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- Gender : what everyone needs to know / by Erickson-Schroth, Laura,author.; Davis, Benjamin,author.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 167-179) and index."Gender is all around us. Beliefs about gender impact our jobs, families, schools, religions, laws, politics, relationships, sports, clothes, and so much more. Gender permeates almost every aspect of our lives as humans. Although this book is part of a series called "What Everyone Needs to Know," it would be impossible to cover everything known about gender in one book, and, since gender is something we all have in common and at the same time all experience differently, a consensus on the "most important" parts of gender differs based on personal experience and interest. In this book we've tried to give you the highlights, so that you can dig deeper on your own if you hit a topic that's interesting to you"--
- Subjects: Gender identity.; Gender expression.; Gender nonconformity.; Sex role.; Sex differences.; Gender Identity; Transsexualism; Sex Characteristics;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Read this to get smarter : about race, class, gender, disability & more / by Imani, Blair,author.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 153-169) and index.We live in a time where it has never been more important to be knowledgeable about a host of social issues, and to be confident and appropriate in how to talk about them. What's the best way to ask someone what their pronouns are? How do you talk about racism with someone who doesn't seem to get it? What is intersectionality, and why do you need to understand it? While it can seem intimidating or overwhelming to learn and talk about such issues, it's never been easier thanks to educator and historian Blair Imani, creator of the viral sensation Smarter in Seconds videos. Accessible to learners of all levels--from those just getting started on the journey to those already versed in social justice--Read This to Get Smarter covers a range of topics, including race, gender, class, disability, relationships, family, power dynamics, oppression, and beyond. This essential guide is a radical but warm and non-judgmental call to arms, structured in such a way that you can read it cover to cover or start with any topic you want to learn more about.
- Subjects: Disabilities.; Social classes.; Gender identity.; Race.; Social justice.; Social problems.; Social Class; Gender Identity; Racial Groups; Social Justice; Social Problems;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Psychology applied to modern life : adjustment in the 21st century / by Weiten, Wayne,1950-author.; Dunn,; Hammer, Elizabeth Yost,author.;
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Adjusting to modern life -- Theories of personality -- Stress and its effects -- Coping processes -- Psychology and physical health -- The self -- Social thinking and social influence -- Interpersonal communication -- Friendship and love -- Marriage and the family -- Gender and behavior -- Development and expression of sexuality -- Careers and work -- Psychological disorders -- Psychotherapy -- Positive psychology.Filled with coverage of classic and contemporary research, relevant examples, and engaging applications, this text shows students how psychology helps them understand themselves and the world - and uses psychological principles to illuminate the variety of opportunities they have in their lives and their future careers.
- Subjects: Adjustment (Psychology); Interpersonal relations; Adulthood; Self-help techniques;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Psychology & behavioral health, volume 2, Creativity - Hysteria / by Moglia, Paul,editor.;
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Volume 2 -- Creativity -- Creativity and intelligence -- Creativity: Assessment -- Crisis intervention -- Cross-cultural psychology -- Crowd behavior -- Cultural competence -- Culture and diagnosis -- Culture-bound syndromes -- Data description -- Death and dying -- Deception and lying -- Decision making -- Deductive reasoning -- Defense mechanisms -- Defense reactions: Species-specific -- Dementia -- Denial -- Depression -- Depth and motion perception -- Despair -- Development -- Developmental disabilities -- Developmental methodologies -- Developmental psychology -- Dewey, John -- Diagnosis -- Dialectical behavioral therapy -- Disability: Psychological impact -- Disaster psychology -- Discipline -- Dissociative disorders -- Dix, Dorothea -- Dog psychology -- Dolphin psychology -- Domestic violence -- Down syndrome -- Dreams -- Drive theory -- Drug therapies -- DSM-5 -- DSM-5 controversies -- Dysgraphia -- Dyslexia -- Dysphonia -- Eating disorders -- Ebbinghaus, Hermann -- Ecological psychology -- Educational psychology -- Ego defense mechanisms -- Ego psychology: Erik H. Erikson -- Ego, superego, and id -- Elder abuse -- Elders' mental health -- Electronic media and psychological impact -- Elimination disorders -- Ellis, Albert -- Emotional abuse -- Emotional expression -- Emotional intelligence (EI) -- Emotions -- Encoding -- Endocrine system and behavior -- Endorphins -- Environmental factors and mental health -- Environmental psychology -- Environmental toxicology and mental health -- Erikson, Erik H. -- Ethology -- Evolutionary psychology -- Executive functions -- Exercise addiction.Exercise and mental health -- Existential psychology -- Experimental psychology -- Experimentation: Ethics and participant rights -- Experimentation: Independent, dependent, and -- control variables -- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) -- Eyewitness testimony -- Eysenck, Hans -- Facial feedback -- Factitious disorders -- Families and behavioral addictions -- Families and substance abuse -- Family dynamics -- Family life: Adult issues -- Family life: Children's issues -- Family systems theory -- Father-child relationship -- Fear -- Femininity -- Feminist psychotherapy -- Fetishes -- Field experimentation -- Field theory: Kurt Lewin -- Fight-or-flight response -- Flying phobia -- Forensic psychology -- Forgetting and forgetfulness -- Forgiveness -- Freud, Anna -- Freud, Sigmund -- Freudian psychology -- Fromm, Erich -- Frontotemporal dementia (Pick's Disease) -- Gambling -- Games and mental health -- Gender differences -- Gender identity disorder -- Gender identity formation -- Gender roles and gender role conflicts -- General adaptation syndrome (GAS) -- General aptitude test battery (GATB) -- Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) -- Genetics and mental health -- Geriatric psychological disorders -- Gesell, Arnold -- Gestalt therapy -- Giftedness -- Gilligan, Carol -- Gonads -- Gossip -- Grammar and speech -- Gratitude -- Grieving -- Group decision making -- Group therapy -- Groups -- Guilt -- Habituation and sensitization -- Hall, G. Stanley -- Hallucinations -- Hate crimes: Psychological causes and effects -- Health insurance -- Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) -- Health psychology -- Hearing -- Help-seeking -- Helping -- Hierarchy of needs -- Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) -- Hoarding -- Holland, John L. -- Homelessness: Psychological causes and effects -- Homosexuality -- Hope -- Hope and mental health -- Hormones and behavior -- Horney, Karen -- Hospice -- Hull, Clark L. -- Human resource training and development.Humanistic psychology -- Humanistic trait models: Gordon Allport -- Hunger -- Hypnosis -- Hypochondriasis, conversion and somatization -- Hypothesis development and testing -- Hysteria.Provides a comprehensive five-volume set that covers not only the history of the field and the core aspects of behaviorism, cognitive psychology, and psychoanalytic psychology, but also diagnoses, disorders, treatment, assessment, and notable individuals in the field.10-A.Mode of access: Internet.
- Subjects: Psychology, Applied; Mental health; Mental illness; Medicine and psychology; Applied psychology; Mental health; Mental illness; Medicine;
- On-line resources: -- Available online. Click here to access.;
- LGBT youth in America's schools / by Cianciotto, Jason.; Cahill, Sean(Sean Robert);
Includes bibliographical references (pages 181-226) and index."Jason Cianciotto and Sean Cahill, experts on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender public policy advocacy, combine an accessible review of social science research with analyses of school practices and local, state, and federal laws that affect LGBT students. In addition, portraits of LGBT youth and their experiences with discrimination at school bring human faces to the issues the authors discuss."--Publisher's website.
- Subjects: Lesbian students; Gay students; Bisexual students; Transgender youth; Sexual minorities; Homosexuality and education;
- © 2012., The University of Michigan Press,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Women impressionists / by Morisot, Berthe,1841-1895.; Pfeiffer, Ingrid.; Hollein, Max.; Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt.; Legion of Honor (San Francisco, Calif.);
Includes bibliographical references (p. 316-317).Impressionism is feminine : on the reception of Morisot, Cassatt, GonzaleÌs, and Bracquemond / Ingird Pfeiffer -- Morisot's Wet nurse : the construction of work and leisure in Impressionist painting / Linda Nochlin -- "Catching a touch of the ephemeral" : Berthe Morisot and Impressionism / Sylvie Patry -- Seven unpublished letters from Mary Cassatt to Berthe Morisot and her daughter, Julie Manet / Hugues Wilhelm -- Mary Cassatt : the touch and the gaze, or Impressionism for thinking people / Griselda Pollock -- "So firm and powerful a hand" : Mary Cassatt's techniques and questions of gender / Pamela A. Ivinski -- Expressive red : Eva GonzaleÌs and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec / Marie-Caroline Sainsaulieu -- Marie Bracquemond : the lady with the parasol / Jean-Paul Bouillon -- A call to arms : women artists' struggle for professional recognition in the nineteenth-century art world / Ann Havemann.
- Subjects: Morisot, Berthe, 1841-1895; Cassatt, Mary, 1844-1926; GonzaleÌs, Eva, 1849-1883; Bracquemond, Marie, 1841-1916; Impressionism (Art); Impressionism (Art); Women artists; Women artists; Painting, French; Painting, American; Morisot, Berthe, 1841-1895; Cassat, Mary, 1844-1926; GonzaleÌs, Eva, 1849-1883; Bracquemond, Marie, 1841-1916; Impressionnisme (Art); Impressionnisme (Art); Femmes peintres; Femmes peintres; Peinture française; Peinture ameÌricaine;
- © c2008., Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt ; Hatje Cantz,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Queer (in)justice : the criminalization of LGBT people in the United States / by Mogul, Joey L.,1969-; Ritchie, Andrea J.; Whitlock, Kay.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Setting the historical stage : colonial legacies -- Gleeful gay killers, lethal lesbians, & deceptive gender benders : queer criminal archetypes -- The ghosts of Stonewall : policing gender, policing sex -- Objection! treatment of queers in criminal courts -- Caging deviance : prisons as queer spaces -- False promises : criminal legal responses to violence against LGBT people -- Over the rainbow : where do we go from here?.Draws on years of research, activism, and legal advocacy to present an examination of the gay experience, illustrating the continuing punishment of gay expression in the United States and illuminating strategies for change.
- Subjects: Gays; Sex discrimination in criminal justice administration; Gays; Hate crimes; Homophobia;
- © c2011., Beacon Press,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The truth about sexual behavior and unplanned pregnancy / by Kittleson, Mark J.,1952-; Kane, William,1947-; Rennegarbe, Richelle.; Howard-Barr, Elissa.; Book Builders LLC.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.List of illustrations -- Preface -- How to use this book -- Risk taking and sexual behavior -- A to Z entries: Abortion -- Basics of gender identity -- Biology and sex -- Community, support from -- Conception, pregnancy, and childbirth -- Contraceptives involving risk -- Contraceptives: Practices proven safe -- Dating -- Drugs, alcohol, and sex -- Media and sex -- Pregnancy and childbirth, cost of -- Pregnancy and teenagers -- Pregnancy, prevention of -- Relationships and responsibilities -- Sex and the law -- Sexual arousal -- Sexual expression -- Sexual orientation -- Sexual response -- Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) -- Violence, sexual -- Hotlines and help sites -- Glossary -- Index.
- Subjects: Sex instruction for teenagers.; Teenagers; Teenage pregnancy;
- © c2005., Facts On File,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Dressing constitutionally : hierarchy, sexuality, and democracy from our hairstyles to our shoes / by Robson, Ruthann,1956-author.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 227-251) and index.Dressing historically -- Dressing barely -- Dressing sexily -- Dressing professionally -- Dressing disruptively -- Dressing religiously -- Dressing economically."The intertwining of our clothes and our Constitution raise fundamental questions of hierarchy, sexuality, and democracy. From our hairstyles to our shoes, constitutional considerations both constrain and confirm our daily choices. In turn, our attire and appearance provide multilayered perspectives on the United States Constitution and its interpretations. Our garments often raise First Amendment issues of expression or religion, but they also prompt questions of equality on the basis of gender, race, and sexuality. At work, in court, in schools, in prisons, and on the streets, our clothes and grooming provoke constitutional controversies. Additionally, the production, trade, and consumption of apparel implicates constitutional concerns including colonial sumptuary laws, slavery, wage and hour laws, and current notions of free trade. The regulation of what we wear--or don't--is ubiquitous. From a noted constitutional scholar and commentator, this book examines the rights to expression and equality, as well as the restraints on government power, as they both limit and allow control of our most personal choices of attire and grooming"--Provided by publisher.
- Subjects: Clothing and dress; Beauty, Personal; Constitutional law;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The transformative potential of LGBTQ+ children's picture books / by Miller, Jennifer,Ph. D.,author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index."In The Transformative Potential of LGBTQ Children's Picture Books, Jennifer Miller identifies an archive of over 150 English-language children's picture books that explicitly represent LGBTQ identities, expressions, and issues. This archive is then analyzed to explore the evolution of LGBTQ characters and content from the 1970s to the present. Miller describes dominant tropes that emerge in the field to analyze historical shifts in representational practices, which she suggests parallel larger sociocultural shifts in the visibility of LGBTQ identities. Additionally, Miller considers material constraints and possibilities affecting the production, distribution, and consumption of LGBTQ children's picture books from the 1970s to the present. This foundational work defines the field of LGBTQ children's picture books thoroughly, yet accessibly. In addition to laying the groundwork for further research, The Transformative Potential of LGBTQ Children's Picture Books presents a reading lens, critical optimism, used to analyze the transformative potential of LGBTQ children's picture books. Many texts remain attached to heteronormative family forms and raced and classed models of success. However, by considering what these books put into the world, as well as problematic aspects of the world reproduced within them, Miller argues that LGBTQ children's picture books are an essential world-making project and seek to usher in a transformed world as well as a significant historical archive that reflects material and representational shifts in dominant and subcultural understandings of gender and sexuality"--
- Subjects: Picture books for children; Picture books for children; Sexual minorities; Queer theory; Homosexuality; Transformative learning.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
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