
The major works / by Keats, John,1795-1821.; Cook, Elizabeth,1952 August 27-;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 642-644) and indexes.
Subjects: English poetry.;
© 2008., Oxford University Press,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Leaves of grass / [electronic resource]. by Whitman, Walt.;
Leaves of Grass is a collection of poems by Walt Whitman originally published in 1855 at the poet's own expense. Criticized when first released for Whitman's use of free verse and his rather racy depictions of sexual love and the senses, Leaves of Grass is a celebration of the human form, the material world and nature.Grade 9 - Grade 12Requires OverDrive Read (file size: N/A KB) or Adobe Digital Editions (file size: 1200 KB) or Adobe Digital Editions (file size: 461 KB) or Amazon Kindle (file size: N/A KB) or Adobe Digital Editions (file size: 1198 KB) or Adobe Digital Editions (file size: 459 KB).
Subjects: Electronic books.; Fiction.; Poetry.;
© 2012., Duke Classics,
On-line resources: -- Click to access digital title in OverDrive.;

Emily Dickinson : [electronic resource] : Poems and Letters. by Dickinson, Emily.; O'Karma Alexandra.;
Narrator: Alexandra O'Karma.Emily Dickinson, born in 1830, was the granddaughter of the founder of Amherst College. Except for a few journeys when she was young, Emily lived the life of a recluse in her father's house, spending her days writing poems and letters. In 1862, she sent a few of her poems to a publisher. He replied that her work was too unusual, too different. This was her first and last attempt to reach the public ear. From then on, she bound her work in small hand-stitched collections that she kept in her bureau drawer. After Emily's death in 1885, her sister discovered over a thousand poems hidden away in drawers and boxes. Although Emily's experiences were limited, her poems are profound, often playful, contemplations of life, love, nature, time, and eternity. Each exhibits her extraordinary talent for combining startling imagery and unexpected rhymes. In addition to commentary and a selection of Dickinson's letters, this audioproduction includes 75 of her most treasured poems.Requires OverDrive Listen (file size: N/A KB) or OverDrive app (file size: 60841 KB).
Subjects: Electronic books.; Fiction.; Poetry.;
© 2008., Recorded Books Inc.,
On-line resources: -- Click to access digital title in OverDrive.;

The best of Ogden Nash / by Nash, Ogden,1902-1971.; Smith, Linell Nash.;
Nashional reflections, limericks, limicks -- Family matters -- He and she -- Traveling with Nash -- Sporting life -- Year in review -- Persons of interest -- Nashional Menagerie -- What's in a word? -- To your health -- Thirteenth floor -- This American life: Behind the scenes -- Eat, drink, and be merry -- Ages of man -- Curtain rises: Nashional performances -- For your consideration -- Nash's world.Collects more than five hundred humorous poems penned by the American author, including the famous "Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker."
Subjects: Humorous poetry, American.; Poetry.;
© ©2007., Ivan R. Dee,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Poems to learn by heart / by Kennedy, Caroline,1957-; Muth, Jon J.,ill.;
For this companion to her "New York Times"-bestselling collection "A Family of Poems," Kennedy has hand-selected more than 100 of her favorite poems that lend themselves to memorization.ALSC Notable Children's Book, 2014.
Subjects: Children's poetry.; American poetry.; English poetry.; Poetry; American poetry.; English poetry.; Poetry;
© c2013., Disney/Hyperion Books,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Where the sidewalk ends : the poems & drawings of Shel Silverstein. by Silverstein, Shel.;
A boy who turns into a TV set and a girl who eats a whale are only two of the characters in a collection of humorous poetry illustrated with the author's own drawings.
Subjects: Humorous poetry.; Humorous poetry.;
© [1974], Harper and Row,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The collected poems of Dylan Thomas / by Thomas, Dylan,1914-1953.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.I see the boys of summer -- When once the twilight locks no longer -- A process in the weather of the heart -- Before I knocked -- The force that through the green fuse drives the flower -- My hero bares his nerves -- Where once the waters of your face -- If I were tickled by the rub of love -- Our eunuch dreams -- Especially when the October wind -- When, like a running grave -- From love's first fever to her plague -- In the beginning -- Light breaks where no sun shines -- I fellowed sleep -- I dreamed my genesis -- My world is pyramid -- All all and all the dry worlds lever -- I, in my intricate image -- This bread I break -- Incarnate devil -- Today, this insect -- The seed-at-zero -- Shall gods be said to thump the clouds -- Here in this spring -- Do you not father me -- Out of the sighs -- Hold hard, these ancient minutes in the cuckoo's mouth.Presents poems compiled by the author as representations of his best work, including the poems "In The Beginning" and "Vision and Prayer."
© ©2010., New Directions,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Leaves of Grass : by Whitman, Walt,1819-1892.;
Leaves of grass -- Inscriptions -- Starting from Paumanok -- Song of myself -- Children of Adam -- Calamus -- Salut au monde! -- Song of the open road -- Crossing Brooklyn ferry -- Song of the answerer -- Our old fueillage -- Song of joys -- Song of the broad-axe -- Song of the exposition -- Song of the redwood-tree -- Song for occupations -- Song of the rolling Earth -- Youth, day, old age and night -- Birds of Passage -- Broadway pageant -- Sea-drift -- By the roadside -- Drum-taps -- Memories of President Lincoln -- By blue Ontario's shore -- Reversals --Autumn rivulets -- Proud music of the storm -- Passage to India -- Prayer of Columbus -- Sleepers -- Transpositions -- To think of time -- Whispers of heavenly death -- Thou mother with thy equal brood -- Paumanok picture -- From noon to starry night -- Songs of parting -- First annex: Sands at seventy -- Second annex: good-bye my fancy -- Notes -- Interpretive notes -- Critical excerpts -- Questions for discussion -- Suggestions for the interested reader.
Subjects: Whitman, Walt 1819-1892; Poetry;
© 2010., Simon & Schuster Inc.,
Available copies: 0 / Total copies: 1

The divine comedy / by Dante Alighieri,1265-1321,author.; Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth,1807-1882,translator.;
Subjects: Hell; Paradise; Purgatory;
© [2011], Simon & Brown,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Delphi collected works of Robert Frost (illustrated) / [electronic resource]. by Frost, Robert.;
One of the most popular and critically respected American poets of the twentieth century, Robert Frost created a body of poetry that is now celebrated for portraying the life of ordinary men, whilst being rich in its depiction of rural life and subtle in its handling of complex social and philosophical themes. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents the pre-1925 poetical works of Robert Frost, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 2) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Frost's life and works * Brief introduction to the life and poetry of Frost * Excellent formatting of the poems * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry * Easily locate the poems you want to read * Rare uncollected poems * Scholarly ordering of poems into chronological order * UPDATED with 2 collections: New Hampshire and Uncollected Poems Please note: the collection presents Frost's poetry up until 1924 to comply with US copyright law. CONTENTS: The Poetry Collections Brief Introduction: Robert Frost A Boy's Will (1915) North of Boston (1914) Mountain Interval (1916) New Hampshire (1923) Uncollected Poems The Poems List of Poems in Chronological Order List of Poems in Alphabetical Order Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titlesRequires OverDrive Read (file size: N/A KB) or Adobe Digital Editions (file size: 4078 KB) or Kobo app or compatible Kobo device (file size: N/A KB).
Subjects: Electronic books.; Fiction.; Poetry.;
© 2016., Delphi Classics,
On-line resources: -- Click to access digital title in OverDrive.;