
Firehouse! / by Teague, Mark.;
Edward and his cousin Judy come for a visit to the firehouse and learn how everything works, with some unexpected results.
Subjects: Fire departments; Fire extinction; Fire departments; Fire extinction;
© 2010., Orchard Books,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Mercy Watson to the rescue / Kate DiCamillo ; illustrated by Chris van Dusen. by DiCamillo, Kate.; Van Dusen, Chris,ill.;
After Mercy the pig snuggles to sleep with the Watsons, all three awaken with the bed teetering on the edge of a big hole in the floor.Accelerated Reader/Renaissance Learning
Subjects: Pigs; Neighbors; Fire departments; Humorous stories.; Swine; Neighbors; Fire departments;
© 2005., Candlewick Press,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George and the firefighters / by Rey, Margret.; Rey, H. A.(Hans Augusto),1898-1977.; Hines, Anna Grossnickle,ill.; Calvo, Carlos E.;
While on a field trip to a fire station with Mrs. Gray's class, Curious George goes off on his own and is soon at the scene of a fire, where he finds a way to be helpful.
Subjects: Monkeys; Fire fighters; Fire departments; School field trips; Spanish language materials; Monkeys; Fire fighters; Fire departments; Field trips; Bilingual books;
© 2010., Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Business plans handbook. [electronic resource] : a compilation of actual business plans developed by small businesses throughout North America / by Kahrs, Paul R.,editor.; Kahrs, Kristin,1967-editor.; Gale Group.;
Includes bibliographical references.Bagel shop -- Bread bakery -- Car wash -- Cigar shop -- Climbing outfitter -- Computer reseller -- Detective agency -- Fire equipment retailer -- Franchise postal service -- Freight expediting -- Gift store -- Internet bid clearinghouse -- Internet cafe -- Marketing consultancy -- Metal shop -- Novelty shop -- Office furniture retailer -- Parts manufacturer -- Party supply store -- Pasta franchise -- Restaurant -- Restaurant - Microbrewery -- Taxi service.Collection of actual business plans from businesses in the manufacturing, retail and service industries, with company names and addresses changed. Includes: business plan template, fictional business plans, listing of organizations, agencies, and consultants; a glossary; and an updated bibliography. Aimed at entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses in North America.Description based on print version record.
Subjects: Small business; Business planning; Small business; New business enterprises; Entrepreneurship; Restaurants.; Bakeries.; Car wash industry.; Cigar industry.; Rock climbing; Computer industry.; Private investigators.; Fire departments; Postal service.; Shipping.; Freight forwarders.; Stores, Retail.; Building management.; Databases.; Cybercafes.; Marketing consultants.; Metal trade.; Office furniture industry.; Manufacturing industries.; Fast food restaurants.; Microbreweries.; Taxicabs.;
© c1998., Gale,
On-line resources: -- Available online. Click here to access.;

Perfect phrases for ESL : everyday situations / by Gast, Natalie.;
"Hundreds of ready-to-use phrases that help you navigate any English-language situation in your daily life."Babysitters, nannies, day care, and early learning centers -- Elementary and high school -- Furthering your own education -- Language training -- Making and keeping a medical appointment -- Making and keeping a dental appointment -- Emergency room and hospital care -- The pharmacy -- First responders: fire departments, police departments, and emergency medical personnel -- The post office -- The bank -- The library -- Getting around: asking directions and parking -- Gas and service stations -- The supermarket -- Shopping, personal services, and entertainment.
Subjects: English language; English language; English language; Adult education.;
© c2013., McGraw Hill,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Careers in Protective Services.
Includes bibliographical references and index.Understanding the wide scope of jobs open to someone interested in protective services, from first responders to social workers, is important for anyone preparing for a career in protective services, including opportunities working for federal state, or local governments like police and fire departments or in Homeland Security; for nonprofits and organizations that help care for children, the elderly, or those suffering from mental illness or substance abuse; and even in for-profit, private practices as detectives and investigators.Publisher's Note -- Introduction to Careers in Protective Services -- Agricultural and Food Scientists -- Computer and Information Research Scientists -- Conservation Scientists and Foresters -- Construction and Building Inspectors -- Correctional Officers and Bailiffs -- Emergency Management Directors -- EMTs and Paramedics -- Environmental Scientists and Specialists -- Epidemiologists -- Fire Inspectors -- Firefighters -- Fishing and Hunting Workers -- Forensic Science Technicians -- Health and Safety Engineers -- Health Educators and Community Health Workers -- Homeland Security -- Information Security Analysts -- Occupational Health and Safety Specialists and Technicians -- Police and Detectives -- Police, Fire, and Ambulance Dispatchers -- Private Detectives and Investigators -- Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists -- Registered Nurses -- Rehabilitation Counselors -- Security Guards and Gaming Surveillance Officers -- Social and Community Service Managers -- Social Workers -- Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors -- Appendix A: Holland Code -- Appendix B: General Bibliography -- Appendix C: Organizations and Web Resources -- Appendix D: Glossary -- Index.
Subjects: Public safety; Human services personnel;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Brooklyn on fire : a Mary Handley mystery / by Levy, Lawrence H.;
After closing a case with the Brooklyn Police Department, Mary Handley is determined to become an official detective in her own right. And when Emily Worsham shows up at her new office convinced her uncle John Worsham was murdered and desperate for answers, Mary's second assignment begins. As she investigates the curious circumstances surrounding John's death, Mary soon finds herself entangled in a high-stakes family scandal, a series of interconnected murders, political corruption, untrustworthy sources, and an unexpected romance with a central member of New York's elite.
Subjects: Detective and mystery fiction.; Mystery fiction.; Women detectives; Murder;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Then came the fire : personal accounts from the Pentagon, 11 September 2001 / by Lofgren, Stephen J.;
Overview: On the morning of 11 September 2001, Middle Eastern terrorists hijacked four passenger airliners along the east coast of the United States, one of which they flew into the Pentagon. The crash, ensuing fire, and smoke killed 125 military personnel, Department of Defense civilians, and contractors in the Pentagon in addition to those on the plane. For hundreds of the building's occupants, the period after the crash was a struggle to help themselves and coworkers escape and survive. Two days after the attack, the U.S. Army Center of Military History began an extensive project to document the historic event through oral history interviews. Published for the incident's tenth anniversary, Then Came the Fire is an anthology of excerpts from those interviews. This collection highlights the personal accounts of participants who witnessed some aspect of the events in the Pentagon that day: the survivors, some of whom were injured; policemen; firefighters; medical personnel; observers; others involved in the rescue and recovery efforts; and building occupants who began picking up the pieces.Includes bibliographical references and index.Foreword -- Preface -- Brig Gen Clyde A Vaughn -- Alan Wallace -- Michael DiPaula -- Yvette Buzard -- Richard M Hudnall -- Maj Lorie A Brown -- Assistant Fire Chief James H Schwartz -- Capt Thomas Panther -- Ceci Mayhew -- Leona G Shaw -- Col Joseph M Tedesco Jr -- Charlene Ryan -- Neal Shelley -- Sheila Moody -- Janice A Jackson -- Charles Young -- Col Mark Perrin -- Maj David Irvin -- Capt Darrell Oliver -- Capt Lincoln Leibner -- Lt Col Victor M Correa -- Lt Col Thomas Cleary III -- Lt Col Brian D Birdwell -- Melanie Birdwell -- Brenda Hirschi -- Maj David J King Jr -- Maj Gen Peter W Chiarelli -- Col Mark Volk -- Col Marcus A Kuiper -- Brig Gen Karl W Eikenberry -- Maj Gen John R Wood -- Lt Col Isabelle Slifer -- Col Philip A McNair -- Dalisay Olaes -- Martha Carden -- Dr Betty Maxfield -- Sgt Maj Tony Rose -- John D Yates -- Maj John Lewis Thurman -- Col Edwin Morehead -- Lt Col Adrian Erckenbrack -- Robert L Jaworski -- Arthur Santana -- Maj Craig Collier -- Maj Jeanette K Stone -- Assistant Fire Chief James H Schwartz -- 1st Lt Steven Cunningham -- Assistant Fire Chief James H Schwartz -- Col J Edgar Wakayama -- Arthur Santana -- Lt Col Tracy Bryant -- Assistant Fire Chief James H Schwartz -- Brenda Hirschi -- Maj Gen John R Wood -- Charlene Ryan -- Maj Craig Collier -- Sgt Maj Tony Rose -- Col Henry A Haynes -- Spec Lauren Panfili -- Assistant Fire Chief James H Schwartz -- Deputy Bob McFarland -- Thomas N Kuhn -- 1st Sgt Steven Stokes -- Capt William Besterman -- Capt Lance Green -- Steven E Beck and Michael E Shea -- David A Nanney -- Maj Willis T Leavitt -- Sandi Hanish -- Col Roy Wallace -- Col Marcus A Kuiper -- Col Joseph M Tedesco Jr -- Brenda Hirschi -- Leona G Shaw -- Maj Jeanette K Stone -- Sheila Moody -- Lt Col Isabelle Slifer -- Col Marcus A Kuiper -- Martha Carden -- Abbreviations -- Index.
Subjects: Pentagon (Va.); September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001; Victims of terrorism;
© 2011., Center of Military History, United States Army,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

ProQuest statistical abstract of the United States : 2016 / by ProQuest (Firm); United States.Bureau of the Census.; United States.Economics and Statistics Administration.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Preface -- New and deleted tables -- Guide to tabular presentation -- Section 1: Population: -- Estimates and projection by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin -- States, metropolitan areas, cities -- Mobility status -- Profiles of elderly, racial, and Hispanic-origin populations -- Native and foreign-born populations -- Immigration -- Ancestry, languages -- Marital status and households -- Religion -- Section 2: Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Divorces: -- Births -- Sexuality and family planning -- Life expectancy -- Deaths -- Marriages and divorces -- Section 3: Health And Nutrition: -- National health expenditure accounts -- Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP -- Health insurance -- Healthcare industry revenue and employment -- Hospitals and healthcare utilization -- Health measures -- Food consumption, nutrition -- Section 4: Education: -- Overview: All levels of education -- School readiness -- Primary and secondary schools -- Higher education -- School crime and safety -- Libraries -- Section 5: Law Enforcement, Courts, And Prisons: -- Crimes and crime rates -- Law enforcement and arrests -- Courts -- Juveniles, child abuse -- Prisoners and inmates -- Fire departments and property losses -- Section 6: Geography And Environment: -- Land and water -- Air quality -- Municipal hazardous waste -- Weather -- Conservation -- Section 7: Elections: -- Voter registration and vote results -- Campaign finances -- Section 8: State And Local Government Finances And Employment: -- Governmental units -- Aid to state and local governments -- State and local governments -- Local government finances -- Employment and payroll -- Section 9: Federal Government Finances And Employment: -- Budget receipts, outlays, debt -- Income taxes -- Federal employment, payroll, and facilities -- Section 10: National Security And Veterans Affairs: -- National defense outlays, expenditures, personnel -- Military manpower --Military sales and assistance -- Veterans -- Homeland security -- Section 11: Social Insurance And Human Services: -- Government transfer payments -- Social security, retirement funds, and other income assistance -- Federal food programs and family assistance -- Child care, child support -- Social services providers -- Section 12: Labor Force, Employment, And Earnings: -- Labor force status -- Occupations and employment projections -- Unemployment -- Establishments -- Compensation and hours worked -- Benefits -- Injuries -- Union membership -- Section 13: Income, Expenditures, Poverty, And Wealth: -- Gross domestic product -- Personal and household income -- Consumer expenditures -- Money income -- Poverty status -- Wealth -- Section 14: Prices: -- Consumer price index -- Cost of living index -- Producer price index -- Section 15: Business Enterprise: -- Sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations -- Establishments, employees, payroll -- Firms, births, deaths, expansions and contractions -- Women- and minority-owned businesses -- Bankruptcy, patents -- Investment, capital expenditures -- Economic indicators -- Corporate profits -- Multinationals -- Section 16: Science And Technology: -- Research and development funds, outlays -- Science and engineering degrees -- Science and engineering employment -- Space program -- Section 17: Agriculture: -- Farms and farmland -- Farm balance sheet, income -- Agricultural exports and imports -- Crops, livestock -- Section 18: Forestry, Fishing, And Mining: -- Natural resource-related industries -- Timber, lumber -- Fishery -- Mining, minerals, and energy resources -- Section 19: Energy And Utilities: -- Energy production, consumption -- Energy expenditures and trade -- Crude oil -- Nuclear -- Renewable energy -- Electric power -- Gas and other utilities -- Section 20: Construction And Housing: -- Construction industry indicators -- Home sales and prices -- Housing supply -- Housing occupancy and tenure -- Home improvements -- Nonresidential construction -- Section 21: Manufactures: -- Manufacturing summary -- Hours and earnings of production workers -- Shipments, inventories, new orders, and finances -- Industry reports by subject and subsector -- Section 22: Wholesale And Retail Trade: -- Wholesale trade -- Retail trade -- Section 23: Transportation: -- Transportation system -- Air transportation -- Water transportation and port traffic -- Highways -- Motor vehicle registrations and fuel consumption -- Motor vehicle accidents -- Urban transit and commuting -- Trucks, railroads, and pipelines -- Postal service -- Section 24: Information industries -- Publishing: newspapers, books and online -- Recording media and broadcasting -- Telecommunications -- Internet access and use -- Libraries -- Section 25: Banking, Finance, And Insurance: -- Establishments, receipts -- Flow of funds, financial assets, and liabilities -- Financial institutions -- Payment instruments, credit and debit cards -- Consumer credit, mortgage debt -- Money stock, interest rates -- Stocks and bonds, equity ownership, mutual funds -- Insurance and real estate -- Section 26: Arts, Recreation, And Travel: -- Employees, establishments, and payroll -- Performing arts -- Leisure activities -- Sports -- Parks and wildlife activities -- Travel -- Section 27: Accommodation, Food Services, And Other Services: -- Section 28: Foreign Commerce And Aid: -- International transactions -- Foreign investments -- Foreign grants and credits -- Exports and imports -- Section 29: Puerto Rico And The Island Areas: -- Section 30: International Statistics: -- World population, vital statistics -- Economic measures -- Labor force -- Agriculture -- Energy and environment -- Technology -- Finance -- Appendix 1: Guide to sources of statistics, state statistical abstracts, and foreign statistical abstracts -- Appendix 2: Metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas: concepts, components, and population -- Appendix 3: Limitations of the data -- Appendix 4: Weights and measures -- Index."Since 1878, this publication has provided a statistical portrait of social, political, and economic conditions of the United States" and includes thousands of tables from hundreds of sources and valuable, detailed bibliographic documentation.
Subjects: Statistics; Censuses; Demography; Population;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Stage management / by Stern, Lawrence,1935-; O'Grady, Alice R.,1934-;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Making things run smoothly -- Characteristics of a good stage manager -- Getting the play and understanding it -- Scheduling and company rules -- Getting acquainted with your theater -- Expediting auditions and readings -- Budgeting -- Rehearsal procedures -- Keeping the cast on time -- Department management and property management -- Supervision of shifts -- Running the technical rehearsal -- Running the show -- Working with the house manager -- Keeping the show in hand -- Closing and moving/touring -- Fire/evacuation -- Working with unions -- Organizing information -- Correspondence -- Getting a job.
Subjects: Stage management.; Stage management.;
© c2013., Pearson,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1