
The future of the professions : how technology will transform the work of human experts / by Susskind, Richard E.; Susskind, Daniel,author.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 309-335) and index.This book predicts the decline of today's professions and describes the people and systems that will replace them. In an Internet society, according to Richard Susskind and Daniel Susskind, we will neither need nor want doctors, teachers, accountants, architects, the clergy, consultants, lawyers, and many others, to work as they did in the 20th century. The Future of the Professions explains how 'increasingly capable systems' - from telepresence to artificial intelligence - will bring fundamental change in the way that the 'practical expertise' of specialists is made available in society. The authors challenge the 'grand bargain' - the arrangement that grants various monopolies to today's professionals. They argue that our current professions are antiquated, opaque and no longer affordable, and that the expertise of the best is enjoyed only by a few. In their place, they propose six new models for producing and distributing expertise in society.
Subjects: Professional employees; Technological innovations;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Men still at work : professionals over sixty and on the job / by Fideler, Elizabeth F.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction -- Perspectives on aging and work -- A man's world -- The employment situation for adult workers in the United States -- Over sixty and on the job -- Where older men work -- Why older men work -- Personal challenges and concerns -- Doing unto others -- Men still at work.
Subjects: Older men; Professional employees; Retirement age; Age and employment;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The unfinished revolution : how a new generation is reshaping family, work, and gender in America / by Gerson, Kathleen.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 264-282) and index.Acknowledgments -- 1: Shaping of a new generation -- Part 1: Growing Up In Changing Families -- 2: Families beyond the stereotypes -- 3: Rising fortunes of flexible families -- 4: Domestic deadlocks and declining fortunes -- Part 2: Facing The Future -- 5: High hopes, lurking fears -- 6: Women's search for self-reliance -- 7: Men's resistance to equal sharing -- 8: Reaching across the gender divide -- 9: Finishing the gender revolution -- Appendix 1: List of respondents and sample demographics -- Appendix 2: Studying social and individual change -- Notes -- References -- Index.From the Publisher: The vast changes in family life-the rise of single, same-sex, and two-paycheck parents-have often been blamed for declining morality and unhappy children. Drawing upon pioneering research with the children of the gender revolution, Kathleen Gerson reveals that it is not a lack of "family values," but rigid social and economic forces that make it difficult to live out those values. In the controversial public debate over modern American families, The Unfinished Revolution takes a measured approach, looking at the young adults who grew up in the tumultuous post-feminist period. Despite the entrance of women into the workforce and the blurring of once clearly defined gender boundaries, men and women live in a world where the demands of balancing parenting and work, autonomy and commitment, time and money are left largely unresolved. Gerson finds that while an overwhelming majority of young men and women see an egalitarian balance within committed relationships as the ideal, today's social and economic realities remain based on traditional-and now obsolete-distinctions between bread winning and ca retaking. In this equity vacuum, men and women develop conflicting strategies, with women stressing self-reliance and men seeking a new traditionalism. With compassion for all perspectives, Gerson argues that whether one decides to give in to traditionally imbalanced relationships or to avoid marriage completely, these approaches are second-best responses, not personal preferences or inherent attributes, and they will shift if new options can be created to help people achieve their egalitarian aspirations. The Unfinished Revolution makes clear recommendations for the kinds of workplace and community changes that would best bring about a more egalitarian family life-a new flexibility at work and at home that benefits families, encourages a thriving economy, and helps women and men integrate love and work.
Subjects: Families; Work and family; Professional employees; Women employees; Male employees; Sex role; Gezin.; Arbeid.; Werkende vrouwen;
© 2010., Oxford University Press,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Creating healthy organizations : how vibrant workplaces inspire employees to achieve sustainable success / by Lowe, Graham S.;
The current global economic environment is defined by unprecedented uncertainty, a premium placed on knowledge, and the threat of future talent scarcity. Key to an organization's success under these conditions is its ability to strengthen the links between people and performance. Creating Healthy Organizations provides executives, managers, human resource professionals, and employees an action-oriented approach to forging these connections by creating and sustaining vibrant and productive workplaces.Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction -- The healthy organization -- Beyond workplace health promotion -- How vibrant workplaces inspire employees -- Positive cultures -- Inclusive leadership -- Healthy change -- Sustainable success -- Measuring progress -- Designing a healthy organization strategy.
Subjects: Employee motivation.; Job satisfaction.; Employee health promotion.; Quality of work life.; Leadership.; Corporate culture.; Organizational change.; Personnel; Satisfaction au travail.; Promotion de la santé en milieu de travail.; Qualité de la vie au travail.; Leadership.; Culture d'entreprise.; Changement organisationnel.;
© c2010., University of Toronto Press,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Working remotely : secrets to success for employees on distributed teams / by Douglas, Teresa,author.; Gordon, Holly,author.; Webber, Mike,author.;
Secrets of the right mentality -- Secrets of the outer and inner physical environment -- Secrets of communication -- Secrets of professional development and growth -- Secrets for special circumstances -- Secrets for managers."In Working Remotely, authors Mike, Holly, and Teresa discuss how to ward off toxic levels of loneliness, how to get what you need from colleagues spread across the world, and how to network and grow in your career when you are sitting in an office of one, plus many other topics that will help you survive and thrive as a remote worker. Mike, Holly, and Teresa use their different paths through Kaplan to help the remote worker figure out how to set up the right headspace for them"
Subjects: Telecommuting.; Virtual work teams.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Copyright Infringement / by Ullmann, Carol,editor.; Zott, Lynn M.(Lynn Marie),1969-editor.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 229-232) and index.What constitutes copyright infringement? -- Copyright infringement is theft / Jonathan Pink -- Copyright infringement is not theft / Ben Jones -- Is music sampling copyright infringement? / Maria Christine D. Aragones -- If you've ever sold a used iPod, you may have violated copyright law / Marvin Ammori -- Selling used digital goods is protected by the first-sale doctrine / Corynne McSherry -- What is the economic impact of copyright infringement? -- Copyright infringement hurts the economy / Department for Professional Employees -- The negative effects of copyright infringement are overstated / Julian Sanchez -- Why should we stop online piracy? / Matthew Yglesias -- Copyright infringement litigation creates legal and financial burdens / Eriq Gardner -- Music sales are hurt by copyright infringement / Steven Seidenberg -- Is copyright law effective? -- The digital millennium copyright act protects against copyright infringement / Jeffrey D. Neuburger -- The digital millennium copyright act jeopardizes fair use / Fred von Lohmann -- The copyright alert system will prevent copyright infringement / Recording Industry Association of America -- The copyright alert system violates consumers' rights and will not stop copyright infringement / Joey LeMay -- Creative commons licensing promotes creative works / Glyn Moody -- Innovate or legislate / Reihan Salam and Patrick Ruffini -- How does technology affect copyright infringement? -- Peer-to-peer services facilitate copyright infringement / Kollin J. Zimmermann -- Peer-to-peer services can be legitimized / Devindra Hardawar -- Self-published e-books encourage copyright infringement / Mike Essex -- Copyright infringement of e-books is an ethical grey area / Martin Paul Eve -- Copyright policy can adapt to changing technology / Laurence Kaye -- Changing technology has made traditional copyright policy obsolete / Chad Perrin."Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--
Subjects: Copyright infringement.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Legal and ethical issues for health professionals / by Pozgar, George D.,author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction to ethics -- Contemporary ethical dilemmas -- End-of-life dilemmas -- Health care ethics committee -- Development of law -- Introduction to law -- Government ethics and the law -- Organizational ethics and the law -- Health care professional legal-ethical issues -- Physician's ethical and legal issues -- Employee rights and responsibilities -- Patient consent -- Patient abuse -- Patient rights and responsibilities -- Summary case : search for truth.Written to assist in the transition from the classroom to the workplace, "Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals, Fifth Edition" provides readers with a clearer understanding of the issues they will face as health professionals, as well as, how law and ethics are so often intertwined. Through contemporary topics, real-world examples, and accessible, student-friendly language, this important resource offers readers an applied perspective, with an emphasis on development critical-thinking skills. -- From publisher's description.
Subjects: Medical laws and legislation; Medical personnel; Legislation, Medical.; Ethics, Clinical.; Health Personnel; Patient Rights.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

An employer's guide to managing professionals on the autism spectrum / by Scheiner, Marcia,author.; Bogden, Joan,author.; Philo, Meron,illustrator.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 243-246) and index.Part one: Introduction -- Part two: Social issues at work -- Part three: Work performance -- Part four: Sensory issues at work."This definitive guide helps managers and colleagues of employees with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to interact with, understand, and support professionals on the spectrum to ensure mutual success. The authors identify everyday workplace challenges faced by employees with an ASD and suggest reasonable, practical solutions. They explain the reason behind behavioral differences typically seen in employees with autism, such as missing non-verbal cues and resistance to change, and offer easy-to-implement strategies, including structuring and delivering instructions effectively to maximize work performance and rules for social situations, to ensure that professionals on the spectrum are an asset to any employer"--Back cover.
Subjects: Autistic people; People with disabilities; Autism spectrum disorders; Autism spectrum disorders;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Leadership roles and management functions in nursing : theory and application / by Huston, Carol Jorgensen,author.; Preceded by (work):Marquis, Bessie L.Leadership roles and management functions in nursing.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing was also influenced by national events in business and finance that led many to believe that a lack of leadership in management was widespread. It became apparent that if managers were to function effectively in the rapidly changing health care industry, enhanced leadership and management skills were needed"--
Subjects: Nursing services; Nurse administrators.; Nursing, Supervisory; Nurse Administrators; Nursing;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Leading with kindness : [electronic resource] : How good people consistently get superior results. by Baker, William F, PH.D.;
Without presenting a naive idea of kindness, this eye-opening book identifies the surprising attributes successful and resoundingly kind leaders share--revealing how traits like sincerity, honesty, and respect can benefit organizations and help them to thrive.In Leading With Kindness, business professionals will learn how to apply these lessons in their own workplace, gaining tips for how to:motivate employees, committee members, and others;recognize unique talents while nurturing all employees;establish a supportive environment;spur continuous organizational growth;adapt to change;and prepare the next generation of leaders.Subtly and very effectively, a gentler, more human conception of leadership has become the gold standard for excellence. Leading With Kindness shows leaders how they can leverage the deceptively complex notion of kindness as guiding principle to lead more effectively. -- provided by reproduction.
Subjects: Electronic books.; Leadership.; Employee motivation.; Organizational effectiveness.; Kindness.; Nonfiction.; Business.;
© 2009.,
On-line resources: -- Click to access digital title in OverDrive.;