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- Trusting what you're told : how children learn from others / by Harris, Paul L.,1946-;
Includes bibliographical references (p. [222]-241) and index.Early learning from testimony -- Children's questions -- Learning from a demonstration -- Moroccan birds and twisted tubes -- Trusting those you know? -- Consensus and dissent -- Moral judgment and testimony -- Knowing what is real -- Death and the afterlife -- Magic and miracles -- Going native.
- Subjects: Learning, Psychology of.; Children.;
- © 2012., Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- How the brain learns / by Sousa, David A.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Basic brain facts -- How the brain processes information -- Memory, retention, and learning -- The power of transfer -- Brain organization and learning -- The brain and the arts -- Thinking skills and learning -- Putting it all together.Introduction : Looking inside the brain ; Implications or teaching ; Why this book can help improve teaching and learning -- 1. Basic brain facts : Some exterior parts of the brain ; Some interior parts of the brain ; Neuron development in children ; The brain as a novelty seeker -- 2. How the brain processes information : The information processing model -- 3. Memory, retention, and learning : How memory forms ; Stages and types of memory ; Learning and retention ; Factors affecting retention of learning ; Learning motor skills ; Daily biological rhythms affect teaching and learning ; Intelligence and retrieval -- 4. The power of transfer : What is transfer? ; Teaching for transfer -- 5. Brain organization and learning : Brain lateralization ; Spoken language specialization ; Learning to read -- 6. The brain and the arts : The arts are basic to the human experience ; Why teach the arts? ; Impact of the arts on student learning and behavior ; Music ; The visual arts ; Movement -- 7. Thinking skills and learning : Characteristics of human thinking ; The dimensions of human thinking ; Revisiting Bloom's taxonomy of the cognitive domain -- 8. Putting it all together : Daily planning ; Unit planning ; Maintaining skills for the future.
- Subjects: Learning, Psychology of.; Learning; Brain.;
- © c2011., Corwin Press,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- How we learn: the surprising truth about when, where and why it happens. by Carey, Benedict.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 231-244) and index.Basic theory -- Retention -- Problem solving -- Tapping the subconsciousAward-winning science reporter Benedict Carey sifts through decades of education research and landmark studies to uncover the truth about how our brains absorb and retain information.--From publisher
- Subjects: Learning, Psychology of.; Learning; Study skills.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Endangered minds : why children don't think--and what we can do about it / by Healy, Jane M.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 347-366) and index.Changing brains -- Language, fuzzy thinking, and the languishing left hemisphere -- Attention, lifestyles, and learning disabilities -- Clashing cultures -- Minds of the future.Author links the inability of children to concentrate to the electronic media, changes in life-styles, and the decline of literacy.
- Subjects: Learning, Psychology of.; Learning; Learning; Neuropsychology.;
- © [1999], Simon & Schuster,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The new science of learning : how to learn in harmony with your brain / by Doyle, Terry,1951-;
Includes bibliographical references and index.A new look at learning -- Sleep, naps, and breaks -- Exercise and learning -- Using all your senses to learn -- Patterns and learning -- Memory -- Mindsets toward learning -- Paying attention -- A message from the authors.
- Subjects: Learning ability.; Learning, Psychology of.; Brain.; Study skills.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Design for how people learn / by Dirksen, Julie.;
Where do we start? -- Who are your learners? -- What's the goal? -- How do we remember? -- How do you get their attention? -- Design for knowledge -- Design for skills -- Design for motivation -- Design for habits -- Social and informal learning -- Design for environment -- Desgining evaluation.Includes bibliographical references and index."If you've ever fallen asleep over a boring lecture or fast-forwarded through a tedious elearning exercise, you know that creating a great learning experience is harder than it seems. And many of us are teaching, even when it's not in our job description - maybe you have to give a presentation, write documentation, or help your audience understand your product or service. Often you know a lot about your subject, but need help to figure out how to teach it effectively to others. In Design for How People Learn, Second Edition, you'll discover how to use key principles behind attention, memory, and learning to create materials that enable your audience to gain and retain the knowledge and skills you're sharing. Updated to cover the latest insights and research into how we learn and remember, this edition includes new techniques for using social and informal learning strategies, as well as two brand new chapters on designing to promote habit formation and best practices for evaluating learning"--Back cover.
- Subjects: Instructional systems; Learning.; Learning, Psychology of.; Learning; Classroom management.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- How the brain learns mathematics / by Sousa, David A.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 223-239) and index.Developing number sense -- Learning to calculate -- Reviewing the elements of learning -- Teaching mathematics to the preschool and kindergarten brain -- Teaching mathematics to the preadolescent brain -- Teaching mathematics to the adolescent brain -- Recognizing and addressing mathematics difficulties -- Putting it all together : planning lessons in PreK-12.Highly respected author and researcher David A. Sousa explains the latest neuroscientific findings in practical, understandable terms and discusses the impact this information has for teaching mathematics at all grade levels. This book covers the cognitive mechanisms for learning mathematics, the environmental and developmental factors that contribute to mathematics difficulties, and ways to differientiate mathematics instruction. -- BACK COVER
- Subjects: Mathematics; Learning, Psychology of.; Learning;
- © c2008., Corwin Press,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Brain-based learning : the new paradigm of teaching / by Jensen, Eric,1950-; Jensen, Eric,1950-Brain-based learning & teaching.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 251-258) and 1. Fundamentals of brain-based learning. What is brain-based learning? ; How your student's brain learns ; Brain dominance in learning ; Rhythms of the brain -- pt. 2. Physiological effects on learning. Biological differences in learning ; The impact of physical movement on the brain ; Stress and threat -- pt. 3. Sensory contributions to learning. The role of sight in learning ; The role of touch in learning ; The role of taste in learning ; The roles of smell and acoustics in learning ; The role of emotions in learning -- pt. 4. Neuroscientific perspective on teaching and learning. Teacher communication ; The nonconscious learning climate ; Motivation and rewards ; Attention and survival value ; Teaching how to think ; Memory and creating patterns of meaning ; Meaning making -- pt. 5. Brain-compatible classrooms. Enriching the brain ; Curriculum with a brain-compatible classroom ; Assessment with the brain in mind ; Brain-based reform.
- Subjects: Learning, Psychology of.; Brain.; Teaching; Learning;
- © c2008., Corwin Press,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The mentor's guide : facilitating effective learning relationships / by Zachary, Lois J.;
"Thoughtful and rich with advice, The Mentor's Guide explores the critical process of mentoring and presents practical tools for facilitating the experience from beginning to end. Now managers, teachers, and leaders from any career, professional, or educational setting can successfully navigate the learning journey by using the hands-on worksheets and exercises in this unique resource. Readers will learn how to: Assess their readiness to become a mentor, Establish the relationship, Set appropriate goals, Monitor progress and achievement, Avoid common pitfalls, Bring the relationship to a natural conclusion. The new edition of this best-selling volume includes expanded coverage of: Coaching as distinct from and similar to mentoring, Diversity and cultural differences between mentors and mentees, Mentoring at a distance, especially online, Connections to author's companion volumes, Creating a Mentoring Culture and The Mentee's Guide"--Includes bibliographical references (pages 243-249) and index.Learning: grounding the work of mentoring -- pt. 1. Considering context. The context of difference: bringing who we are to what we do -- The context of connection: linking up and linking in -- pt. 2. The predictable phases of mentoring. Preparing: getting ready for a mentoring relationship -- Negotiating: establishing agreements -- Enabling growth, part one: support, challenge, and vision -- Enabling growth, part two: engaging in feedback and overcoming obstacles -- Coming to closure: looking back, moving forward -- Digging deeper: reengagement and resources for learning.
- Subjects: Mentoring in education.; Learning, Psychology of.; Interpersonal relations.;
- © ©2012., Jossey-Bass,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- How the brain learns / [electronic resource]. by Sousa, David A.;
Apply the newest brain research to enhance all students' learning Educational neuroscience consultant David A. Sousa continues his tradition of translating new findings into effective classroom strategies and activities in this updated version of his bestselling text. This fifth edition integrates recent developments in neuroscience, education, and psychology and includes New information on memory systems, especially working memory capacity. Updated research on how the explosion of technology is affecting the brain. Current findings on brain organization and hemispheric specialization. New evidence on how learning the arts enhances cognitive processing and creativity. An expanded resources section. More than 150 new or updated referencesElectronic reproduction.
- Subjects: Electronic books.; Learning, Psychology of.; Learning ; Brain.; Nonfiction.; Education.;
- © 2016.,
- On-line resources: -- Click to access digital title in OverDrive.;
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