
Getting risk right : understanding the science of elusive health risks / by Kabat, Geoffrey C.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages [221]-235) and index.The illusion of validity and the power of "negative thinking" -- Splendors and miseries of associations -- When risk goes viral : biases and bandwagons -- Do cell phones cause brain cancer? : a tale of two sciences -- Hormonal confusion: the contested science of endocrine disruption -- Deadly remedy : a mysterious disease, a medicinal herb, and the recognition a worldwide public health threat -- HPV, cancer, and beyond : the anatomy of a triumph.A study of the health industry and possible risks involved.
Subjects: Health risk assessment.; Health attitudes.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Less medicine, more health : 7 assumptions that drive too much medical care / by Welch, H. Gilbert.;
Our enthusiasm for everything medical -- Assumption #1. All risks can be lowered -- Assumption #2. It's always better to fix the problem -- Assumption #3. Sooner is always better -- Assumption #4. It never hurts to get more information -- Assumption #5. Action is always better than inaction -- Assumption #6. Newer is always better -- Assumption #7. It's all about avoiding death."Eat smart, exercise regularly, and get routine health screenings," the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services advises the public in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And that is absolutely true - except for the checkup part. The American public has been sold the idea that seeking medical care is one of the most important steps to maintain wellness. However, surprisingly, medical care is not in fact well correlated with good health. The major determinants of health are outside individual medical care. Dr. Gilbert Welch pushes against established wisdom, and suggests that medical care may be too aggressive. From his twenty-five years of medical practice and research, Welch explains that excessive medical care is often powered by economics and lawyers. But American medical care would not exist in this state if the general public did not harbor powerful assumptions about the value of tests and treatments - a number of which are just plain wrong. "--Includes bibliographical references and index.
Subjects: Health risk assessment.; Medicare.; Health Status Indicators.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The fracking debate : the risks, benefits, and uncertainties of the shale revolution / by Raimi, Daniel.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.What is fracking? -- Does fracking contaminate water? -- Will fracking make me sick? -- Does fracking cause earthquakes? -- Is there any regulation on fracking? -- Is fracking good or bad for climate change? -- Will fracking make the United States energy independent? -- Is fracking good for the economy? -- Will fracking spread around the world? -- Do people living near fracking love it or hate it? -- What's next?Over roughly the past decade, oil and gas production in the United States has surged dramatically-thanks largely to technological advances such as high-volume hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as "fracking." This rapid increase has generated widespread debate, with proponents touting economic and energy-security benefits and opponents highlighting the environmental and social risks of increased oil and gas production. Despite the heated debate, neither side has a monopoly on the facts. In this book, Daniel Raimi gives a balanced and accessible view of oil and gas development, clearly and thoroughly explaining the key issues surrounding the shale revolution. The Fracking Debate directly addresses the most common questions and concerns associated with fracking, including: What is fracking? Does fracking pollute the water supply? Will fracking make the United States energy independent? Does fracking cause earthquakes? How is fracking regulated? Is fracking good for the economy? Coupling a deep understanding of the scholarly research with travels to every major U.S. oil- and gas-producing region, Raimi highlights stories of the people and communities affected by the shale revolution, for better and for worse. The Fracking Debate provides the evidence and context that have so frequently been missing from the national discussion of the future of oil and gas production, offering readers the tools to make sense of this critical issue.
Subjects: Hydraulic fracturing; Hydraulic fracturing;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

GMO food : a reference handbook / by Newton, David E.,author.;
Preface to the First Edition / Preface to the Second Edition / 1. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY -- Hybridization -- The Birth of Genetics -- The Gene -- The Process of Genetic Engineering -- Concerns about rDNA Research -- History of rDNA Regulation -- Breakthroughs in rDNA Research -- Genetically Modified Animals -- Technical Problems -- Regulatory Issues -- Genetically Modified Plants -- Bt Crops -- Types of Genetically Modified Plants -- Conclusion – References / 2. PROBLEMS, CONTROVERSIES, AND SOLUTIONS -- Opposition to Genetically Modified Foods in the United States -- Public Opinion on Genetically Modified Foods -- Public Opinion in the United States -- Public Opinion in Europe -- Regulation of Genetically Modified Crops and Foods -- Regulation in the United States -- Regulation in the European Union -- Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods -- The Labeling Issue in the EU -- The Labeling Issue in the United States -- GMO Regulations Worldwide -- Genetically Modified Crops and Foods: Pros and Cons -- Agricultural System -- Potential Benefits -- Potential Harm -- Human Health -- Potential Benefits -- Potential Harm -- The Natural Environment -- Potential Benefits -- Potential Harm -- Potential Social and Economic Harm -- Conclusion – References / 3. PERSPECTIVES -- Introduction -- Genetic Engineering in Agriculture: Uncertainties and Risks - Debal Deb; The Case for Teaching Food in Schools - Yussra MT Ebrahim; Improving Crops with CRISPR - Phill Jones; In the Know: Genetically Modified Foods - Rashmi Nemade; Genetically Modified Organisms - Tony Owen; GMO Foods in Developing Countries - Santosh Pandey; Labeling Bioengineered Foods: Theory vs. Reality - Ellen Rubin; Genetically Modified Crops in Africa: Fear of the Unknown? - Elizabeth Shoo; Accepting Genetically Modified Crops in India – Sweta; A Growing World Demands New Food Technology - Susan Young / 4. PROFILES – Introduction -- Biotechnology Regulatory Services Biotechnology Innovation Organization -- José Bové (1953-) -- Herbert Boyer (1936-) -- Canadian Biotechnology Action Network -- Center for Food Safety -- Emmanuelle Charpentier (1968-) -- Mary-Dell Chilton (1939-) -- Stanley N. Cohen (1935-) -- Crop Life International -- Jennifer Doudna (1964-) -- Food & Water Watch -- Robert T. Fraley (1953-) -- John E. Franz (1929-) -- Dennis Gonsalves (1943-) -- Greenpeace International -- International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications -- Steve Lindow (1951-) -- Mark Lynas (1973-) -- Monsanto (Bayer Crop Science) -- Non-GMO Project -- Ingo Potrykus (1933-) -- Maxine Singer (1931-) -- Marc van Montagu (1933-) -- World Health Organization / 5. DATA AND DOCUMENTS -- Introduction -- Data -- Table 5.1. Genetically Engineered Crops in the United States, 2000-19 (percent of all planted crop; all genetically engineered varieties) -- Table 5.2. Number of Releases of Genetically Engineered Organism Varieties Approved by APHIS, 1985-2013 -- Table 5.3. Total Number of GMO Crop Releases Approved by APHIS, to 2013 -- Table 5.4. Number of Releases Approved by APHIS by Genetic Trait, to 2013 -- Table 5.5. Prevalence of Bt IR and Stacked Gene Crops in U.S. Agriculture, 2000-19 (percentage of each crop) -- Documents -- Plant Patent Act of 1930 -- Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 447 U.S. 303 (1980) -- Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology (1986) -- Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (2000) -- Regulation of Genetically Modified Foods by the European Union (2003) -- Mendocino County (California) Ban on Genetically Modified Crops (2004/2019) -- The Safety of Genetically Modified Foods, GAO Report (2002) -- Invoking of Preemption (North Dakota, SB2277; 2005) -- Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms, 561 U.S. 139 (2010) -- Bowman v. Monsanto, et al., 569 U.S. 11-796 (2013) -- National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Public Law 114-216) (2016) -- National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (2018) -- Regulation of Gene-Editing Technology (2018) / 6. RESOURCES -- Books -- Articles -- Reports -- Internet Sources / 7. CHRONOLOGY – Glossary – Index.GMO Food: A Reference Handbook is intended to serve as a research guide for young adults in high school and beyond. Students at all grade levels should be able to use the book as an introduction to the history of genetic engineering of organisms and the use of this technology for the development of new forms of crops and foods.They will learn briefly about historic methods of plant and animal modification (such as cross-breeding) and, in more detail, how discoveries since the late nineteenth century have greatly changed the process of plant and animal modification. These discoveries include important steps forward in genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetic engineering, and related fields. They will also learn about the variety of social, political, philosophical, economic, and other issues that have arisen alongside these scientific advances, as well as about some of the laws, regulations, and other solutions that have been developed for dealing with the range of attitudes about genetically modified foods. The second edition covers developments since 2014. --Includes bibliographical references and index.
Subjects: Genetically modified foods.; Genetically modified foods; Genetically modified foods; Transgenic plants.; Food, Genetically Modified; Plants, Genetically Modified;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Big world, small planet : abundance within planetary boundaries / by Rockström, Johan.; Klum, Mattias.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 200-205)."'Big World, Small Planet' probes the urgent predicament of our times: how is it possible to create a positive future for both humanity and Earth? We have entered the Anthropocene - the era of massive human impacts on the planet - and the actions of over seven billion residents threaten to destabilize Earth's natural systems, with cascading consequences for human societies. In this extraordinary book, the authors combine the latest science with compelling storytelling and amazing photography to create a new narrative for humanity's future. Johan Rockström and Mattias Klum reject the notion that economic growth and human prosperity can only be achieved at the expense of the environment. They contend that we have unprecedented opportunities to navigate a 'good Anthropocene.' By embracing a deep mind-shift, humanity can reconnect to Earth, discover universal values, and take on the essential role of planetary steward. With eloquence and profound optimism, Rockström and Klum envision a future of abundance within planetary boundaries - revolutionary future that is at once necessary, possible, and sustainable for coming generations"--Amazon.comOur ten key messages -- The grand challenge. Our new predicament ; Planetary boundaries ; Big whammies ; Peak everything -- The great mind-shift. No business on a dead planet ; Unleashing innovation -- Sustainable solutions. Rethinking stewardship ; A dual-track strategy ; Solutions from nature.
Subjects: Nature; Environmentalism.; Sustainable development.; Sustainable living.; Climatic changes.; Risk assessment.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

When gadgets betray us : the dark side of our infatuation with new technologies / by Vamosi, Rob.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Looks at the important issues that are often overlooked in the race to find the best, fastest, and most cutting-edge technological wonders.A false sense of security -- The dark side of convenience -- Invisible threats -- Electronic bread crumbs -- Me, I'm not -- The myth of fingerprints -- Zeroes and ones.
Subjects: Pocket computers; Pocket computers; Pocket computers; Software failures; Computer crimes.;
© c2011., Basic Books,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Quick reference to adult and older adult forensics : a guide for nurses and other health care professionals / by Brown, Kathleen M,1950-; Muscari, Mary E.;
General principles -- Adults and older adults as victims -- As offenders -- Unnatural deaths -- Adult body diagrams -- Crime victim compensation programs.The book not only has full descriptions of principles of evidence, but also offers detailed guidelines on how to conduct a forensic assessment of adults and older adults. Additionally, the authors examine the concepts of competency and guardianship, and provide guidelines for navigating the justice system. The authors provide current, concise, and easy-to-use information in short chapters that assist practitioners with the prevention of crimes and the identification and management of both victims and offenders.Includes bibliographical references and index.
Subjects: Medical jurisprudence.; Nurses.; Forensic Medicine; Adult.; Aged.; Crime Victims.; Risk Assessment.; Violence;
© c2010., Springer Pub. Co.,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The poisoned city : Flint's water and the American urban tragedy / by Clark, Anna(Anna Leigh).;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 217-291) and index.Part I: Taught by thirst. The well ; Corrosion ; Revelations ; Saturation -- Part II: Divination. Alchemy ; Citizen/science ; Meditations in an emergency ; Blood -- Part III: Water's perfect memory. Switchback ; Legion ; Truth and reconciliation ; Genesis."Recounts the gripping story of Flint's poisoned water through the people who caused it, suffered from it, and exposed it. It is a chronicle of one town, but could also be about any American city, all made precarious by the neglect of infrastructure"--"When the people of Flint, Michigan, turned on their faucets in April 2014, the water pouring out was poisoned with lead and other toxins. Through a series of disastrous decisions, the state government had switched the city's water supply to a source that corroded Flint's aging lead pipes. Complaints about the foul-smelling water were dismissed: the residents of Flint, mostly poor and African American, were not seen as credible, even in matters of their own lives. It took eighteen months of activism by city residents and a band of dogged outsiders to force the state to admit that the water was poisonous. By that time, twelve people had died and Flint's children had suffered irreparable harm. The long battle for accountability and a humane response to this man-made disaster has only just begun. In the first full account of this American tragedy, The Poisoned City recounts the gripping story of Flint's poisoned water through the people who caused it, suffered from it, and exposed it. It is a chronicle of one town, but could also be about any American city, all made precarious by the neglect of infrastructure and the erosion of democratic decision making. Places like Flint are set up to fail--and for the people who live and work in them, the consequences can be fatal."--Jacket.
Subjects: Drinking water; Drinking water; Health risk assessment; Heavy metals; Water Supply; Public Health.; Heavy Metal Poisoning.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The disaster experts : mastering risk in modern America / by Knowles, Scott Gabriel.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Subjects: Emergency management; Emergency management; Disasters; Disaster relief; Risk assessment; Hazard mitigation;
© c2011., University of Pennsylvania Press,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

How everyday products make people sick : toxins at home and in the workplace / by Blanc, Paul D.,1951-;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 271-346) and index.This book reveals the hidden health dangers in many of the seemingly innocent products we encounter every day--a tube of glue in a kitchen drawer, a bottle of bleach in the laundry room, a rayon scarf on a closet shelf, a brass knob on the front door, a wood plank on an outdoor deck. A compelling exposé, written by a physician with extensive experience in public health and illustrated with disturbing case histories, this is a meticulously documented account of injury and illness across different time periods, places, and technologies. It presents a picture of how ordinary manufacturing processes and consumer marketing expose workers and the general public alike to toxic hazards. Among the surprisingly common hazards discussed: glue and rubber cement; chlorine bleach; rayon and other synthetic textiles; welding and other metal fumes; wood preservatives; gasoline additives.--From publisher description.The forgotten histories of "modern" hazards -- The shadow of smoke : how to evade regulation -- Good glue, better glue, superglue -- Under a green sea : the rising tide of chlorine -- Going crazy at work : cycles of carbon disulfide poisoning -- Job fever : inhaling dust and fumes -- Emerging toxins.
Subjects: Toxicology; Environmental health; Occupational diseases; Health risk assessment.; Product safety.; Environmental Illness; Occupational Diseases; Poisons; Risk Assessment; Toxicologie; Hygiène du milieu; Maladies professionnelles; Risques pour la santé; Produits commerciaux; Gewerbetoxikologie.; Umweltmedizin.;
© c2007., University of California Press,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1