
Our police / by Levin, Jack E.,1925-2018,author.; Levin, Mark R.(Mark Reed),1957-writer of preface.;
"In Our Police, Jack E. Levin uses his distinctive, vivid style to honor the brave men and women in uniform who spend their lives protecting us. He showcases the many members of the force-from the traffic police to the patrol car officers, the state troopers to the helicopter police-who are all dedicated and committed to protect and serve all the people of their community each and every day. Levin created this story to help young people see the police force as friends, guardians, and protectors, who work tirelessly to keep our world safe and secure." --
Subjects: Picture books for children.; Police; Police.;
© [2018], Aladdin,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Police brutality / by Ruth, Michael(Book editor),editor.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Subjects: Police brutality; Discrimination in law enforcement; Police; Police-community relations;
Available copies: 2 / Total copies: 2

Police unbound : corruption, abuse, and heroism by the boys in blue / by Bouza, Anthony V.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 285-293) and index.
Subjects: Police;
© 2001., Prometheus Books,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

American police : a history : the blue parade, 1945-2012. by Reppetto, Thomas A.; Reppetto, Thomas A.American police.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-246) and index.Introduction: A lifetime of crime -- Policing at the crossroads -- Professional policing emerges : Parker in Los Angeles, Schrotel in Cincinnati -- Detectives, Hoover, the mob, and youth gangs -- Reading the riot act : Jenkins in Atlanta, the Bull in Birmingham -- Far from the ivory tower : O.W. Wilson in Chicago -- Nixon's schemes fail, Webster saves the FBI -- Contrasting command styles : Murphy of New York, Rizzo of Philadelphia -- Chaos : cops lose the streets -- New York community policing and Gates' LAPD style both fail -- Fighting crime by the numbers : Bratton defies the experts -- Terrorism : Kelly in command -- Policing in the 21st century : old problems, new solutions -- Appendix A. Crimes of the century : the top 10 criminal investigations since 1945 -- Appendix B. Top cops : the 10 most important police administrators since 1945 -- Appendix C. Understanding police terminology.
Subjects: Police; Law enforcement;
© c2012., Enigma Books,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Police Officer Exam / [electronic resource]. by Schroeder, Donald.;
This updated manual includes practice tests and strategies for the different question types used by police departments throughout the country. Includes four full-length practice exams with questions answered and explained; two official exams given by a large metropolitan police department; strategies for taking computer-based multiple-choice tests; and more.Requires OverDrive Read (file size: N/A KB) or Adobe Digital Editions (file size: 15697 KB) or Kobo app or compatible Kobo device (file size: N/A KB) or Amazon Kindle (file size: N/A KB).
Subjects: Electronic books.; Police; Nonfiction.; Study Aids & Workbooks.;
© 2017., Barron's Educational Series,
On-line resources: -- Click to access digital title in OverDrive.;

Police officer exam / by Schroeder, Donald J.; Lombardo, Frank A.,author.;
About the Police Officer Examination -- Purpose of the test -- What a police officer does -- The steps to becoming a police officer -- How to apply for the test -- How to maximize your test scores -- Good study habits -- Ten rules for studying more effectively -- Strategies for taking computer-based multiple-choice examinations -- Strategies for handling multiple-choice questions -- Developing and using a time management plan -- Test material distributed in advance -- Dealing with tests presented on video -- The test format -- How to use this book effectively -- Diagnose your problem -- A diagnostic test -- Before you take the test -- The test -- Answer key -- Diagnostic procedure -- Answers explained -- 1. Understanding what you read -- 2. Recalling what you read -- 3. Recalling what you see -- 4. Understanding and applying police directives, procedures, and regulation -- 5. Understanding legal definitions -- 6. Troublesome question types -- 7. The oral interview -- 8. Report writing -- Test yourself -- Practice examination one -- Practice examination two -- Practice examintion three -- A final word -- A strategy for final preparation."This updated manual presents information, practice tests, and strategies for the different question types used by police departments throughout the country. It includes: Four full-length practice exams with all questions answered and explained; two official exams given by a large metropolitan police department; streamlining of chapters to more closely reflect the latest question types currently in use; general strategies for dealing with multiple-choice questions and specific strategies for taking computer-based multiple-choice tests, as well as for taking the traditional paper/pencil multiple-choice exam; all-important time management strategies; new reading comprehension question types; plus strategies for answering these questions. An additional diagnostic exam presents questions like those that have appeared on recent entry-level exams used by police departments across the country. Also included are test-taking tips for all question types, suggested rules for effective study, and a detailed description of a police officer's duties. Updated chapters take into account the recent trend by police departments to rely on oral interviews and computerized testing when selecting police officers"
Subjects: Study guides.; Police;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Supervision of police personnel / by Iannone, N. F.; Iannone, Marvin D.; Bernstein, Jeff,1953-;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 349-351) and index.The supervisor's role -- The supervisor's function in organization, administration, and management -- Leadership, supervision, and command presence -- The training function : problems and approaches -- The instructional process -- Interpersonal communications -- Principles of interviewing -- Some psychological aspects of supervision -- Special problems in counseling and remediation -- Employee dissatisfaction and grievances -- Discipline : principles, policies, and practices -- Personnel complaint investigation procedures and techniques -- Personnel evaluation systems -- Performance rating standards and methods -- Distribution and deployment of field forces -- Tactical deployment of field forces -- Conference leading.
Subjects: Police; Police administration;
© c2009., Pearson Prentice Hall,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Policing gun violence : strategic reforms for controlling our most pressing crime problem / by Braga, Anthony Allan,1969-author.; Cook, Philip J.,1946-author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."Policing Gun Violence makes the case that increasing the effectiveness of the police in gun-violence prevention is both possible and essential. It is essential because in many cities, gun violence is the most pressing crime problem, making cities less liveable and dragging down economic development. There is no good alternative to police authority for gaining control of criminal gangs and interrupting cycles of retaliation. Increasing police effectiveness is possible due to considerable advances in the understanding of what works (and what doesn't) in the strategic use of police resources. In particular, innovations such as focused deterrence, hot spots policing, procedural justice, and enhanced shooting investigations have been widely studied and offer real promise if implemented correctly. The challenges in this domain begin with the fact that low-income communities of color, which bear the brunt of gun violence, tend to be distrustful of the police. Residents of these communities often feel that they are overpoliced, due to heavy-handed tactics and all-too-common officer-involved shootings. But they also feel under-policed, as evidenced by slow response times, failure to intervene in tense situations, and low arrest rates for serious crime. A comprehensive strategy for policing gun violence requires a community focus and a commitment to reining in police misbehaviour. This book makes the case that, done correctly, policing gun violence is an urgent investment and a matter of social justice"--
Subjects: Gun control; Law enforcement; Police; Social justice; Marginality, Social;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

I love a cop : what police families need to know / by Kirschman, Ellen.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."Hi honey. I'm home." --  Married to the job: myths, realities, and relationships -- The way it is: givens and realities of police work -- The police officer's paradox -- Growing old in a young person's profession: how officers change with time -- Organizational stress: looking for love in all the wrong places -- Remarkable events -- Critical incidents, stress, and trauma -- From victim to survivor: working through trauma -- From battlefront to homefront: families and trauma -- Kids and trauma -- Emotional extremes -- Domestic abuse  -- Alcoholism, suicide, and addiction  -- Getting help -- Getting the help you need when you need it -- Special families, special issues -- Swimming upstream: special challenges facing women, minorities, LGBTQ cops  -- Cop couples -- Summing up -- Success stories."Police families are brave, resilient, and proud--and they face remarkable challenges, sometimes on a daily basis. Now thoroughly updated for today's turbulent times, this is the resource that cops and their loved ones have relied on for decades. Trusted expert Ellen Kirschman gives you practical ways to manage the stress of the job and create a healthy, supportive home environment. The third edition features the latest information, new stories from police families, two new chapters, and fully updated resources. Dr. Kirschman acknowledges the tough realities of life on the force and offers frank, realistic suggestions for handling everyday relationship dilemmas as well as serious issues like trauma, domestic violence, and alcohol abuse. Whether you read this book cover to cover or reach for it when problems arise, you will find no-nonsense guidance to help your family thrive"
Subjects: Police; Police; Police psychology.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Legal guide for police : constitutional issues / by Klotter, John C.;
Subjects: Criminal investigation; Preliminary examinations (Criminal procedure); Civil rights; Police;
© 2002., Anderson Pub.,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1