Results 1 to 2 of 2
- My first book of mammals / by Phillips, Dee,1967-;
- Meet the mammals -- A world of animals -- Mammal habitats -- Anteater -- Antelope -- Arctic hare -- Baboon -- Beaver -- Blue whale -- Buffalo -- Camel -- Cheetah -- Chimpanzee -- Dolphin -- Duck-billed platypus -- Elephant -- Fruit bat -- Giant panda -- Giraffe -- Gorilla -- Grizzly bear -- Hippopotamus -- Kangaroo -- Koala -- Lemur -- Leopard -- Lion -- Mandrill -- Meerkat -- Moose -- Orangutan -- Orca -- Otter -- Polar bear -- Porcupine -- Raccoon -- Reindeer -- Rhinoceros -- Seal -- Snow monkey -- Tamarin -- Tiger -- Walrus -- Warthog -- Wolf -- Zebra.
- Subjects: Mammals; Marsupials; Monotremes; Mammals.;
- © 2008., Ticktock Media,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The Gale encyclopedia of science / by Nemeh, Katherine H.,editor.; Longe, Jacqueline L.,editor.; Gale (Firm);
- Includes bibliographical references and index.Aardvark -- Abacus -- Abrasives -- Abscess -- Absolute zero -- Abyssal plain -- Acceleration -- Accelerators -- Accretion disk -- Accuracy -- Acetic acid -- Acetone -- Acetylcholine -- Acetylsalicylic acid -- Acid rain -- Acids and bases -- Acne -- Acorn worm -- Acoustics -- Actinides -- Action potential -- Activated complex -- Active galactic nuclei -- Acupressure -- Acupuncture -- ADA (adenosine deaminase) deficiency -- Adaptation -- Addiction -- Addison's disease -- Addition -- Adenosine diphosphate -- Adenosine triphosphate -- Adhesive -- Adipocere -- Adrenals -- Aerobic -- Aerodynamics -- Aerosols -- Aerospace engineering -- Aflatoxin -- Africa -- Agent Orange -- Aging and death -- Agouti -- Agribusiness -- Agricultural machines -- Agrochemicals -- Agronomy -- AIDS -- AIDS therapies and vaccines -- Air masses and fronts -- Air pollution -- Aircraft -- Airship -- Albatross -- Albedo -- Albinism -- Alchemy -- Alcohol -- Alcoholism -- Aldehydes -- Alfalfa, genetically engineered -- Algae -- Algal blooms -- Algebra -- Algorithm -- Alkali metals -- Alkaline earth metals -- Alkaloid -- Alkyl group -- Alleles -- Allergy -- Allotrope -- Allotype -- Alloy -- Alluvial systems -- Alpha particle -- Alternate light source analysis -- Alternative and renewable energy -- Alternative energy sources -- Alternative medicine -- Altruism -- Aluminum -- Aluminum hydroxide -- Alzheimer's disease -- Amaranth family (Amaranthaceae) -- Amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae) -- American Standard Code for Information Interchange -- Ames test -- Amicable numbers -- Amides -- Amino acid -- Ammonia -- Ammonification -- Amnesia -- Amniocentesis -- Amoeba -- Amphetamines -- Amphibians -- Amplifier -- Amputation -- Anabolism -- Anaerobic -- Analemma -- Analgesia -- Analog signals and digital signals -- Analytic geometry -- Anaphylaxis -- Anatomy -- Anatomy, comparative -- Anchovy -- Anemia -- Anesthesia -- Aneurism -- Angelfish -- Angiography -- Angiosperm -- Angle -- Anglerfish -- Animal -- Animal breeding -- Animal cancer tests -- Animal cloning -- Animal testing -- Anion -- Anode -- Anoles -- Antarctica -- Antbirds and gnat-eaters -- Anteaters -- Antelopes and gazelles -- Antenna -- Anthrax -- Anthropocentrism -- Anthropogenic -- Anthropometry -- Antibacterial drugs -- Antibiotic resistance -- Antibiotics -- Antibody and antigen -- Anticoagulants -- Anticonvulsants -- Antidepressant drugs -- Antihelmintics -- Antihistamines -- Anti-inflammatory agents -- Antimatter -- Antimetabolites -- Antioxidants -- Antiparticle -- Antipsychotic drugs -- Antisepsis -- Antiviral drugs -- Antlions -- Ant-pipits -- Ants -- Anxiety -- Apes -- Apgar score -- Aphasia -- Aphids -- Approximation -- Apraxia -- Aquaculture -- Aqueduct -- Aquifer -- Arachnids -- Arapaima -- Arc -- Arc lamp -- Archaebacteria -- Archaeoastronomy -- Archaeogenetics -- Archaeological mapping -- Archaeological sites -- Archaeology -- Archaeometallurgy -- Archaeometry -- Arctic region -- Arithmetic -- Armadillos -- Arrow worms -- Arrowgrass -- Arrowroot -- Arsenic -- Arteries -- Arteriosclerosis -- Arthritis -- Arthropods -- Arthroscopic surgery -- Artifacts and artifact classification -- Artificial fibers -- Artificial heart and heart valve -- Artificial intelligence -- Artificial vision -- Arum family (Araceae) -- Asbestos -- Asexual reproduction -- Asia -- Assembly line -- Asses -- Associative property -- Asteraceae -- Asteroid 2002 AA29 -- Asthenosphere -- Asthma -- Astrobiology -- Astroblemes -- Astrolabe -- Astrometry -- Astronomical unit -- Astronomy -- Astrophysics -- Atmosphere, composition and structure -- Atmosphere observation -- Atmospheric chemistry -- Atmospheric circulation -- Atmospheric feedback factors -- Atmospheric optical phenomena -- Atmospheric pressure -- Atmospheric temperature -- Atomic clock -- Atomic models -- Atomic number -- Atomic spectroscopy -- Atomic theory -- Atomic weight -- Atoms -- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) -- Augmented reality -- Auks -- Australia -- Autism -- Autoimmune disorders -- Automatic pilot -- Automation -- Automobiles -- Autopsy -- Autotroph -- Avogadro's number -- Aye-ayes -- Babblers -- Baboons -- Bacteria -- Bacterial blights -- Bacteriophage -- Badgers -- Ball bearing -- Ballistic missiles -- Ballistics -- Balloon -- Banana -- Bandicoots -- Bar code -- Barberry -- Barbets -- Barbiturates -- Bariatrics -- Barium -- Barium sulfate -- Bark -- Barley -- Barnacles -- Barometer -- Barracuda -- Barrier islands -- Basin -- Bass -- Basswood -- Bathymetric maps -- Bathysphere -- Bats -- Battery -- Beach nourishment -- Beardworms -- Bears -- Beavers -- Bedrock -- Beech family (Fagaceae) -- Bee-eaters -- Bees -- Beetles -- Beets -- Begonia -- Behavior -- Bennettites -- Benzene -- Benzoic acid -- Bernoulli's principle -- Beta-blockers -- Big bang theory -- Binary star -- Bindle paper -- Binocular -- Binomial theorem -- Bioaccumulation -- Bioassay -- Biochemical oxygen demand -- Biochemistry -- Biodegradable substances -- Biodegradation -- Biodetectors -- Biodiversity -- Bioenergy -- Biofeedback -- Biofilms -- Bio-flips -- Biofuels -- Bioinformatics and computational biology -- Biological and biomimetic systems -- Biological and chemical weapons -- Biological community -- Biological rhythms -- Biological warfare -- Biology -- Bioluminescence -- Biomagnification -- Biomass -- Biome -- Biomedical engineering -- Biometrics -- Biophysics -- Bioremediation -- Biosphere -- Biosphere Project -- Biotechnology -- Bioterrorism -- Bipolar disorder -- Birch family (Betulaceae) -- Birds -- Birds of paradise -- Birds of prey -- Birth -- Birth defects -- Bison -- Bitterns -- Bivalves -- BL Lacertae object -- Black hole -- Black hole collisions -- Blackbirds -- Blackbody radiation -- Bleach -- Blennies -- Blindness and visual impairments -- Blindsnakes -- Blockchain technology -- Blood -- Blood gas analysis -- Blood supply -- Bloodstain evidence -- Blotting analysis -- Bluebirds -- Boarfish -- Boas -- Bohr model -- Boiling point -- Bond energy -- Bony fish -- Boobies and gannets -- Boolean algebra -- Boric acid -- Botany -- Botulism -- Bowen's reaction series -- Bowerbirds -- Bowfin -- Boxfish -- Brachiopods -- Brackish -- Brain -- Breathalyzer® -- Brewing -- Brick -- Bridges -- Bristletails -- Brittle star -- Bromeliad family (Bromeliaceae) -- Bronchitis -- Brown dwarf -- Brownian motion -- Brucellosis -- Bryophyte -- Bubonic plague -- Buckminsterfullerene -- Buckthorn --Buckwheat -- Buds and budding -- Buffer -- Building design/architecture -- Bulbuls -- Bunsen burner -- Buoyancy, principle of -- Buret -- Burn -- Bustards -- Buttercup -- Butterflies -- Butterfly fish -- Butyl group -- Butylated hydroxyanisole -- Butylated hydroxytoluene -- Buzzards -- Cactus -- CAD/CAM/CIM -- Caddisflies -- Caecilians -- Caffeine -- Caisson -- Calcium -- Calcium carbonate -- Calcium oxide -- Calcium propionate -- Calcium sulfate -- Calculator -- Calculus -- Calendars -- Calibration -- Caliper -- Calorie -- Calorimetry -- Camels -- Canal -- Cancel -- Cancer -- Canines -- Cannabidiol (CBD) -- Cantilever -- Capacitance -- Capacitor -- Capillaries -- Capillary action -- Caprimulgids -- Captive breeding and reintroduction -- Capuchins -- Capybaras -- Carbohydrate -- Carbon -- Carbon cycle -- Carbon dioxide -- Carbon footprint -- Carbon monoxide -- Carbon sink -- Carbon tetrachloride -- Carbonyl group -- Carboxyl group -- Carboxylic acids -- Carcinogen -- Cardiac cycle -- Cardinal number -- Cardinals and grosbeaks -- Caribou -- Carnivore -- Carnivorous plants -- Carp -- Carpal tunnel syndrome -- Carrier (genetics) -- Carrot family (Apiaceae) -- Carrying capacity -- Cartesian coordinate plane -- Cartilaginous fish -- Cartography -- Cashew family (Anacardiaceae) -- Cassini spacecraft -- Catabolism -- Catalyst and catalysis -- Catastrophism -- Catfish -- Catheters -- Cathode -- Cathode ray tube -- Cation -- Cats -- Cattails -- Cattle family (Bovidae) -- Cauterization -- Cave -- Cave fish -- Celestial coordinates -- Celestial mechanics -- Celestial sphere: The apparent motions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars -- Cell -- Cell death -- Cell division -- Cell, electrochemical -- Cell membrane transport -- Cell staining -- Cellular respiration -- Cellular telephone -- Cellulose -- Centipedes -- Centrifuge -- Ceramics -- Cerenkov effect -- Cetaceans -- Chachalacas -- Chameleons -- Chaos -- Charge-coupled device -- Chelate -- Chemical bond -- Chemical evolution -- Chemical oxygen demand -- Chemical reactions -- Chemical warfare -- Chemistry -- Chemoreception -- Chestnut -- Chickenpox -- Childhood diseases -- Chimaeras -- Chimpanzees -- Chinchilla -- Chipmunks -- Chi-square test -- Chitons -- Chlordane -- Chlorinated hydrocarbons -- Chlorination -- Chlorine -- Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) -- Chloroform -- Chlorophyll -- Chloroplast -- Cholera -- Cholesterol -- Chordates -- Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) -- Chromatin -- Chromatography -- Chromosomal abnormalities -- Chromosome -- Chromosome mapping -- Cicadas -- Cigarette smoke -- Circadian cycle and rhythm -- Circle -- Circulatory system -- Circumscribed and inscribed -- Cirrhosis -- Citric acid -- Citrus trees -- Civets -- Civil engineering -- Cladistics -- Clear-cutting -- Climate change -- Climate change impacts in Africa -- Climate change impacts in Asia -- Climate change impacts in Australia and New Zealand -- Climate change impacts in Europe -- Climate change impacts in North America -- Climate change impacts in small island nations -- Climate change impacts in South America -- Climax (ecological) -- Clingfish -- Clipper chip -- Clone and cloning -- Closed curves -- Closure property -- Cloud computing -- Clouds -- Club mosses -- Coal -- Coast and beach -- Coati -- Coca -- Cocaine -- Cockatoo -- Cockroaches -- Codeine -- Codfish -- Codon -- Coefficient -- Coelacanth -- Coffee plant -- Cogeneration -- Cognition -- Cold, common -- Collagen -- Colloid -- Colobus monkey -- Color -- Color blindness -- Colugo -- Coma -- Combinatorics -- Combustion -- Comet Hale-Bopp -- Comets -- Commensalism -- Communications technology -- Community ecology -- Commutative property -- Compact disc -- Competition -- Complementary DNA -- Complex -- Complex numbers -- Composite materials -- Composting -- Compound, chemical -- Compton effect -- Compulsion -- Computer, analog -- Computer, digital -- Computer hardware security -- Computer keystroke recorder -- Computer languages -- Computer memory, physical and virtual memory -- Computer modeling -- Computer software -- Computer software security -- Computer virus -- Computerized axial tomography -- Concentration -- Concrete -- Conditioning -- Condors -- Congenital -- Congruence (triangle) -- Conic sections -- Conifer -- Connective tissue -- Conservation -- Conservation laws -- Constellation -- Constructions -- Contaminated soil -- Contamination -- Continent -- Continental drift -- Continental margin -- Continental shelf -- Continuity -- Contour plowing -- Contraception -- Convection -- Coordination compound -- Copepods -- Copper -- Coral and coral reef -- Coral bleaching -- Coriolis effect -- Cork -- Corm -- Cormorants -- Corn (maize) -- Coronal ejections and magnetic storms -- Correlation (geology) -- Correlation (mathematics) -- Corrosion -- Cosmic background radiation -- Cosmic ray -- Cosmology -- Cotingas -- Cotton -- Coulomb -- Countable -- Coursers and pratincoles -- Courtship -- COVID-19 global pandemic -- Coypu -- Crab -- Crane -- Cranes -- Crayfish -- Crestfish -- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease -- Crickets -- Crime scene investigation -- Crime scene reconstruction -- Critical habitat -- Crocodiles -- Crop rotation -- Crops -- Cross multiply -- Cross-section -- Crows and jays -- Crustacea -- Cryobiology -- Cryogenics -- Cryosphere -- Cryptography, encryption, and number theory -- Crystal -- Cubic equations -- Cuckoos -- Cultural geography -- Curare -- Curlews -- Currents -- Curve -- Cushing syndrome -- Cuttlefish -- Cybernetics -- Cybersecurity -- Cycads -- Cyclamate -- Cyclone and anticyclone -- Cyclosporine -- Cyclotron -- Cystic fibrosis -- Cytochrome -- Cytology -- Dams -- Damselflies -- Dark energy -- Dark matter -- Data mining -- Dating techniques -- DDT -- Deafness and inherited hearing loss -- Decimal fraction -- Decomposition -- Decontamination methods -- Decryption -- Deer -- Deer mouse -- Deforestation -- Degree -- Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) -- Delta -- Dementia -- Dendrochronology -- Dengue fever -- Denitrification -- Density -- Dentistry -- Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) -- Deposit -- Depression -- Depth perception -- Derivative -- Desalination -- Desert -- Desertification -- Determinants -- Deuterium -- Developmental processes -- Dew point -- Diabetes mellitus -- Diagnosis -- Dialysis -- Diamond -- Diatoms -- Dielectric materials -- Diesel engine -- Diethylstilbestrol (DES) -- Diffraction -- Diffraction grating -- Diffusion -- Digestive system -- Digital recording -- Digitalis -- Dik-diks -- Dinosaur -- Diode -- Dioxin -- Diphtheria -- Dipole -- Direct variation -- Disease -- Dissociation -- Distance -- Distillation -- Distributive property -- Disturbance, ecological -- Diurnal cycles -- Division -- DNA databanks -- DNA fingerprinting -- DNA recognition -- instruments -- DNA replication -- DNA synthesis -- DNA technology -- DNA vaccine -- Dobsonflies -- Dogwood tree -- Domain -- Donkeys -- Dopamine -- Doppler effect -- Dories -- Dormouse -- Dosimetry -- Double helix -- Double-blind study -- Down syndrome -- Dragonflies -- Drift net -- Drones and unmanned aircraft -- Drongos -- Drosophila melanogaster -- Drought -- Ducks -- Duckweed -- Duikers -- Dune -- Duplication of the cube -- Dust devil -- DVD -- Dwarf antelopes -- Dyes and pigments --Dysentery -- Dyslexia -- Dysplasia -- Dystrophinopathies -- e (number) -- Eagles -- Ear -- Earth -- Earth Challenge Prize -- Earth science -- Earthquake -- Earthquake and tsunami in Japan (2011) -- Earthquake in Mexico (2017) -- Earthquake in Nepal -- Earth's geologic history -- Earth's interior -- Earth's magnetic field -- Earth's rotation -- Earwigs -- Eating disorders -- Ebola virus -- Ebony -- Echiuroid worms -- Echolocation -- Eclipse -- Ecological economics -- Ecological integrity -- Ecological monitoring -- Ecological productivity -- Ecological pyramids -- Ecology -- Economic geography -- Ecosystem -- Ecotone -- Ecotourism -- Edema -- Eel grass -- Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox -- El Niǫ and La Nią -- Eland -- Elapid snakes -- Elasticity -- Electric arc -- Electric charge -- Electric circuit -- Electric conductor -- Electric current -- Electric motors -- Electric vehicles -- Electrical conductivity -- Electrical engineering -- Electrical power supply -- Electrical resistance -- Electricity -- Electrocardiogram (ECG) -- Electroencephalogram (EEG) -- Electrolysis -- Electrolyte -- Electromagnetic field -- Electromagnetic induction -- Electromagnetic pulse -- Electromagnetic spectrum -- Electromagnetism -- Electromotive force -- Electron -- Electron cloud -- Electronic control device (ECD) -- Electronics -- Electronics waste -- Electrophoresis -- Electrostatic devices -- Element, chemical -- Element, families of -- Element, transuranium -- Elements, formation of -- Elephant -- Elephant shrews -- Elephant snout fish -- Elephantiasis -- Elevator -- Ellipse -- Elm -- Embiids -- Embolism -- Embryo and embryonic development -- Embryo transfer -- Embryology -- Emission -- Emphysema -- Emulsion -- Encephalitis -- Endangered species -- Endemic -- Endocrine system -- Endoprocta -- Endoscopy -- Endothermic -- Energy -- Energy budgets -- Energy efficiency -- Energy transfer -- Engineering -- Engraving and etching -- Enhanced greenhouse effect -- Enterobacteria -- Entropy -- Environmental ethics -- Environmental impact statement -- Enzymatic engineering -- Enzyme -- Epidemic -- Epidemiology -- Epigenetics -- Epilepsy -- Episomes -- Epstein-Barr virus -- Equation, chemical -- Equilibrium, chemical -- Equinox -- Erosion -- Error -- Escherichia coli -- Ester -- Esterification -- Ethanol -- Ether -- Ethnoarchaeology -- Ethnobotany -- Ethyl group -- Ethylene glycol -- Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid -- Etiology -- Eubacteria -- Eugenics -- Eukaryotae -- Europe -- Eutrophication -- Evaporation -- Evapotranspiration -- Even and odd -- Event horizon -- Evolution -- Evolution, convergent -- Evolution, divergent -- Evolution, evidence of -- Evolution, parallel -- Evolutionary change, rate of -- Evolutionary mechanisms -- Excavation methods -- Exclusion principle, Pauli -- Excretory system -- Exercise -- Exocrine glands -- Explosives -- Exponent -- Extinction -- Extrasolar planets -- Extreme weather -- Eye -- Facial recognition -- Factor -- Factorial -- Falcons -- Faraday effect -- Fat -- Fat substitutes -- Fatty acids -- Fault -- Fauna -- Fax machine -- Feather stars -- Fermentation -- Ferns -- Ferrets -- Fertilization -- Fertilizers -- Fetal alcohol syndrome -- Feynman diagrams -- Fiber optics -- Fibonacci sequence -- Field -- Figurative numbers -- Filtration -- Finches -- Firs -- Fish -- 5G technology -- Flagella -- Flame analysis -- Flamingos -- Flatfish -- Flatworms -- Flavonoids -- Flax -- Fleas -- Flies -- Flightless birds -- Flooding -- Flora -- Flower -- Fluid dynamics -- Fluid mechanics -- Fluorescence -- Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) -- Fluorescent light -- Fluoridation -- Flying fish -- Focused ion beam (FIB) -- Fog -- Fold -- Food irradiation -- Food poisoning -- Food preservation -- Food pyramid -- Food web/chain -- Foot and mouth disease -- Force -- Forensic genealogy -- Forensic science -- Forestry -- Forests -- Formula, chemical -- Formula, structural -- Fossa -- Fossil and fossilization -- Fossil fuels -- Fracking -- Fractal -- Fraction, common -- Fraunhofer lines -- Freeway -- Frequency -- Fresh water -- Friction -- Frigatebirds -- Frogs -- Frog's-bit family -- Frostbite -- Fruits -- Fuel cells -- Fukushima nuclear accident -- Function -- Fundamental theorems -- Fungi -- Fungicide -- Gaia hypothesis -- Galaxy -- Galileo project -- Game theory -- Gamete -- Gametogenesis -- Gamma-ray astronomy -- Gamma-ray burst -- Gangrene -- Garpike -- Gases, liquefaction of -- Gases, properties of -- Gazelles -- Gears -- Geckos -- Geese -- Gelatin -- Gene -- Gene chips and microarrays -- Gene editing -- Gene mutation -- Gene splicing -- Gene therapy -- Generator -- Genetic disorders -- Genetic engineering -- Genetic identification of microorganisms -- Genetic testing -- Genetically modified organisms -- Genetics -- Genets -- Genome -- Genomics (comparative) -- Genotype and phenotype -- Geocentric theory -- Geochemical analysis -- Geochemistry -- Geode -- Geodesic -- Geodesic dome -- Geoengineering -- Geographic and magnetic poles -- Geologic map -- Geologic time -- Geology -- Geomagnetic storms -- Geometry -- Geomicrobiology -- Geophysics -- Geospatial imagery -- Geothermal energy -- Geotropism -- Gerbils -- Germ cells and the germ cell line -- Germ theory -- Germination -- Gerontology -- Gesnerias -- Geyser -- Gibbons and siamangs -- Gila monster -- Ginger -- Ginkgo -- Ginseng -- Giraffes and okapi -- GIS -- Glaciers -- Glands -- Glass -- Global climate -- Global dimming -- Global Positioning System -- Global warming -- Glycerol -- Glycol -- Glycolysis -- Goats -- Goatsuckers-- Gobies -- Goldenseal -- Gophers -- Gorillas -- Gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) -- Graft -- Grand unified theory -- Grapes -- Graphs and graphing -- Grasses -- Grasshoppers -- Grasslands -- Gravitational lens -- Gravitational waves and astronomy -- Gravity and gravitation -- Great Barrier Reef -- Greatest common factor -- Grebes -- Greenhouse effect -- Groundhog -- Groundwater -- Group -- Grouse -- Growth and decay -- Growth hormones -- Guenons -- Guillain-Barre syndrome -- Guinea pigs and cavies -- Guineafowl -- Gulls -- Guppy -- Gutenberg discontinuity -- Gutta percha -- Gymnosperm -- Gynecology -- Gyroscope -- H1N1 pandemic swine flu -- H5N1 avian influenza -- H7N9 avian influenza -- Habitat -- Hagfish -- Half-life -- Halide, organic -- Hall effect -- Halley's comet -- Hallucinogens -- Halogenated hydrocarbons -- Halogens -- Halosaurs -- Hamsters -- Hand tools -- Hantavirus infections -- Hard water -- Harmonics -- Hartebeests -- Hawks -- Hazardous wastes -- Hazel -- Health geography -- Hearing -- Heart -- Heart disease -- Heart, embryonic development and changes at birth -- Heart, rhythm control and impulse conduction -- Heart-lung machine -- Heat -- Heat capacity -- Heat index -- Heat transfer -- Heath family (Ericaceae) -- Hedgehogs -- Heisenberg uncertainty principle -- Heliocentric theory -- Heliosphere -- Hematology -- Hemoglobin -- Hemophilia -- Hemorrhagic fevers and diseases -- Hemp -- Henna -- Hepatitis -- Hepatitis A virus (HAV) -- Hepatitis B virus (HBV) -- Hepatitis C virus (HCV) -- Hepatitis D virus (HDV) -- Hepatitis E virus (HEV) -- Herb -- Herbal medicine -- Herbicides -- Herbivore -- Herd immunity -- Hermaphrodite --Hernia -- Herons -- Herpetology -- Herrings -- Hertzsprung-Russell diagram -- Heterotroph -- Hibernation -- Higgs boson -- Himalayas, geology of -- Hippopotamus -- Histamine -- Historical geography -- Historical geology -- Hoatzin -- Hodgkin's disease -- Holly family (Aquifoliaceae) -- Hologram and holography -- Holographic principle -- Homeostasis -- Honeycreepers -- Honeyeaters -- Hoopoe -- Horizon -- Hormones -- Hornbills -- Horse chestnut -- Horsehair worms -- Horses -- Horseshoe crabs -- Horsetails -- Horticulture -- Hot spot -- Hovercraft -- Hubble constant -- Hubble Space Telescope -- Human artificial chromosomes -- Human chorionic gonadotropin -- Human cloning -- Human ecology -- Human evolution -- Human Genome Project -- Human geography -- Human population -- Humidity -- Hummingbirds -- Humus -- Huntington disease -- Hurricane Harvey -- Hurricane Irma -- Hurricane Sandy -- Hybrid -- Hybrid transportation -- Hydra -- Hydrocarbon -- Hydrocephalus -- Hydrochlorofluorocarbons -- Hydroelectric power -- Hydrofoil -- Hydrogen -- Hydrogen chloride -- Hydrogen peroxide -- Hydrogenation -- Hydrology -- Hydrolysis -- Hydroponics -- Hydrosphere -- Hydrothermal vents -- Hydrozoa -- Hyena -- Hyperbarics -- Hyperbola -- Hypertension -- Hypothermia -- Hypoxia -- Hyraxes -- Ibises -- Ice -- Ice age refuges -- Ice ages -- Ice and snow cover -- Ice cores -- Icebergs -- Iceman -- Identity element -- Identity property -- Igneous rocks -- Iguanas -- Illegal drugs -- Imaginary number -- Immune system -- Immunology -- Impact crater -- Imprinting -- In vitro and in vivo -- In vitro fertilization (IVF) -- Incandescent light -- Incineration -- Indicator, acid-base -- Indicator species -- Individual -- Indoor air quality -- Industrial minerals -- Industrial Revolution -- Inequality -- Inertial guidance -- Infection -- Infectious diseases -- Infertility -- Infinity -- Inflammation -- Inflection point -- Influenza -- Infrared astronomy -- Infrared detection devices -- Inherited disorders -- Insecticides -- Insectivore -- Insects -- Insolation -- Insomnia -- Instinct -- Insulin -- Integers -- Integral -- Integrated circuit -- Integrated pest management -- Integumentary system -- Interference -- Interferometry -- Interferons -- Internal combustion engine -- International Space Station -- International Ultraviolet Explorer -- Internet and the World Wide Web -- Internet file transfer and tracking -- Internet search engine -- Interstellar matter -- Interval -- Introduced species -- Invariant -- Invasive species -- Invertebrates -- Ion and ionization -- Ion exchange -- Ionizing radiation -- Iris family -- Iron -- Irrational number -- Irrigation -- Island -- Isoantibodies -- Isobars -- Isomer -- Isostasy -- Isotope -- Isotopic analysis -- Isthmus -- Iteration -- Jacanas -- Jacks -- Jatropha -- Jaundice -- Jellyfish -- Jerboas -- Jet engine -- Jet stream -- Juniper -- Jupiter -- Kangaroo rats -- Kangaroos and wallabies -- Karst topography -- Karyotype and karyotype analysis -- Kelp forests -- Kepler's laws -- Keystone species -- Killifish -- Kingdom -- Kingfishers -- Kinglets -- Koalas -- Koch's postulates -- Kola -- Korsakoff's syndrome -- Krebs cycle -- K-T event (Cretaceous-Tertiary event) -- Kuiper belt objects -- Kuru -- Lacewings -- Lactic acid -- Lagomorphs -- Lake -- Lamarckism -- Lampreys and hagfishes -- Land and sea breezes -- Land use -- Landfill -- Landform -- Langurs and leaf-monkeys -- Lantern fish -- Lanthanides -- Large Hadron Collider -- Larks -- Laryngitis -- Laser -- Laser surgery -- Latitude and longitude -- Laurel family (Lauraceae) -- Laws of motion -- LCD -- Leaching -- Lead -- Leaf -- Leafhoppers -- Learning -- Least common denominator -- Lecithin -- LED -- Legionnaire disease -- Legumes -- Lemmings -- Lemurs -- Lens -- Leprosy -- Leukemia -- Lewis structure -- Lice -- Lichens -- Life history -- Ligand -- Light -- Light pollution -- Lightning -- Light-year -- Lilac -- Lily family (Liliaceae) -- Limit -- Limiting factor -- Limpets -- Line, equations of -- Linear algebra -- Lipid -- Liquid crystals -- Lithium -- Lithography -- Lithosphere -- Lithotripsy -- Liverwort -- Livestock -- Lobsters -- Lock -- Lock and key -- Locus -- Logarithms -- Loons -- Loop quantum gravity -- LORAN -- Lorises -- Luminescence -- Lungfish -- Lycophytes -- Lyme disease -- Lymphatic system -- Lyrebirds -- Macaques -- Mach number -- Machine tools -- Machine vision -- Machines, simple -- Mackerel -- Magic square -- Magma -- Magnesium -- Magnesium sulfate -- Magnetic levitation -- Magnetic recording/audiocassette -- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) -- Magnetism -- Magnetosphere -- Magnolia -- Mahogany -- Maidenhair fern -- Malaria -- Malnutrition -- Mammals -- Manakins -- Mangrove tree -- Mania -- Map -- Maples -- Marfan syndrome -- Marijuana -- Marine toxins -- Marlins -- Marmosets and tamarins -- Marmots -- Mars -- Mars exploration rovers -- Mars Pathfinder -- Marsupial cats -- Marsupial rats and mice -- Marsupials -- Marten, sable, and fisher -- Maser -- Mass -- Mass extinction -- Mass number -- Mass production -- Mass spectrometry -- Mass transportation -- Mass wasting -- Materials science -- Mathematics -- Matrix -- Matter -- Maunder minimum -- Maxima and minima -- Mayflies -- Mean -- Mechanical engineering -- Median -- Medical genetics -- Meiosis -- Membrane -- Memory -- Mendelian genetics -- Meningitis -- Menopause -- Menstrual cycle -- Mercurous chloride -- Mercury (element) -- Mercury (planet) -- MERS (Middle East Respiratory syndrome) -- Mesoscopic systems -- Mesozoa -- Metabolic disorders -- Metabolism -- Metal -- Metal detectors -- Metal fatigue -- Metal production -- Metallurgy -- Metamorphic grade -- Metamorphic rock -- Metamorphism -- Metamorphosis -- Meteorology -- Meteors and meteorites -- Methamphetamine -- Methyl group -- Metric system -- Mice -- Michelson-Morley experiment -- Microbial archaeology -- Microbial genetics -- Microbiome -- Microchip -- Microclimate -- Microorganisms -- Microplastics -- Microscope -- Microscopy -- Microtechnology -- Microwave communication -- Migraine headache -- Migration -- Mildew -- Milkweeds -- Milky Way -- Miller-Urey experiment -- Millipedes -- Mimicry -- Mineralogy -- Minerals -- Mining -- Mink -- Minnows -- Minor planets -- Mint family -- Mir Space Station -- Mirrors -- Miscibility -- Mistletoe -- Mites -- Mitochondrial DNA analysis -- Mitosis -- Mixture, chemical -- Mobius strip -- Mockingbirds and thrashers -- Mode -- Model organisms -- Modular arithmetic -- Mohs' scale -- Mold -- Mole -- Molecular biology -- Molecular formula -- Molecular geometry -- Molecular weight -- Molecule -- Mole-rats -- Moles -- Mollusks -- Momentum -- Monarch flycatchers -- Mongooses -- Monitor lizards -- Monkeys -- Monochromatic light -- Monoculture -- Monomer -- Monosodium glutamate (MSG) -- Monotremes -- Monsoon -- Montreal Biodome -- MOOC (Massive open online course) --Moon -- Mooneyes -- Moose -- Morphine -- Mosquitoes -- Moss -- Moss animals -- Mossbauer effect -- Moths -- Motion -- Motion pictures -- Moundbuilders -- Mounds, earthen -- Mountains -- Mousebirds -- Mulberry family (Moraceae) -- Multiple personality disorder -- Multiplication -- Murchison meteorite -- Muscle relaxants -- Muscular system -- Mushrooms -- Muskoxen -- Muskrat -- Mustard family (Brassicaceae) -- Mustard gas -- Mutagen -- Mutagenesis -- Mutation -- Mutualism -- Mycorrhiza -- Mycotoxin -- Mynah birds -- Myrtle family (Myrtaceae) -- Nanotechnology -- Narcotic -- Natural fibers -- Natural gas -- Natural numbers -- Nautical archaeology -- N-body problem -- Near-Earth Object Hazard Index -- Nectar -- Negative -- Neptune -- Nerve gas -- Nerve growth factor -- Nerve impulses and conduction of impulses -- Nervous system -- Neuromuscular diseases -- Neuron -- Neuroscience -- Neurosurgery -- Neurotransmitter -- Neutralization -- Neutrino -- Neutron -- Neutron activation analysis -- Neutron star -- New World monkeys -- Newton's laws of motion -- Newts -- Niche -- Nicotine -- Night vision enhancement devices -- Nightshade -- Nitric acid -- Nitrification -- Nitrogen -- Nitrogen cycle -- Nitrogen fixation -- Nobel Prize -- Noise pollution -- Non-Euclidean geometry -- Nonmetal -- Nonpoint source -- North America -- Nova -- Novocain -- Nuclear engineering -- Nuclear fission -- Nuclear fusion -- Nuclear magnetic resonance -- Nuclear medicine -- Nuclear power -- Nuclear reactor -- Nuclear weapons -- Nuclear winter -- Nucleic acid -- Nucleon -- Nucleus, cellular -- Numbat -- Number theory -- Numeration systems -- Nut -- Nuthatches -- Nutmeg -- Nutrient deficiency diseases -- Nutrients -- Nutrition -- Nux vomica tree -- Oaks -- Obesity -- Obsession -- Ocean acidification -- Ocean basin -- Ocean currents -- Ocean sunfish -- Ocean zones -- Oceanography -- Oceans -- Ockham's razor -- Octet rule -- Octopus -- Odds -- Odontology -- Ohm's law -- Oil and gas pipelines -- Oil spills -- Oil well drilling -- Old-growth forests -- Olive family (Oleaceae) -- Omnivore -- One-to-one correspondence -- Opah -- Open-source software -- Opossums -- Opportunistic species -- Optical data storage -- Optics -- Orangutans -- Orbit -- Orchid family (Orchidaeceae) -- Ordinal number -- Ore -- Organ -- Organelles and subcellular genetics -- Organic farming -- Organism -- Organogenesis -- Organs and organ systems -- Origin of life -- Origins of the universe -- Orioles -- Ornithology -- Orthopedics -- Oryx -- Oscillating reactions -- Oscillations -- Oscilloscope -- Osmosis -- Osmosis (cellular) -- Ossification -- Osteoporosis -- Otter shrews -- Otters -- Outcrop -- Ovarian cycle and hormonal regulation -- Ovenbirds -- Oviparous -- Ovoviviparous -- Owls -- Oxalic acid -- Oxidation state -- Oxidation-reduction reaction -- Oxygen -- Oystercatchers -- Ozone -- Ozone layer depletion -- Pacemaker -- Pain -- Paleobotany -- Paleoclimate -- Paleoecology -- Paleomagnetism -- Paleontology -- Paleopathology -- Palindrome -- Palms -- Palynology -- Pandas -- Pangolins -- Papaya -- Paper -- Parabola -- Parallax -- Parallel -- Parallelogram -- Parasites -- Parasitology -- Parity -- Parkinson disease -- Parrots -- Parthenogenesis -- Particle detectors -- Partridges -- Pascal's triangle -- Passion flower -- Paternity and parentage testing -- Pathogens -- Pathology -- PCR -- Peafowl -- Peanut worms -- Peccaries -- Pedigree analysis -- Pelicans -- Penguins -- Peninsula -- Pentyl group -- Peony -- Pepper -- Peptide linkage -- Percent -- Perception -- Perch -- Peregrine falcon -- Perfect numbers -- Performance-enhancing drugs -- Periodic functions -- Periodic table -- Permafrost -- Perpendicular -- Personal digital assistant -- Personal music players -- Pesticides -- Pests -- Petrels and shearwaters -- Petroglyphs and pictographs -- Petroleum -- pH -- Phalangers -- Pharmacogenetics -- Pharmacogenomics -- Pheasants -- Phenyl group -- Phenylketonuria -- Pheromones -- Phlox -- Phobias -- Phonograph -- Phoronids -- Phosphoric acid -- Phosphorus -- Phosphorus cycle -- Phosphorus removal -- Photic zone -- Photochemistry -- Photocopying -- Photoelectric cell -- Photoelectric effect -- Photogrammetry -- Photographic resolution -- Photography -- Photography, electronic -- Photon -- Photosynthesis -- Phototropism -- Photovoltaic cell -- Phylogeny -- Physical therapy -- Physics -- Physiology -- Physiology, comparative -- Phytoplankton -- Pi -- Pigeons and doves -- Pigs -- Pike -- Piltdown hoax -- Pinecone fish -- Pines -- Pipefish -- Placebo -- Planck's constant -- Plane -- Plane family -- Planet -- Planet X -- Planetary atmospheres -- Planetary geology -- Planetary nebulae -- Planetary ring systems -- Plankton -- Plant -- Plant breeding -- Plant diseases -- Plant pigment -- Plasma -- Plastic surgery -- Plastics -- Plate tectonics -- Platonic solids -- Platypus -- Plovers -- Pluto -- Pneumonia -- Podcast -- Podiatry -- Point -- Point source -- Poisons and toxins -- Polar coordinates -- Polar ice caps -- Poliomyelitis -- Pollen analysis -- Pollination -- Pollution -- Pollution control -- Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) -- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) -- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons -- Polygons -- Polyhedron -- Polymer -- Polynomials -- Poppies -- Population geography -- Population growth and control (human) -- Porcupines -- Positive number -- Positron emission tomography (PET) -- Postulate -- Potassium aluminum sulfate -- Potassium hydrogen tartrate -- Potassium iodide -- Potassium nitrate -- Potato -- Pottery analysis -- Prairie -- Prairie chicken -- Prairie dog -- Prairie falcon -- Praying mantis -- Precession of the equinoxes -- Precious metals -- Precipitation -- Predator -- Prenatal surgery -- Prescribed burn -- Pressure -- Prey -- Primates -- Prime numbers -- Primroses -- Printing -- Prions -- Prism -- Probability -- Probability theory -- Proboscis monkey -- Projective geometry -- Prokaryote -- Pronghorn -- Proof -- Propyl group -- Prosimians -- Prosthetics -- Proteas -- Protected area -- Proteins -- Proteomics -- Protista -- Proton -- Protozoa -- Psychiatry -- Psychoanalysis -- Psychology -- Psychometry -- Psychosis -- Psychosurgery -- Puberty -- Puffbirds -- Puffer fish -- Pulsar -- Punctuated equilibrium -- Pyramid -- Pythagorean theorem -- Pythons -- Quadrilateral -- Quail Qualitative analysis -- Quantitative analysis -- Quantum computing -- Quantum electrodynamics (QED) -- Quantum entanglement -- Quantum mechanics -- Quantum number -- Quarks -- Quasar -- Quasicrystals -- Quetzal -- Quinine -- Rabies -- Raccoons -- Radar -- Radial keratotomy -- Radiation -- Radiation detectors -- Radiation exposure -- Radical (atomic) -- Radical (math) -- Radio -- Radio astronomy -- Radio waves -- Radioactive dating -- Radioactive decay -- Radioactive fallout -- Radioactive pollution -- Radioactive tracers -- Radioactive waste -- Radioisotopes in medicine -- Radiology -- Radon --Rails -- Rainbows -- Rainforest -- Random -- Rangeland -- Raptors -- Rare gases -- Rare genotype advantage -- Rate -- Ratio -- Rational number -- Rationalization -- Rats -- Rayleigh scattering -- Rays -- Real numbers -- Reciprocal -- Recombinant DNA -- Rectangle -- Recycling -- Red giant star -- Red tide -- Redshift -- Reflections -- Reflex -- Refrigerated trucks and railway cars -- Rehabilitation -- Reinforcement, positive and negative -- Relation -- Relativity, general -- Relativity, special -- Remote sensing -- Reproductive system -- Reproductive toxicant -- Reptiles -- Resins -- Resonance -- Resources, natural -- Respiration -- Respirator -- Respiratory diseases -- Respiratory system -- Restoration ecology -- Retrograde motion -- Retrovirus -- Reye's syndrome -- Rh factor -- Rhesus monkeys -- Rheumatic fever -- Rhinoceros -- Rhizome -- Rhubarb -- Ribbon worms -- Ribonuclease -- Ribonucleic acid (RNA) -- Ribosomes -- Rice -- Ricin -- Rickettsia -- Rigor mortis -- Rinderpest -- Rivers -- RNA function -- RNA splicing -- Robins -- Robotic vehicles -- Robotics -- Rockets and missiles -- Rocks -- Rodents -- Rollers -- Root system -- Rose family (Rosaceae) -- Rotation -- Roundworms -- Rumination -- Rushes -- Rusts and smuts -- Saiga antelope -- Salamanders -- Saliva -- Salmon -- Salmonella -- Salt -- Salt marshes -- Saltwater -- Sample -- Sand -- Sand dollars -- Sandfish -- Sandpipers -- Sanitation -- Sapodilla tree -- Sardines -- Sarin gas -- SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) -- Satellite -- Saturn -- Savanna -- Savant -- Sawfish -- Saxifrage family -- Scalar -- Scale insects -- Scanners, digital -- Scanning electron microscopy -- Scarlet fever -- Scavenger -- Schizophrenia -- Science History -- Scientific debate -- Scientific method -- Scientific theories and laws -- Scorpion flies -- Scorpionfish -- Screamers -- Screwpines -- Sculpins -- Sea anemones -- Sea cucumbers -- Sea level -- Sea lily -- Sea lions -- Sea moths -- Sea spiders -- Sea squirts and salps -- Sea urchins -- Seahorses -- Seals -- Seamounts -- Seasonal winds -- Seasons -- Secondary pollutants -- Secretary bird -- Secretor -- Sedges -- Sediment and sedimentation -- Sedimentary environment -- Sedimentary rock -- Seed ferns -- Seeds -- Segmented worms -- Seismograph -- Selection -- Sequences -- Sequencing -- Sequoia -- Serology -- Servomechanisms -- Sesame -- Set theory -- SETI -- Sewage treatment -- Sewing machine -- Sex change -- Sex determination -- Sextant -- Sexual dimorphism -- Sexual reproduction -- Sexually transmitted diseases -- Sharks -- Sheep -- Shell midden analysis -- Shingles -- Shore birds -- Shoreline protection -- Shotgun cloning -- Shrews -- Shrikes -- Shrimp -- Sickle cell anemia -- Sieve of Eratosthenes -- Silicon -- Silk cotton family (Bombacaceae) -- Sinkholes -- Skates -- Skeletal analysis -- Skeletal system -- Skinks -- Skuas -- Skunks -- Slash-and-burn agriculture -- Sleep -- Sleep disorders -- Sleeping sickness -- Slime molds -- Sloths -- Slugs -- Smallpox -- Smallpox vaccine -- Smell -- Smog -- Snails -- Snakeflies -- Snakes -- Snapdragon family -- Soap -- Sociobiology -- Sodium -- Sodium benzoate -- Sodium bicarbonate -- Sodium carbonate -- Sodium chloride -- Sodium hydroxide -- Sodium hypochlorite -- Soil -- Soil conservation -- Solar activity cycle -- Solar flare -- Solar geoengineering -- Solar illumination: Seasonal and diurnal patterns -- Solar prominence -- Solar system -- Solar wind -- Solder and soldering iron -- Solstice -- Solubility -- Solution -- Solution of equation -- SONAR -- Song birds -- Sonoluminescence -- Sorghum -- Sound waves -- South America -- Soybean -- Space -- Space probe -- Space shuttle -- Spacecraft, crewed -- Sparrows and buntings -- Species -- Spectral classification of stars -- Spectral lines -- Spectroscope -- Spectroscopy -- Spectrum -- Speech -- Sphere -- Spider monkeys -- Spiderwort family -- Spin of subatomic particles -- Spina bifida -- Spinach -- Spiny anteaters -- Spiny eels -- Spiny-headed worms -- Spiral -- Spirometer -- Split-brain functioning -- Sponges -- Spontaneous generation -- Spore -- Springtails -- Spruce -- Spurge family -- Square -- Square root -- Squid -- Squirrel fish -- Squirrels -- Stalactites and stalagmites -- Standard Model -- Star -- Star cluster -- Star formation -- Starburst galaxy -- Starfish -- Starlings -- States of matter -- Statistical mechanics -- Statistics -- Steady-state theory -- Stealth technology -- Steam engine -- Steam pressure sterilizer -- Stearic acid -- Steel -- Steganography -- Stellar evolution -- Stellar magnetic fields -- Stellar magnitudes -- Stellar populations -- Stellar structure -- Stellar wind -- Stem cells -- Stereochemistry -- Sticklebacks -- Stilts and avocets -- Stimulus -- Stoichiometry -- Stone and masonry -- Stoneflies -- Storks -- Storm -- Storm surge -- Strata -- Stratigraphy -- Stratigraphy (archaeology) -- Stream capacity and competence -- Stream valleys, channels, and floodplains -- Strepsiptera -- Stress -- Stress, ecological -- String theory -- Stroke -- Stromatolite -- Structural analysis -- Sturgeons -- Subatomic particles -- Sublimation -- Submarine -- Subsidence -- Subsurface detection -- Subtraction -- Succession -- Suckers -- Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) -- Sugar beet -- Sugarcane -- Sulfur -- Sulfur cycle -- Sulfur dioxide -- Sulfuric acid -- Sun -- Sunbirds -- Sunspots -- Super heavy elements -- Superclusters -- Superconductor -- Supernova -- Surface tension -- Surgery -- Surveying instruments -- Survival of the fittest -- Sustainability -- Sustainable development -- Swallows and martins -- Swamp cypress family (Taxodiaceae) -- Swamp eels -- Swans -- Sweet gale family (Myricaceae) -- Sweet potato -- Swifts -- Swordfish -- Symbiosis -- Symbol, chemical -- Symbolic logic -- Symmetry -- Synapse -- Syndrome -- Synthesis, chemical -- Synthesizer, music -- Synthesizer, voice -- Systematics -- Systems of equations -- T cells -- Tabun -- Tanagers -- Taphonomy -- Tapirs -- Tarpons -- Tarsiers -- Tartaric acid -- Tasmanian devil -- Taste -- Taxonomy -- Tay-Sachs disease -- Tea plant -- Telegraph -- Telemetry -- Telephone -- Telescope -- Television -- Temperature -- Temperature regulation -- Tenrecs -- Teratogen -- Term -- Termites -- Terns -- Terracing -- Territoriality -- Tetanus -- Tetrahedron -- Textiles -- Thalidomide -- Thanatology -- Theorem -- Thermal expansion -- Thermochemistry -- Thermocouple -- Thermodynamics -- Thermoluminescence -- Thermometer -- Thermostat -- Thistle -- Thoracic surgery -- 3D imaging -- 3D printing -- Thrips -- Thrombosis -- Thrushes -- Thunderstorm -- Tides -- Time -- Tinamous -- Tissue -- Tit family -- Titanium -- Toadfish -- Toads -- Tomato family (Solanaceae) -- Tongue worms -- Tonsillitis -- Topology -- Tornado -- Torque -- Torus -- Total solar irradiance -- Toucans --Touch -- Towers of Hanoi -- Toxic shock syndrome -- Toxicology -- Trace elements -- Tragopans -- Trains and railroads -- Tranquilizers -- Transcendental numbers -- Transducer -- Transformer -- Transgenics -- Transistor -- Transitive -- Translations -- Transpiration -- Transplant, surgical -- Trapezoid -- Tree -- Tree shrews -- Trichinosis -- Triggerfish -- Triglycerides -- Trigonometry -- Tritium -- Trogons -- Trophic levels -- Tropic birds -- Tropical cyclone -- Tropical diseases -- Trout-perch -- True bugs -- True eels -- True flies -- Trumpetfish -- Tsunami -- Tuatara lizard -- Tuber -- Tuberculosis -- Tularemia -- Tumbleweed -- Tumor -- Tuna -- Tundra -- Tunneling -- Turacos -- Turbine -- Turbulence -- Turkeys -- Turner syndrome -- Turtles -- Typhoid fever -- Typhus -- Tyrannosaurus rex -- Tyrant flycatchers -- Ulcers -- Ultracentrifuge -- Ultrasonics -- Ultraviolet astronomy -- Unconformity -- Underwater exploration -- Ungulates -- Uniformitarianism -- Units and standards -- Uplift -- Upwelling -- Uranium -- Uranus -- Urea -- Urology -- Vaccine -- Vaccine hesitancy -- Vacuum -- Vacuum tube -- Valence -- Van Allen belts -- Van der Waals forces -- Vaping and e-cigarettes -- Vapor pressure -- Variable -- Variable stars -- Variance -- Varicella zoster virus -- Variola virus -- Vegetables -- Veins -- Velocity -- Venus -- Verbena family (Verbenaceae) -- Vertebrates -- Video recording -- Viking project -- Violet family (Violaceae) -- Vipers -- Viral genetics -- Vireos -- Virtual particles -- Virtual reality -- Virus -- Viscosity -- Vision -- Vision correction surgery -- Vision disorders -- Vitamin -- Viviparity -- Vivisection -- Volatility -- Volcano -- Voles -- Volume -- Voyager spacecraft -- Vulcanization -- Vultures -- VX agent -- Wagtails and pipits -- Walkingsticks -- Walnut family -- Walruses -- Warblers -- Wasps -- Waste management -- Waste, toxic -- Water -- Water bears -- Water conservation -- Water cycle (hydrologic cycle) -- Water lilies -- Water microbiology -- Water pollution -- Water treatment -- Waterbuck -- Watershed -- Waterwheel -- Wave motion -- Waxbills -- Waxwings -- Weapon-grade plutonium and uranium, tracking -- Weasels -- Weather -- Weather forecasting -- Weather mapping -- Weather modification -- Weathering -- Weavers -- Weevils -- Welding -- West -- Nile virus -- Wetlands -- Wheat -- Whisk fern -- White dwarf -- White-eyes -- Whooping cough -- Wild type -- Wildfire -- Wildlife -- Wildlife trade (illegal) -- Willow family (Salicaceae) -- Wind -- Wind chill -- Wind energy -- Wind shear -- Wintergreen -- Wireless communications -- Wolverine -- Wombats -- Wood -- Woodpeckers -- Woolly mammoth -- Work -- Wrens -- Wren-warblers -- Wrynecks -- Xenogamy -- Xenotransplantation -- X-ray astronomy -- X-ray crystallography -- X-rays -- Xylotomy -- Yak -- Yam -- Yeast -- Yellow fever -- Yew -- Yttrium -- Y2K -- Zebras -- Zero -- Zika virus -- Zodiacal light -- Zoonoses -- Zooplankton.Covers all major areas of science, engineering, technology, as well as mathematics and the medical and health sciences, while providing a comprehensive overview of current scientific knowledge and technology. Entries typically describe scientific concepts, provide overviews of scientific areas and, in some cases, define terms.Description based on print version record.
- Subjects: Science;
- On-line resources: -- Available online. Click here to access.;
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