughter [videorecording] / by Skaggs, Calvin.; Hartig, Herbert.; Magyar, DezsoÌ.; Tabori, Kristoffer.; Beller, Kathleen,1955-; Egan, Michael,1926-; Fonda, Henry,1905-1982.; Hawthorne, Nathaniel,1804-1864.Rappaccini's daughter.; National Endowment for the Humanities.; Learning in Focus, inc.; Monterey Video (Firm); Monterey Media Inc.;
DVD.Host, Henry Fonda ; starring Kristoffer Tabori (Giovanni), Kathleen Beller (Beatrice), Michael Egan (Baglioni), Leonardo Cimino (Rappaccini).Photography, Mike Fash ; editor, Jay Freund ; music composed and conducted by Elizabeth Swados.MPAA rating: Not rated.Set in 18th Century Italy, this is the tale of a young scholar named Giovanni who falls in love with a beautiful, yet forbidden, girl. Beatrice 's strange and unearthly beauty masks a terrifying curse which Giovanni tragically discovers. Her father, the mysterious Dr. Rappaccini, has made her the subject of a diabolical experiment. In Giovanni's attempt to free Beatrice from the control of her father and to escape the effect she has on him, he unwittingly destroys her.Poison garden -- Forbidden daughter -- Meeting -- Fever or poison? -- Confrontation -- Kiss.
Subjects: Film adaptations.; Short films.; Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864; Man-woman relationships; Intellectuals; Short stories, American.;
© c2005., Monterey Video : Distributed by Monterey Media, inc.,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Hypertension [videorecording] / by Harman, Glenn E.prodrt; Seeber-Combs, Colleen P.,Clinical project manager.; Blanchard & Loeb Publishers.;
DVD-R. If using computers, best played with VLC Media Player. May have problems playing on certain DVD players, particularly DVD/VHS combination machines.Clinical project manager, Colleen P. Seeber-Combs.Identify signs of hypertension - "the silent killer" - and help treat it before life-threatening complications occur. You'll see exactly what's happening inside your patient with hypertension and know exactly what it means for your nursing care.Introduction -- Pathophysiology -- Nursing management.
Subjects: Hypertension.; Hypertension; Hypertension; Nursing;
© c2012., Blanchard & Loeb Publishers,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Coronary artery disease and angina pectoris [videorecording] / by Harman, Glenn E.prodrt; Seeber-Combs, Colleen P.,Clinical project manager.; Blanchard & Loeb Publishers.;
DVD-R. If using computers, best played with VLC Media Player. May have problems playing on certain DVD players, particularly DVD/VHS combination machines.Clinical project manager, Colleen P. Seeber-Combs.Introduction -- Pathophysiology -- Nursing management.See exactly what's happening inside patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and angina pectoris, and know exactly what it means for your nursing care. With this video, you'll get practical information on every clinically relevant aspect of these two disorders.
Subjects: Coronary heart disease.; Coronary heart disease; Angina pectoris.; Angina pectoris; Nursing;
© c2012., Blanchard & Loeb Publishers,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Mary and Max [videorecording] / by Coombs, Melanie,1969-; Elliot, Adam(Adam Benjamin); Bana, Eric.; Hoffman, Philip Seymour,1967-; Collette, Toni.; Humphries, Barry,1934-; Screen Australia.; Melodrama Pictures (Firm); Film Victoria.; Special Broadcasting Service (Australia); Adirondack Pictures (Firm); IFC Films.;
DVD; Dolby Digital 5.1.Voices: Eric Bana, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Toni Collette, Barry Humphries.Director of photography, Gerald Thompson.Not rated.Mary is a lonely eight-year-old in the suburbs of Melbourne. Struggling with questions that no one can answer, she writes to Max, an obese 44-year-old Jewish man with Asperger's Syndrome living in New York City, which starts a friendship that spans 20 years and two continents.
Subjects: Animated films.; Clay animation films.; Feature films.; Video recordings for the hearing impaired.; Video recordings for people with visual disabilities.; Girls; Asperger's syndrome; Letter writing; Pen pals; Friendship; Muchachas;
© 2010., IFC Films,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

First snow in the woods [videorecording] : the movie / by Sams, Laura.; Sams, Robert.; Stoick, Jean.; Sams, Carl R.First snow in the woods.; Sisbro Studios (Firm); Carl R. Sams II Photography (Firm);
DVD ; NTSC ; widescreen.Original music, Laura Sams.In a pumpkin patch surrounded by the reds and golds of fall, a worried scarecrow watches the animals prepare for winter.
Subjects: Children's films.; Short films.; Video recordings for the hearing impaired.; Short films.; Snow; Forest animals; Winter;
© [2010], Carl R Sams II Photography, Inc.,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Diabetes mellitus [videorecording] / by Harman, Glenn E.; Seeber-Combs, Colleen P.; Blanchard & Loeb Publishers.;
DVD-R.Clinical project manager, Colleen P. Seeber-Combs.This video provides practical information useful in the care of patients with diabetes mellitus, including: how to identify signs and symptoms of dangerous diabetic complications; analysis of related diagnostic tests; how to treat diabetes mellitus and its complications; how to provide quality ongoing nursing care; and how to teach patients to use drug therapy, diet and exercise to control diabetes.Introduction -- Pathophysiology -- Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) -- Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS) -- Nursing care.
Subjects: Diabetes; Diabetes; Diabetes; Nursing;
© c2012., Blanchard & Loeb Publishers,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Arrhythmias [videorecording] / by Harman, Glenn E.; Seeber-Combs, Colleen P.; Blanchard & Loeb Publishers.;
DVD-R.Clinical project manager, Colleen P. Seeber-Combs.This program an understanding of this complex disease and its life-threatening complications. The main topics covered are: link the patients' assessment findings to changes in the electrical conduction system; differentiate between atrial fibrillation and various types of atrioventricular (AV) blocks and ventricular arrhythmias, including their pathophysiologies; analyze electrocardiogram tracings and other test results to pinpoint the type and severity of your patients' arrhythmias; provide or assist with state-of-the-art treatments, such as implantable defribrillator insertion and drug therapy; and teach patients about vital tests, treatments, and follow-up care.Introduction -- Pathophysiology -- Atrial fibrillation -- Atrioventricular (AV) block -- Ventricular arrhythmias -- Nursing care.
Subjects: Arrhythmia.; Arrhythmia; Arrhythmia; Nursing;
© c2012., Blanchard & Loeb Publishers,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Heart failure and pulmonary edema [videorecording] / by Harman, Glenn E.prodrt; Seeber-Combs, Colleen P.,Clinical project manager.; Blanchard & Loeb Publishers.;
DVD-R.Clinical project manager, Colleen P. Seeber-Combs.Introduction -- Heart failure -- Pulmonary edema -- Nursing care.Enhance your patient care by deepening your understanding of heart failure and pulmonary edema. See exactly what's happening inside your patient and know exactly what it means for your care.
Subjects: Heart failure.; Heart failure; Heart failure; Congestive heart failure.; Congestive heart failure; Coronary heart disease; Pulmonary edema; Nursing;
© c2012., Blanchard & Loeb Publishers,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1