Results 1 to 4 of 4
- The baby signing book : includes 450 ASL signs for babies & toddlers / by Bingham, Sara.; Villanueva, Jamie,illustrator.;
- Includes bibliographical references and index."Babies can learn to sign before they can speak, and sign language gives them a way to express their wants and needs, easing their frustration. It allows parents to know that their babies are thinking, curb challenging behavior, and have fun 'chatting' about daily activities. A special world of communication awails you, where you will create wonderful memories that will last your family a lifetime. With this easy-to-follow program, you and your baby will enjoy learning American Sign Language (ASL) signs." - back cover.
- Subjects: Nonverbal communication in infants.; Interpersonal communication in infants.; American Sign Language.; Sign language.; Baby sign language.;
- © 2013., R. Rose,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Guiding children's social development & learning : theory and skills / by Kostelnik, Marjorie J.; Whiren, Alice Phipps,author.; Soderman, Anne Keil,author.; Rupiper, Michelle,author.;
- Includes bibliographical references (pages 517-544) and index.Making a difference in children's lives -- Good beginnings: establishing relationships with infants and toddlers -- Building positive relationships through nonverbal communication -- Promoting children's positive sense of self through verbal communication -- Supporting children's emotional development and learning -- Building resilience in children -- Play as a context for social social development and learning -- Supporting children's peer relationships and friendships -- Influencing children's social development by structuring the physical environment -- Fostering self-regulation in children: communication expectations and rules -- Fostering self-regulation in children: the role of consequences -- Handling children's aggressive behavior -- Fostering healthy attitudes about sexuality and diversity -- Making ethical judgments and decisions."...focuses on ways professionals can help children develop both positive feelings about themselves and social competence." -
- Subjects: Child development.; Socialization.; Social skills in children.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Psychology & behavioral health, volume 3, Identity crises - Phobias / by Moglia, Paul,editor.;
- Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Identity crises -- Implosion -- Imprinting -- Impulse control disorders (ICD) -- Incentive theory of motivation -- Incompetency -- Indigenous psychology -- Individual psychology: Alfred Adler -- Inductive reasoning -- Industrial and organizational psychology -- Infant feeding -- Infant sleep -- Infidelity -- Inhibitory and excitatory impulses -- Insanity defense -- Insomnia and sleep disorders -- Instinct theory -- Intelligence -- Intelligence quotient (IQ) and measuring intelligence -- Intelligence tests -- Interest inventories -- International Classification of Diseases (ICD) -- Internet psychology -- Interpersonal attraction -- Intervention -- Interviewing -- Intimacy -- Introverts and extroverts -- James, William -- Jealousy -- Jung, Carl -- Jungian psychology -- Juvenile delinquency and development -- Kelly, George A. -- Kinesthetic memory -- Kinsey, Alfred -- Kleptomania -- Kohlberg, Lawrence -- Kraepelin, Emil -- Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth -- Kuder occupational interest survey (KOIS) -- Lacan, Jacques -- Language -- Latinos and mental health -- Law and psychology -- Leadership -- Learned helplessness -- Learning -- Learning disorders -- Lewin, Kurt -- LGBTQ+ psychology -- Linguistics -- Little Albert study -- Lobotomy -- Logic and reasoning -- Long-term memory -- Lorenz, Konrad -- Love -- Luminosity -- Marijuana -- Marijuana dependence -- Marriage -- Marriage and family therapists -- Masculinity -- Maslow, Abraham -- Masters, William H., and Virginia E. Johnson -- Maturity -- May, Rollo -- McGraw, Dr. Philip -- Media exposure and mental health -- Media psychology -- Meditation -- Meditation and relaxation -- Memory -- Memory: Animal research -- Memory disorders -- Memory: Empirical studies -- Memory: Enhancement -- Memory: Physiology -- Memory: Sensory -- Memory storage.Men's mental health -- Mental blocks -- Mental health parity -- Mental health practitioners -- Mental illness: Historical concepts -- Microagression -- Midlife crisis -- Milgram experiment -- Miller, Neal E., and John Dollard -- Millon, Theodore -- Mindfulness -- Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI) -- Misbehavior -- Mischel, Walter -- Mood disorders -- Mood stabilizer medications -- Moral development -- Mother-child relationship -- Motivation -- Motivation: Intrinsic and extrinsic -- Motor development -- Multicultural disability competence -- Multicultural psychology -- Multiple intelligences -- Multiple personality -- Multiple sclerosis -- Munchausen syndrome and Munchausen syndrome by proxy -- Murray, Henry A -- Music, dance, and theater therapy -- Myers-Briggs personality type indicator -- Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) -- Narcolepsy -- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) -- Native Americans/Alaskan Natives and mental health -- Nearsightedness and farsightedness -- Nervous system -- Neurons -- Neuropsychology -- Neurotic disorders -- Neurotransmitters -- Nicotine dependence -- Nonbinary and nonidentifying gender -- Nonverbal communication and social cognition -- Nutrition and mental health -- Obesity -- Observational learning and modeling therapy -- Observational methods -- Obsessive-compulsive disorder -- Oedipus complex -- Operant conditioning therapies -- Optimal arousal theory -- Organizational behavior and consulting -- Pain -- Pain management -- Panic attacks -- Paranoia -- Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) -- Parenting and behavioral addictions -- Parenting styles -- Parkinson's disease -- Passive aggression -- Pattern recognition -- Pattern vision -- Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich -- Pavlovian conditioning -- Peabody individual achievement test (PIAT) -- Peak experiences -- Penis envy -- Person-centered therapy (PCT) -- Personal constructs: George A. Kelly -- Personality disorders -- Personality interviewing strategies.Personality: Psychophysiological measures -- Personality rating scales -- Personality theory -- Personology theory: Henry A. Murray -- Pervasive developmental disorders -- Philosophy and psychology -- Phobias.Provides a comprehensive five-volume set that covers not only the history of the field and the core aspects of behaviorism, cognitive psychology, and psychoanalytic psychology, but also diagnoses, disorders, treatment, assessment, and notable individuals in the field.10-A.Mode of access: Internet.
- Subjects: Psychology, Applied; Mental health; Mental illness; Medicine and psychology; Applied psychology; Mental health; Mental illness; Medicine;
- On-line resources: -- Available online. Click here to access.;
- Salem Health : Psychology & Behavioral Health / by Moglia, Paul,editor.;
- 10-A.Provides a comprehensive five-volume set that covers notable theories, people, social issues, life stages, the physiology and anatomy of the nervous system, and various mental illnesses or conditions, all in a simple, easy to use A-Z format.Includes bibliographical references and indexes.VOLUME 1: ABILITY TESTS - COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY: Publisher's Note -- Editor's Introduction -- Contributors -- Ability tests -- Abnormality: Biomedical models -- Abnormality: Legal models -- Abnormality: Psychological models -- Achievement motivation -- Addictive personality and behaviors -- Adler, Alfred -- Adlerian psychotherapy -- Adolescence: Cognitive skills -- Adolescence: Cross-cultural patterns -- Adolescence: Sexuality -- Adrenal gland -- Adult ADHD -- Advertising -- Affiliation and friendship -- Affiliation motive -- African Americans and mental health -- Ageism -- Aggression -- Aggression: Reduction and control -- Aging: Cognitive changes -- Aging: Physical changes -- Aging: Theories -- Agoraphobia and panic disorders -- Air rage -- Albee, George W. -- Alcohol dependence and abuse -- Allport, Gordon -- Altered states of consciousness -- Altruism, cooperation, and empathy -- Alzheimer's disease -- American Psychiatric Association -- American Psychological Association -- Amnesia and fugue -- Analytic psychology: Jacques Lacan -- Analytic psychology: Carl Jung -- Analytical psychotherapy -- Anger -- Anger management -- Animal experimentation -- Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa -- Antianxiety medications -- Antidepressant medications -- Antipsychotic personality disorder -- Anxiety disorders -- Aphasias -- Archetypes and the collective unconscious -- Archival data -- Artificial intelligence -- Asperger syndrome -- Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders and mental health -- Assessment -- Assessment of the Hispanic community -- Assimilative family therapy model -- Assisted living -- Attachment and bonding in infancy and childhood -- Attention -- Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) -- Attitude-behavior consistency -- Attitude formation and change -- Attraction theories -- Attributional biases -- Autism -- Autism spectrum disorder -- Automaticity -- Aversion therapy -- Avoidant personality disorder -- Bad-Boy appeal -- Bandura, Albert -- Battered woman syndrome -- Beck, Aaron T. -- Beck depression inventory (BDI) -- Bed-wetting -- Behavior therapy -- Behavioral addiction -- Behavioral assessment -- Behavioral economics -- Behavioral family therapy -- Behaviorism -- Bilingualism and learning disabilities -- Binet, Alfred -- Biofeedback and relaxation -- Bipolar disorder -- Biracial heritage and mental health -- Birth: Effects on physical development -- Birth order and personality -- Blau, Theodore H. -- Bobo doll experiment -- Body dysmorphic disorder -- Borderline personality disorder -- Brain damage -- Brain laterlization -- Brain structure -- Breuer, Josef -- Brief therapy -- Bronfenbrenner, Urie -- Bruner, Jerome -- Bullying -- Bystander intervention -- Caffeine and mental health -- Calilfornia psychological inventory (CPI) -- Cancer and mental health -- Cannon, Walter Bradford -- Career and personnel testing -- Career occupational preference system (COPS) -- Career selection, development, and change -- Case study methodologies -- Causal attribution -- Child abuse -- Childhood disorders -- Childhood obesity -- Children's depression inventory (CDI) -- Children's mental health -- Christian counseling -- Chronic pain management: Psychological impact -- Circadian rhythms -- Clinical interviewing, testing, and observation -- Coaching -- Codependency -- Cognitive abilities test (CogAT) -- Cognitive ability: Gender differences -- Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) -- Cognitive development: Jean Piaget -- Cognitive dissonance -- Cognitive maps -- Cognitive psychology -- Cognitive social learning: Walter Mischel -- Cognitive therapy (CT) -- Collectivism -- College entrance examinations and cultural biases -- Community psychology / VOLUME 2: COMORBIDITY - HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY: Comorbidity -- Complex experimental designs -- Computer and internet use and mental health -- Computer models of cognition -- Concept formation -- Conditioning -- Conduct disorder -- Confidentiality -- Consciousness -- Consciousness: Altered states -- Constructivist psychology -- Consumer psychology -- Cooperation, competition, and negotiation -- Cooperative learning -- Coping: Chronic illness -- Coping: Social support -- Coping: Strategies -- Coping: Terminal illness -- Cosmetics and beauty -- Couples therapy -- Creative reminiscence -- Creativity -- Creativity and intelligence -- Creativity: Assessment -- Crisis intervention -- Cross-cultural psychology -- Crowd behavior -- Cultural competence -- Culture and diagnosis -- Culture-bound syndromes -- Data description -- Death and dying -- Deception and lying -- Decision making -- Deductive reasoning -- Defensive mechanisms -- Defense reactions: Species-specific -- Dementia -- Denial -- Depression -- Depth and motion perception -- Despair -- Development -- Developmental disabilities -- Developmental methodologies -- Developmental psychology -- Dewey, John -- Diagnosis -- Dialectical behavioural therapy -- Disability: Psychological impact -- Disaster psychology -- Discipline -- Dissociative disorders -- Dix, Dorothea -- Dog psychology -- Dolphin psychology -- Domestic violence -- Down syndrome -- Dreams -- Drive theory -- Drug therapies -- DSM-5 -- DSM-5: Controversies -- Dysgraphia -- Dyslexia -- Eating disorders -- Ebbinghaus, Hermann -- Ecological psychology -- Educational psychology -- Ego defense mechanisms -- Ego psychology: Erik H. Erikson -- Ego, superego, and id -- Elder abuse -- Elders' mental abuse -- Electronic media and psychological impact -- Elimination disorders -- Ellis, Albert -- Emotional abuse -- Emotional expression -- Emotional intelligence (EI) -- Emotions -- Encoding -- Endocrine system and behavior -- Endorphins -- Environmental factors and mental health -- Environmental psychology -- Environmental toxicology and mental health -- Erikson, Erik H. -- Ethology -- Evolutionary psychology -- Executive functions -- Exercise addiction -- Exercise and mental health -- Existential psychology -- Experimentation: Ethics and participant rights -- Experimentation: Independent, dependent, and control variables -- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) -- Eyewitness testimony -- Eysenck, Hans -- Facial feedback -- Factitioius disorders -- Families and behavioral addictions -- Families and substance abuse -- Family dynamics -- Family life: Adult issues -- Family life: Children's issues -- Family system theory -- Father-child relationship -- Fear -- Femininity -- Feminist psychotherapy -- Fetishes -- Field experimentation -- Field theory: Kurt Lewin -- Fight-or-flight response -- Flying phobia -- Forensic psychology -- Forgetting and forgetfulness -- Forgiveness -- Freud, Anna -- Freud, Sigmund -- Freudian psychology -- Fromm, Erich -- Frontotemporal dementia (Pick's Disease) -- Gambling -- Games and mental health -- Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender mental health -- Gender differences -- Gender identity disorder -- Gender identity formation -- Gender roles and gender role conflicts -- General adaption syndrome (GAS) -- General aptitude test battery (GATB) -- Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) -- Genetics and mental health -- Geriatric psychological disorders -- Gesell, Arnold -- Gestalt therapy -- Giftedness -- Gilligan, Carol -- Gonads -- Gossip -- Grammar and speech -- Gratitude -- Grieving -- Group decision making -- Group therapy -- Groups -- Guilt -- Habituation and sesnsitization -- Hall, G. Stanley -- Hallucinations -- Hate crimes: Psychological causes and effects -- Health insurance -- Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) -- Health psychology / VOLUME 3: HEARING - PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME: Hearing -- Help-seeking -- Helping -- Hierarchy of needs -- Histrionic personality disorder -- Hoarding -- Holland, John L. -- Homelessness: Psychological causes and effects -- Homosexuality -- Hope -- Hope and mental health -- Hormones and behavior -- Horney, Karen -- Hospice -- Hull, Clark L. -- Human resource training and development -- Humanistic psychology -- Humanistic trait models: Gordon Allport -- Hunger -- Hypochondriasis, conversation and somatization -- Hypothesis development and testing -- Hysteria -- Identity crises -- Implosion -- Imprinting -- Impulse control disorders (ICD) -- Incentive theory of motivation -- Incompetency -- Individual psychology: Alfred Adler -- Inductive reasoning -- Industrial and organizational psychology -- Infant feeding -- Infant sleep -- Infidelity -- Inhibitory and excitatory impulses -- Insanity defense -- Insomnia -- Insomnia and sleep disorders -- instinct theory -- Intelligence -- Intelligence quotient (IQ) -- Intelligence quotient (IQ) and measuring intelligence -- Intelligence tests -- Interest inventories -- International Classification of Diseases (ICD) -- Internet psychology -- Interpersonal attraction -- Intervention -- Interviewing -- Intimacy -- Introverts and extroverts -- James, William -- Jealousy -- Jung, Carl -- Jungian psychology -- Juvenile delinquency and development -- Kelly, George A. -- Kinesthetic memory -- Kinsey, Alfred -- Kleptomania -- Kohlberg, Lawrence -- Kraepelin, Emil -- Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth -- Kuder occupational interest survey (KOIS) -- Lacan, Jacques -- Language -- Latinos and mental health -- Law and psychology -- Leadership -- Learned helplessness -- Learning -- Learning disorders -- Lewin, Kurt -- Linguistics -- Little Albert study -- Lobotomy -- Logic and reasoning -- Long-term memory -- Lorenz, Konrad -- Love -- Luminosity -- Marijuana -- Marijuana dependence -- Marriage -- Marriage and family therapists -- Masculinity -- Maslow, Abraham -- Masters, William H., and Virginia E. Johnson -- May, Rollo -- McGraw, Dr. Philip -- Media exposure and mental health -- Media psychology -- Meditation -- Meditation and relaxation -- Memory -- Memory: Animal research -- Memory disorders -- Memory: Empirical studies -- Memory: Enhancement -- Memory: Physiology -- Memory: Sensory -- Memory storage -- Men's mental health -- Mental blocks -- Mental health parity -- Mental health practitioners -- Mental illness: Historical concepts -- Mental retardation -- Midlife crisis -- Milgram experiment -- Miller, Neal E., and John Dollard -- Millon, Theodore -- Mindfulness -- Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI) -- Misbehavior -- Mischel, Walter -- Mood disorders -- Mood stabilizer medications -- Mother-child relationship -- Motivation -- Motivation: Intrinsic and extrinsic -- Motor development -- Multicultural disability competence -- Multicultural psychology -- Multiple intelligences -- Multiple personality -- Munchausen syndromoe and Munchausen syndrome by proxy -- Murray, Henry A. -- Music, dance, and theater therapy -- Myers-Briggs personality type indicator -- Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) -- Narcolepsy -- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) -- Native Americans/Alaskan Natives and mental health -- Nearsightedness and farsightedness -- Nervous system -- Neurons -- Neuropsychology -- Neurotic disorders -- Neurotransmitters -- Nicotine dependence -- Nonverbal communication and social cognition -- Nutrition and mental health -- Obesity -- Observational learning and modeling therapy -- Observational learning and modeling therapy -- Observational methods -- Obsessive-compulsive disorder -- Oedipus complex -- Operant conditioning therapies -- Optimal arousal theory -- Organizational behavior and consulting -- Pain -- Pain management -- Panic attacks -- Paranoia -- Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) / VOLUME 4: PARENTING AND BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS - SLEEP: Parenting and behavioral addictions -- Parenting styles -- Parkinson's disease -- Passive aggression -- Pattern recognition -- Pattern vision -- Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich -- Pavlovian conditioning -- Peabody individual achievement test (PIAT) -- Peak experiences -- Penis envy -- Person-centered therapy (PCT) -- Personal constructs: George A. Kelly -- Personality disorders -- Personality interviewing strategies -- Personality: Psychophysiological measures -- Personality rating scales -- Personality theory: Henry A. Murray -- Pervasive developmental disorders -- Philosophy and psychology -- Phobias -- Physical development: Environment versus genetics -- Piaget, Jean -- Pinel, Philippe --Pituitary gland -- Placebo effect -- Play therapy -- Pornography addiction -- Positive psychology -- Postpartum depression -- Post-traumatic stress (PTS) -- Power -- Prejudice -- Prejudice and stereotyping -- Prejudice reduction -- Prenatal physical development -- Problem-solving strategies -- Procrastination -- Profiling -- Projection -- Psychoanalysis -- Psychoanalytic psychology -- Psychoanalytic psychology and personality: Sigmund Freud -- Psychobiology -- Psychologically healthy workplace -- Psychology and film -- Psychology: Definition -- Psychology: Field of specialization -- Psychology: History -- Psycho-oncology -- Psychopathology -- Psychopharmacology -- Psychosexual development --Psychosomatic disorders -- Psychosurgery -- Psychotherapy: Children -- Psychotherapy: Effectiveness -- Psychotherapy: Goals and techniques -- Psychotherapy: Historical approaches -- Psychotic disorders -- Punishment -- Qualitative research -- Quality of life -- Quasi-experimental designs -- Race and intelligence -- Racism -- Radical behaviorism: B.F. Skinner -- Rape -- Rape and sexual assault -- Rational emotive therapy -- Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) -- Reality therapy -- Reality TV -- Recency effects -- Reflexes -- Reflexes in newborns -- Reinforcement -- Relaxation response: Herbert Benson -- Religion and psychology -- Religiosity -- Repressed memories -- Research ethics -- Reticular formation -- Retirement -- Risk assessments -- Road rage -- Rogers, Carl R. -- Romantic addiction -- Rorschach, Hermann -- Rorschach inkblots -- Rosenhan experiment -- Rule-governed behavior -- S-R theory: Neal E. Miller and John Dollard -- Sadism and masochism -- Sampling -- Satir, Virginia -- Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) -- Schizophrenia: Background, types, and symptoms -- Schizophrenia: High-risk children -- Schizophrenia: Theoretical explanations -- Schizotypal personality disorder -- Scientific methods -- Seasonal affective disorder -- Self -- Self-actualization -- Self-disclosure -- Self-efficacy -- Self-esteem -- Self-help groups -- Self-perception theory (SPT) -- Self-presentation -- Seligman, Martin E.P. -- Selye, Hans -- Sensation and perception -- Senses -- Separation and divorce: Adult issues -- Separation and divorce: Children's issues -- Separation anxiety -- Sex addiction -- Sex hormones and motivation -- Sexism -- Sexual abuse -- Sexual behavior patterns -- Sexual dysfunction -- Sexual harassment: Psychological causes and effects -- Sexual orientation -- Sexual predatory behaviors -- Sexual variants and paraphilias -- Shift work -- Shock therapy -- Short-term memory -- Shyness -- Sibling relationships -- Signal detection theory -- Skinner, B.F. -- Skinner box -- Sleep / VOLUME 5: SLEEP APENA - PHILIP ZIMBARDO: Sleep apnea -- Sleep disorders -- Sleep hygiene -- Smell and taste -- Social identity theory -- Social learning: Albert Bandura -- Social networks -- Social perception -- Social psychological models: Erich Fromm -- Social psychological models: Karen Horney -- Social schemata -- Social support and mental health -- Sociopaths -- Speech disorders -- Speech perception -- Spirituality and mental health -- Split-brain studies -- Sports psychology -- Stanford-Binet test -- Stanford prison experiment -- State-trait anxiety inventory (STAI) -- Statistical significance tests -- Stepfamilies -- Stimulant medications -- Strategic family therapy -- Stress: Behavioral and psychological responses -- Stress: Physiological responses -- Stress-related diseases -- Stress: Theories -- Strong interest inventory (SII) -- Structuralism and functionalism -- Stuttering -- Substance abuse and Mental Health Services Administration -- Substance abuse disorders -- Suicide -- Sullivan, Harry Stack -- Support groups -- Survey research: Questionnaires and interviews -- Synaptic transmission -- Synesthesia -- Systematic desensitization -- Systems theories -- Taste aversion -- Teaching methods -- Teenage suicide -- Teenagers' mental health -- Temperature -- Terrorism: Psychological causes and effects -- Testing: Historical perspectives -- Testing, tests, and measurement -- Thematic apperception test (TAT) -- Thirst -- Thorndike, Edward L. -- Thought: Inferential -- Thought: Study and measurement -- Thyroid gland -- Tic disorders -- Time-out -- Tolman, Edward C. -- Touch and pressure -- Tourette's syndrome -- Toxic environments and human development -- Transactional analysis (TA) -- Transgender psychology -- Transtheoretical model -- Transvestism -- Twin studies -- Type A behavior pattern -- Verbal abuse -- Victimization -- Violence and sexuality in the media -- Violence by children and teenagers -- Violence: Psychological causes and effects -- Virtual reality -- Vision: Brightness and contrast -- Vision: Color -- Visual system -- Watson, John B. -- Wechsler intelligence scale for children -- Wellness -- Within-subject experimental design -- Women's mental health -- Women's psychology: Carol Gilligan -- Women's psychology: Karen Horney -- Women's psychology: Sigmund Freud -- Work motivation -- Workforce reentry -- Workplace issues and mental health -- Yalom, Irvin D. -- Zimbardo, Philip -- Glossary -- Bibliography -- Website directory -- Mediagraphy -- Organizations and support groups -- Category index -- Subject index.
- Subjects: Psychology, Applied; Mental health; Mental illness; Medicine and psychology;
- On-line resources: -- Available online. Click here to access.;
Results 1 to 4 of 4