
Stranger in the woods [videorecording] / by Sams, Carl R.; Stoick, Jean.; Sams, Laura.; Sams, Robert.; DePoy, Brandon.; Boyd, Nancy.; Stevens, Tracy.; Brunn, Michael.; Brunn, Megan.; Boyd, Dan.; Stevens, Marc.; Carl R. Sams II Photography.;
DVD, region 1, full screen presentation; Dolby Digital.Brandon Depoy, Nancy Boyd, Robert Sams, Tracy Stevens.Voices: Laura Sams, Michael Brunn, Megan Brunn.Videographers, Dan Boyd, Carl R. Sams II, Laura Sams ; music, Laura Sams, Robert Sams, Marc Stevens.MPAA rating: Not rated.Journey deep into the winter woods and meet two snowdrifts, Pierre and Janine. Together they introduce you to their forest friends and reminisce about a time when a mysterious stranger came to visit.Winner of 16 national & international awards.
Subjects: Short films.; Video recordings for children.; Children's films and programs.; Snowmen; Forest animals; Forest birds; Forest animals; Animals; Snowmen; Winter;
© 2003., Carl R. Sams II Photography,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The Kirtland's warbler in the jack pine ecosystem [videorecording]. by Michigan.Dept. of Natural Resources.; Silvertip Productions Ltd.;
VHS.Presents the conservation efforts of the Kirtland's Warbler Recovery Team in Northern Michigan. Features and explains the unique ecological value of satisfying the warbler's nesting requirements by controlled clear cutting and burning of the jack pine forest.
Subjects: Kirtland's warbler; Habitat (Ecology); Wildlife conservation; Forest birds;
© [199-?], Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Stranger in the woods : a photographic fantasy / by Sams, Carl R.; Stoick, Jean.;
Forest animals, awakened by the birds' warning that there is a stranger in the woods, set out to discover if there is danger and find, instead, a wonderful surprise.
Subjects: Juvenile materials.; Forest animals; Animals; Snowmen; Forest birds; Forest animals; Snowmen;
© c2000., C.R. Sams II Photography,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Wild about michigan birds: for bird lovers of all ages. by Porter, Adele.;
Introduction -- Coniferous forest -- Deciduous forest -- Prairie and open grasslands -- Wetlands, rivers, lakes, and shores."Share the fun of bird-watching with the whole family! Wild About Michigan Birds by Adele Porter satisfies our adult curiosity about birds and is written to include youth, fostering a love of nature for all ages. The vivid photographs and convenient format will have wildlife fans of every generation flipping through the pages with each sighting"-From Amazon.
Subjects: Birds; Bird watching;
© 2014., Adventure Publications Inc
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Atlas of rare birds / by Couzens, Dominic.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Back from the brink : starting again with just a few survivors. California condor ; Kakapo ; Laysan duck ; Seychelles magpie-robin ; Crested ibis -- The perils of island living : many threatened birds are confined to small spaces. Ultramarine lorikeet ; Floreana mockingbird ; Kagu ; Junin grebe ; Bali myna -- Threats in many guises : peculiar ways to become threatened. Tristan albatross ; Black-eared miner ; Montserrat oriole ; Houbara bustard ; Colourful puffleg -- Migrants : the difficulties of protecting birds on the move. Aquatic warbler ; Nordmann's greenshank ; Northern bald ibis ; Kirtland's warbler ; Whooping crane -- Unexpected calamities : once common birds in sudden danger. White-rumped vulture ; Sooty falcon ; Regent honeyeater ; Red-legged kittiwake ; Lesser flamingo -- Lost causes? : optimism fades -- or has gone completely. Spoon-billed sandpiper ; Brazilian merganser ; Philippine eagle ; Marvellous spatuletail ; Po'ouli -- Controversies : conservation is rarely a simple business. Spotted owl ; White-headed duck ; Grenada dove ; Gurney's pitta ; Spix's macaw -- Discoveries : some unexpected ways to discover new species. Algerian nuthatch ; Nechisar nightjar ; Hooded grebe ; Udzungwa forest partridge ; Araripe manakin -- Rediscoveries : missing birds are found again. Noisy scrub-bird ; Forest owlet ; New Zealand storm-petrel ; Bruijn's brush-turkey ; Madagascar pochard -- The pending tray : are they out there, or not? Long-whiskered owlet ; Night parrot ; Pink-headed duck ; White-eyed river martin ; Ivory-billed woodpecker.Offers a guide to some of the rarest birds in existence, with maps that show where to find them.
Subjects: Rare birds.; Rare birds; Kirtland's warbler;
© c2010., MIT Press,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Fire Bird : the Kirtland's Warbler story / by Hansen, Amy S.; Oliver, Janet W.illustrator;
Chip-chip-che-way-o! This is the song of the endangered Kirtland's Warbler. The birds live in the jack pine forests of Michigan, Wisconsin and Ontario, Canada. Every fall they fly 1500 miles to the Bahamas. Every spring they come back. Their forests need fire to renew so they can nest. How can they survive? -- from author.
Subjects: Kirtland's warbler;
© ©2017., Arbutus Press
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

When snowflakes fall / by Sams, Carl R.; Stoick, Jean.;
The resident birds and animals prepare for winter when snow returns to their woodland home.
Subjects: Board books.; Snow; Forest animals; Winter; Snow; Forest animals; Animals; Winter; Board books.;
© c2009., Carl R. Sams II Photography,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The Sibley guide to bird life & behavior / by Sibley, David,1961-; Elphick, Chris.; Dunning, John B.(John Barnard); National Audubon Society.;
World of birds: Flight, form, and function -- Molts and plumages -- Aerodynamics -- Feet, bills, and digestion -- Bones and muscle -- Respiration and metabolism -- Senses and vocal apparatus -- Bird intelligence -- Origins, evolution, and classification -- How bird species originate -- Classification -- Behavior -- Study of bird behavior -- Function of behaviors -- Daily and seasonal rhythms -- Daily maintenance behaviors -- Migration -- Dispersal -- Communication -- Reproductive behavior -- Habitats and distributions -- Range and habitat -- Habitat distribution patterns -- Habitat types -- Forests and woodlands -- Grasslands -- Shrublands -- Deserts -- Tundra -- Wetland and aquatic habitats -- Ocean habitats -- Human-created habitats -- Populations and conservation -- What determines bird population sizes? -- Population regulation -- Conservation threats -- Tracking bird populations in North America -- Protecting North American birds.Bird families of North America: Loons -- Grebes -- Albatrosses -- Shearwaters and Petrels -- Storm-Petrels -- Tropicbirds -- Boobies and Gannets -- Pelicans -- Cormorants -- Darters (Anhinga) -- Frigatebirds -- Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns -- Ibises and Spoonbills -- Storks -- New World Vultures -- Flamingos -- Ducks, Geese, and Swans -- Hawks and allies -- Falcons and Caracaras -- Chachalacas and allies -- Grouse, Turkeys, and allies -- New World Quail -- Rails, Gallinules, and Coots -- Limpkin -- Cranes -- Thick-knees -- Plovers and Lapwings -- Oystercathcers -- Stilts and Avocets -- Jacanas -- Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and allies -- Coursers and Pratincoles -- Gulls, Terns, and allies -- Auks -- Pigeons and Doves -- Parrots and allies -- Cuckoos, Roadrunners, and Anis -- Barn owls -- Typical owls -- Nighthawks and Nightjars -- Swifts -- Hummingbirds -- Trogons -- Hoopoe -- Kingfishers -- Woodpeckers and allies -- Tyrant flycatchers -- Shrikes -- Vireos -- Crows and Jays -- Larks -- Swallows and Martins -- Chickadees and Titmice -- Penduline Tits (Verdin) -- Long-tailed Tits (Bushtit) -- Nuthatches -- Creepers -- Wrens -- Dippers -- Bulbuls -- Kinglets -- Old World Warblers and Gnatcatchers -- Old World Flycatchers -- Thrushes -- Babblers (Wrentit) -- Mockingbirds and Thrashers -- Starlings and Mynas -- Accentors -- Wagtails and Pipits -- Waxwings -- Silky-fly catchers -- Olive Warbler -- Wood-Warblers -- Bananaquit -- Tanagers -- New World Sparrows -- Cardinals and allies -- Blackbirds, Orioles, and allies -- Finches and allies -- Old World Sparrows.Designed to enhance the birding experience and to enrich the popular study of North American birds, the book combines more than 795 of full-color illustrations with authoritative text by 48 expert birders and biologist, This new guide shows how birds live and what they do. Introductory essays outlive the principles if avian evolution, life cycle, body structure, flight dynamics, and more. This is an indispensable source of information on the avian life around us.
Subjects: Birds; Birds; Birds.; Birds;
© 2001., Alfred A. Knopf,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Gaia's garden : a guide to home-scale permaculture / by Hemenway, Toby,1952-;
Includes bibliographical references (p. [289]-293) and index.Introducing the ecological garden -- A gardener's ecology -- Designing the ecological garden -- Bringing the soil to life -- Catching, conserving, and using water -- Plants for many uses -- Bringing in the bees, birds, and other helpful animals -- Creating communities for the garden -- Designing garden guilds -- Growing a food forest -- Permaculture gardening in the city -- Pop goes the garden.
Subjects: Natural landscaping.; Organic gardening.; Permaculture.; Gaia hypothesis.;
© c2009., Chelsea Green Pub.,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

All the birds in the sky / by Anders, Charlie.;
"When Patricia Delfine was six years old, a wounded bird led her deep into the forest to the Parliament of Birds, where she met the Great Tree and was asked a question that would determine the course of her life. When Laurence Armstead was in grade school, he cobbled together a wristwatch-sized device that could send its wearer two seconds into the future. When Patricia and Laurence first met in high school, they didn't understand one another at all. But as time went on, they kept bumping into one another's lives. Now they're both grown up, and the planet is falling apart around them. Laurence is an engineering genius who's working with a group that aims to avert catastrophic breakdown through technological intervention into the changing global climate. Patricia is a graduate of Eltisley Maze, the hidden academy for the world's magically gifted, and works with a small band of other magicians to secretly repair the world's ever-growing ailments. Neither Laurence nor Patricia can keep pace with the speed at which things fall apart. But something bigger than either of them, something begun deep in their childhoods, is determined to bring them together. And will"--
Subjects: Fantasy fiction.; Science fiction.; Magic; Time travel; Man-woman relationships;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1