
Golf : the art of the mental game : 100 classic golf tips / by Parent, Joseph.; Obetz, Christopher Robin.;
Presents one hundred tips on improving a golf score, from the essentials of the mental game and maintaining composure, to physical instruction on how to improve a swing.
Subjects: Golf; Golf.; Golf; Golf.;
© 2009, c2008., Universe,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Keep calm and parent on : a guilt-free approach to raising children by asking more from them and doing less / by Jenner, Emma.;
"Designed for children ages 0-7, Keep Calm and Parent On effectivelys put parenting expert Emma Jenner on your shoulder, helping you see your child's behavior objectively. Each chapter opens with a checklist, which is then broken down and explained. There are also handy sidebars throughout the chapters, as well as instructive and memorable quizzes. They also represent a deeper philosophy: if parents are in control, they can enjoy their children more. The book is truly interactive and designed to give parents bite-size takeaways that they can use immediately with their children"--Introduction : Fairy dust -- The dignified parent : For Mum and Dad -- The king's speech : Communication -- Soldiering forth to the Land of Nod : Sleep secrets -- A tale of porridge and pudding : Proper nutrition -- Little lords and ladies : Manner and respect -- A time and place for everything : Scheduling and routines -- The maginot line : Boundaries and consequences -- The lionhearted child : Self-esteem -- Quieting the rabble : Quality time -- Keep calm and parent on : Trusting your instincts.
Subjects: Parenting.; Parent and child.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Time to share! / by Parent, Nancy,author.; Aime, Luigi,illustrator.; Based on (work):Awdry, W.Railway series.; Tomatofarm (Firm),illustrator.;
"Thomas learns about sharing with his friend Percy"--Page 4 of cover.
Subjects: Thomas, the Tank Engine (Fictitious character); Railroad trains; Sharing; Courtesy; Railroad trains; Sharing;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Take your turn! / by Parent, Nancy,author.; Aime, Luigi,illustrator.; Based on (work):Awdry, W.Railway series.; Tomatofarm (Firm),illustrator.;
"Thomas learns about taking turns with his friends Fire Engine Flynn and Belle!"--Page 4 of cover.
Subjects: Thomas, the Tank Engine (Fictitious character); Railroad trains; Courtesy; Etiquette for children and teenagers;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Parenting mindfully : 101 ways to help raise responsible and caring kids in an unpredictable world / by DePino, Catherine,author.;
Introduction : How can mindfulness help you raise smart, caring, responsible kids? ; What are the basic principles of mindfulness? ; How to use this book -- Bolster confidence -- Encourage responsible behavior -- Boost emotional intelligence -- Motivate excellence -- Teach coping skills -- Instill compassion -- Nurture kindness -- Impart courtesy -- Foster respect -- Curb greediness -- Curtail conflicts -- Deliver meaningful consequences."More than ever, life in our world, nation, and communities appears insecure and unpredictable. Every day, new and disturbing incidents appear on the news that feed this sense of unrest. In our communities, people don't attempt to understand one another's points of view, causing compromise to give way to discord and conflict. This unremitting stress filters down to the way we raise our children and the way our kids respond to accepting the values we work hard to impart. Parenting Mindfully helps you provide your children with a buffer against the challenges they face at home, in school, and in the neighborhood. Following the principles of Mindfulness can help you raise kids who become school smart, street smart, caring human beings. If you want to promote character traits like compassion, kindness, and respect for you and others, using Mindfulness techniques will jumpstart these positive qualities in your children. Imagine what it would be like if you could begin to find a way to parent your kids successfully despite the growing negativity in the world. Parenting Mindfully can help both you and your kids discover a new and rewarding way of living."--Includes bibliographical references.
Subjects: Parenting.; Parent and child.; Caring in children.; Responsibility in children.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Parenting your parents : straight talk about aging in the family / by Mindszenthy, Bart J.,author.; Gordon, Michael,1941-,author.;
Subjects: Aging parents; Parent and adult child.; Adult children of aging parents;
© 2013., Dundurn Press,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Moving past PTSD : consciousness, understanding, and appreciation for military veterans and their families / by Parent, Jaime B.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.From World War I until today, the United States has failed to provide adequate transition support to millions of veterans leaving military service. Instead of providing meaningful jobs, access to quality health care and education, and fair and equitable housing, veterans learn that when their military service is done, they are now fighting a new battle--a failed bureaucracy that has let them and other veterans down for the past 100 years. It's not as if we as a nation haven't tried. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has seen the largest increase in funding in its history and has been given several free passes when the budget axe arrives. Federal funding and grants for education have also enjoyed similar financial favor; and housing opportunities have been increased. Yet on a rudimentary level, we as a nation cannot stop believing that GI Joe and Jane can't wait to come back home and pick up right where they left off before their military services began. The truth is, that person is gone and is not coming back. Many veterans, particularly those with PTSD are lost when returning home. [This book] hopes to break this cycle. In their own words, veterans, caregivers, and the family members that love them are given the opportunity to tell us what is truly broken in the military to civilian transition. Advances in clinical treatment, the presentation of a new, fast-track job training program, and new awareness for the challenges facing all military veterans changes our way of understanding of who the twenty-first century veteran is. Through this understanding, we can change their lives and they can change ours. -- Back cover.Status woe -- Invisible wounds -- When war games get real -- When innocence and innocents die -- A gold star mom's PTSD -- A sense of purpose -- Careers, not jobs -- At the intersection of the human spirit and theology -- Remembering equality in the workplace -- New clinical therapies for new types of war injuries -- You cured my PTSD? -- Not your father's VA -- Minority report -- The transgender veteran -- Family is a circle of strength -- Being all in -- I, veteran -- Epilogue: what you can do -- Appendix: EN-abled veteran internship implementation guide.
Subjects: Post-traumatic stress disorder.; Combat Disorders.; Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic.; Veterans Health.; Veterans;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Parenting a teen girl : a crash course on conflict, communication, and connection with your teenage daughter / by Hemmen, Lucie.;
Includes bibliographical references.Acknowledgments -- Talking trash about teens : a reality check -- A crash course on connection -- Self- care for sanity -- Talking with teens -- Eat, sleep, move : supporting your daughter?s health -- Walking on the wild side : supporting safe decision making -- Achievement stress rescue -- Taming the tech tiger -- Teen girl social and emotional evolution -- Cultivating happiness -- References.Parenting a teen girl is a guide for busy parents who want bottom-line information and tips that make sense-- and work. It also offers scripts to improve communication, and exercices to navigate stressful interactions with skill and compassion.
Subjects: Teenage girls.; Parenting.; Parent and child.;
© c2012., New Harbinger Publications,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The 5 principles of parenting : your essential guide to raising good humans / by Pressman, Aliza,author.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 317-323) and index.Introduction: Grounding your parenting in the science of child development -- Part one: The forest through the trees. Clearing away the noise -- Five parenting practices and five teachable skills to set up your child for resilience -- What makes a good human? -- Raising good parents -- Foundations for strong relationships -- Parent the kid you have -- Perfect parenting is the enemy of good parenting -- The delight lab -- Part two: From page to stage. Eat, poop, love -- The science of sleep -- A disciplined approach to discipline -- Common points of conflict -- Your child in the outside world -- Friends and siblings -- Transitions big and small -- The screen-time generation -- Sex, gender, and sexuality -- Finding your middle road.Drawing on nearly twenty years' experience, a developmental psychologist, providing expert advice and strategies, helps parents chart a manageable course for raising good humans that's aligned to their own values and their children's unique temperaments.
Subjects: Parenting.; Parent and child.; Child rearing.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Yell less, love more : how the Orange Rhino mom stopped yelling at her kids-and how you can too! / by McCraith, Sheila.,;
"A 30-day guide that includes 100 alternatives to yelling, simple daily steps to follow, honest stories to inspire."--Cover.The Orange Rhino: A person that parents with warmth and determination and who doesn't charge with words when angry, impatient, or simply in a bad mood. McCraith provides practical, simple solutions to keep you focused on loving more and yelling less, no matter what the circumstance.The Orange Rhino story -- Ease into change -- Gain awareness -- Practice trigger management -- Prepare to charge forward -- Start to yell less, and love more -- Get calm when things (the kids?) are getting crazy -- Find warmth when all you feel is anger -- Stay determined when you just want to quit -- Beyond day 30 -- Summary of key points.
Subjects: Parenting.; Parent and child.; Interpersonal conflict.; Emotions.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1