
Understanding family and personal relationships / by Wilcox, Christine,author.;
Grade 9 to 12.Includes bibliographical references and index.People need relationships not only to be happy, but also to be physically and psychologically healthy. Parents, siblings, friends, and romantic attachments are far more important to a person's mental and physical well-being than psychologists once thought. They now know that, in order to thrive, human beings must have a foundation of secure, loving relationships.
Subjects: Families; Interpersonal relations; Love;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Siblings of children with autism : a guide for families / by Harris, Sandra L.; Glasberg, Beth A.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. [173]-176) and index.Brothers and sisters : getting together and getting along -- He doesn't know what angels are : autism viewed through children's eyes -- Why does he do that? : explaining autism to children -- Let's talk : helping children share their thoughts and feelings -- The balancing act : finding time for family, work, and yourself -- Children at play : helping children play together -- An adult perspective : the mature sibling.
Subjects: Autistic children; Brothers and sisters; Brothers and sisters; Family.;
© 2003., Woodbine House,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The big disconnect : protecting childhood and family relationships in the digital age / by Steiner-Adair, Catherine,author.; Barker, Teresa,author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Steiner-Adair offers insights and advice that can help parents achieve greater understanding, authority, and confidence as they come up against the tech revolution and how families can combat the disconnection we are experiencing from our extreme device dependence."Have iPads replaced conversation at the dinner table? What do infants observe when their parents are on their smartphones? Should you be your child's Facebook friend? As the focus of family has turned to the glow of the screen -- children constantly texting their friends, parents working online around the clock -- everyday life is undergoing a massive transformation. Easy availability to the Internet and social media has erased the boundaries that protect children from the unsavory aspects of adult life. Parents often feel they are losing a meaningful connection with their children. Children are feeling lonely and alienated. The digital world is here to stay, but what are families losing with technology's gain? As renowned clinical psychologist Catherine Steiner-Adair explains, families are in crisis around this issue, and even more so than they realize. Not only do chronic tech distractions have deep and lasting effects, but children desperately need parents to provide what tech cannot: close, significant interactions with the adults in their lives. Drawing on real-life stories from her clinical work with children and parents, and her consulting work with educators and experts across the country, Steiner-Adair offers insights and advice that can help parents achieve greater understanding, authority, and confidence as they come up against the tech revolution unfolding in their living rooms. We all know that deep connection with the people we love means everything to us. It's time to look with fresh eyes and an open mind at the disconnection we are experiencing from our extreme device dependence. It's never too late to put down the iPad and come to the dinner table."-- Book jacket.
Subjects: Internet and families; Technology and children; Computers and families; Digital media; Parenting;
© [2013], Harper,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

A loved one with dementia : insights and tips for teenagers / by Rawitt, Jean,1952-author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.You are not alone -- What is dementia. What is dementia? ; What does dementia look like? -- Expectations and challenges. What to expect ; What you can do to help someone with dementia ; How does dementia affect family and friends? ; Activities to share with someone with dementia -- What's next? Facing death and the rituals of death and mourning ; How you can help yourself during difficult times."This book addresses the challenges teenagers may face when a family member has dementia. It offers valuable information and support, with stories from young adults themselves and interviews with adults who know and care for people with dementia"--
Subjects: Dementia; Dementia; Parent and teenager.; Dementia.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Parenting your parents : straight talk about aging in the family / by Mindszenthy, Bart J.,author.; Gordon, Michael,1941-,author.;
Subjects: Aging parents; Parent and adult child.; Adult children of aging parents;
© 2013., Dundurn Press,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Fatherhood : evolution and human paternal behavior / by Gray, Peter B.,1972-; Anderson, Kermyt G.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 259-294) and index.Our founding fathers -- A world of diversity: cross-cultural variation in paternal care -- Men and marriage -- Fathers and fertility -- Who's the dad? -- Father involvement, father absence, and children's outcomes -- The makings of a stepfather -- Having it all? Fatherhood, male social relationships, and work -- The descent of dad's sexuality -- Babies on his brain -- Health and the human father -- Rewriting the manual."We've all heard that a father's involvement enriches the lives of children. But how much have we heard about how having a child affects a father's life? As Peter Gray and Kermyt Anderson reveal, fatherhood actually alters a man's sexuality, rewires his brain, and changes his hormonal profile. His very health may suffer - in the short run - and improve in the long. These are just a few aspects of the scientific side of fatherhood explored in this book, which deciphers the findings of myriad studies and makes them accessible to the interested general reader." "Since the mid-1990s Anderson and Gray, themselves fathers of young children, have been studying paternal behavior in places as diverse as Boston, Albuquerque, Cape Town, Kenya, and Jamaica. Their work combines the insights of evolutionary and comparative biology, cross-cultural analysis, and neural physiology to deepen and expand our understanding of fatherhood - from the intense involvement in childcare seen in male hunter-gatherers, to the prodigality of a Genghis Khan leaving millions of descendants, to the anonymous sperm donor in a fertility clinic." "Looking at every kind of fatherhood - being a father in and out of marriage, fathering from a distance, stepfathering, and parenting by gay males - this book presents a uniquely detailed picture of how being a parent fits with men's broader social and work lives, how fatherhood evolved, and how it differs across cultures and through time."--BOOK JACKET.
Subjects: Human evolution.; Fossil hominids.; Fatherhood.; Paternity.; Paternal Behavior.; Cross-Cultural Comparison.; Cultural Evolution.; Hominidae.; Parenting.; Family and Relationships.;
© 2010., Harvard University Press,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

What you need to know about eating disorders / by Bartley, Jessica,author.; Streno, Melissa,author.;
"This book provides readers with information to better understand eating disorders, written in accessible language for teens and young adults--those most at risk for these potentially deadly mental disorders"--Includes bibliographical references and index.What are eating disorders? -- The history of eating disorders -- Causes and risk factors -- Signs and symptoms -- Diagnosis, treatment, and management -- Long-term prognosis and potential complications -- Effects on family and friends -- Prevention -- Issues and controversies -- Current research and future directions.
Subjects: Eating disorders; Eating disorders; Eating disorders; Feeding and Eating Disorders.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Spinal cord injury and the family : a new guide / by Alpert, Michelle J.,1966-; Wisnia, Saul.;
Includes bibliographical references (p.[315]-325) and index.Introduction to spinal cord injury -- Early days : ER, rehab, and beyond -- Adjusting to SCI : the return home -- Back to productivity : work, school, and play -- Dating after SCI : out and about -- Sexual function after SCI : the next challenge -- Couples and relationship issues : making it work -- Fertility and pregnancy : the possibilities -- Parenting with SCI : moms and dads on wheels -- Children and adolescents with SCI : the next generation -- Medical complications of SCI : do's and don'ts.Combining Dr. Alpert's clinical experience with patients' own stories, Spinal Cord Injury and the Family is for individuals and their families who must climb back from injury: for the young quad couple, both quadriplegic, who wish to conceive and raise a child; for the paraplegic dad who wants to teach his daughter to drive; for the couple wondering how they can regain the sexual spark in their relationship. The authors cover the causes of and prognosis for SCI through case studies, review common courses of rehabilitation, and answer the "what now?" questions--from daily routines to larger issues concerning sex, education and employment, childbearing, and parenting with SCI. Rich in clinical information and practical advice, the book shows how real patients and their families are living full lives after spinal cord injury.
Subjects: Spinal cord; Spinal cord;
© 2008., Harvard University Press,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Freedom from toxic relationships : moving on from the family, work and relationship issues that bring you down / by Carruthers, Avril.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Toxic relationships come in many guises. That's why they're so hard to pick. Often toxic relationships don't entail physical violence so much as a slow erosion of self-esteem, a loss of personal identity, or a growing desire to please friends, partners, family members and others who are impossible to please. Learn how to recognise the manipulative or sweetly corrosive partner, the family dynamics that make Christmas and other get-togethers hell, the nightmare boss. And learn what you can do to leave these painful, destructive patterns behind.
Subjects: Self-actualization (Psychology); Self-realization.; Self-acceptance.; Interpersonal relations.;
© 2011., Inspired Living,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

When your parent moves in : every adult child's guide to living with an aging parent / by Horgan, David.; Block, Shira.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 213-216) and index.With personal stories, case studies, and expert quotes, this book offers families the skills and strategies they need for an easy and harmonious transition when an elderly parent moves in to the home.
Subjects: Aging parents; Aging parents; Parent and adult child.; Granny flats.; Adult Children.; Aged.; Caregivers.; Parent-Child Relations.;
© c2009., Adams Media,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1