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- Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan, 1870-1909 / by Lantz, Raymond C.;
- Subjects: Ottawa Indians; Ottawa Indians; Ojibwa Indians; Ojibwa Indians;
- © 1991., Heritage Books,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Sourcebook of Michigan census, county histories, and vital records. by Library of Michigan.; Callard, Carole.;
- © 1986., Library of Michigan : Ordered from Office Service Division, Dept. of Management and Budget,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- ProQuest statistical abstract of the United States : 2016 / by ProQuest (Firm); United States.Bureau of the Census.; United States.Economics and Statistics Administration.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Preface -- New and deleted tables -- Guide to tabular presentation -- Section 1: Population: -- Estimates and projection by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin -- States, metropolitan areas, cities -- Mobility status -- Profiles of elderly, racial, and Hispanic-origin populations -- Native and foreign-born populations -- Immigration -- Ancestry, languages -- Marital status and households -- Religion -- Section 2: Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Divorces: -- Births -- Sexuality and family planning -- Life expectancy -- Deaths -- Marriages and divorces -- Section 3: Health And Nutrition: -- National health expenditure accounts -- Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP -- Health insurance -- Healthcare industry revenue and employment -- Hospitals and healthcare utilization -- Health measures -- Food consumption, nutrition -- Section 4: Education: -- Overview: All levels of education -- School readiness -- Primary and secondary schools -- Higher education -- School crime and safety -- Libraries -- Section 5: Law Enforcement, Courts, And Prisons: -- Crimes and crime rates -- Law enforcement and arrests -- Courts -- Juveniles, child abuse -- Prisoners and inmates -- Fire departments and property losses -- Section 6: Geography And Environment: -- Land and water -- Air quality -- Municipal hazardous waste -- Weather -- Conservation -- Section 7: Elections: -- Voter registration and vote results -- Campaign finances -- Section 8: State And Local Government Finances And Employment: -- Governmental units -- Aid to state and local governments -- State and local governments -- Local government finances -- Employment and payroll -- Section 9: Federal Government Finances And Employment: -- Budget receipts, outlays, debt -- Income taxes -- Federal employment, payroll, and facilities -- Section 10: National Security And Veterans Affairs: -- National defense outlays, expenditures, personnel -- Military manpower --Military sales and assistance -- Veterans -- Homeland security -- Section 11: Social Insurance And Human Services: -- Government transfer payments -- Social security, retirement funds, and other income assistance -- Federal food programs and family assistance -- Child care, child support -- Social services providers -- Section 12: Labor Force, Employment, And Earnings: -- Labor force status -- Occupations and employment projections -- Unemployment -- Establishments -- Compensation and hours worked -- Benefits -- Injuries -- Union membership -- Section 13: Income, Expenditures, Poverty, And Wealth: -- Gross domestic product -- Personal and household income -- Consumer expenditures -- Money income -- Poverty status -- Wealth -- Section 14: Prices: -- Consumer price index -- Cost of living index -- Producer price index -- Section 15: Business Enterprise: -- Sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations -- Establishments, employees, payroll -- Firms, births, deaths, expansions and contractions -- Women- and minority-owned businesses -- Bankruptcy, patents -- Investment, capital expenditures -- Economic indicators -- Corporate profits -- Multinationals -- Section 16: Science And Technology: -- Research and development funds, outlays -- Science and engineering degrees -- Science and engineering employment -- Space program -- Section 17: Agriculture: -- Farms and farmland -- Farm balance sheet, income -- Agricultural exports and imports -- Crops, livestock -- Section 18: Forestry, Fishing, And Mining: -- Natural resource-related industries -- Timber, lumber -- Fishery -- Mining, minerals, and energy resources -- Section 19: Energy And Utilities: -- Energy production, consumption -- Energy expenditures and trade -- Crude oil -- Nuclear -- Renewable energy -- Electric power -- Gas and other utilities -- Section 20: Construction And Housing: -- Construction industry indicators -- Home sales and prices -- Housing supply -- Housing occupancy and tenure -- Home improvements -- Nonresidential construction -- Section 21: Manufactures: -- Manufacturing summary -- Hours and earnings of production workers -- Shipments, inventories, new orders, and finances -- Industry reports by subject and subsector -- Section 22: Wholesale And Retail Trade: -- Wholesale trade -- Retail trade -- Section 23: Transportation: -- Transportation system -- Air transportation -- Water transportation and port traffic -- Highways -- Motor vehicle registrations and fuel consumption -- Motor vehicle accidents -- Urban transit and commuting -- Trucks, railroads, and pipelines -- Postal service -- Section 24: Information industries -- Publishing: newspapers, books and online -- Recording media and broadcasting -- Telecommunications -- Internet access and use -- Libraries -- Section 25: Banking, Finance, And Insurance: -- Establishments, receipts -- Flow of funds, financial assets, and liabilities -- Financial institutions -- Payment instruments, credit and debit cards -- Consumer credit, mortgage debt -- Money stock, interest rates -- Stocks and bonds, equity ownership, mutual funds -- Insurance and real estate -- Section 26: Arts, Recreation, And Travel: -- Employees, establishments, and payroll -- Performing arts -- Leisure activities -- Sports -- Parks and wildlife activities -- Travel -- Section 27: Accommodation, Food Services, And Other Services: -- Section 28: Foreign Commerce And Aid: -- International transactions -- Foreign investments -- Foreign grants and credits -- Exports and imports -- Section 29: Puerto Rico And The Island Areas: -- Section 30: International Statistics: -- World population, vital statistics -- Economic measures -- Labor force -- Agriculture -- Energy and environment -- Technology -- Finance -- Appendix 1: Guide to sources of statistics, state statistical abstracts, and foreign statistical abstracts -- Appendix 2: Metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas: concepts, components, and population -- Appendix 3: Limitations of the data -- Appendix 4: Weights and measures -- Index."Since 1878, this publication has provided a statistical portrait of social, political, and economic conditions of the United States" and includes thousands of tables from hundreds of sources and valuable, detailed bibliographic documentation.
- Subjects: Statistics; Censuses; Demography; Population;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Citizens of the sea : wonderous creatures from the census of marine life / by Knowlton, Nancy.;
"The incredible variety of marine life--in numbers, body form, behavior, and more--is at the heart of Citizens of the Sea, an irresistible plunge into the surprising world beneath the waves."-from inside cover.Names & numbers -- Appearances are everything -- Sense & sensibilities -- Ocean locomotion -- Settling down & growing up -- There's no place like home -- Sea food -- Best friends -- The more, the merrier -- Sex and the sea -- Deep time -- Dangerous encounters -- For what it's worth -- Bad new, good news.
- Subjects: Marine animals; Marine ecology.;
- © c2010., National Geographic Society,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Historical statistics of the states of the United States : two centuries of the census, 1790-1990 / by Dodd, Don.;
Includes bibliographical references.
- Subjects: Statistics History; United States;
- © 1993., Greenwood Press,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Democracy's data [electronic resource] : The hidden stories in the U.S. census and how to read them. by Bouk, Dan.;
In Democracy's Data , the data historian Dan Bouk examines the 1940 U.S. census, uncovering what those numbers both condense and cleverly abstract: a universe of meaning and uncertainty, of cultural negotiation and political struggle. He introduces us to the men and women employed as census takers, bringing us with them as they go door to door, recording the lives of their neighbors. He takes us into the makeshift halls of the Census Bureau, where hundreds of civil servants, not to mention machines, labored with pencil and paper to divide and conquer the nation's data. And he uses these little points to paint bigger pictures, such as of the ruling hand of white supremacy, the place of queer people in straight systems, and the struggle of ordinary people to be seen by the state as they see themselves. The 1940 census is a crucial entry in American history, a controversial dataset that enabled the creation of New Deal era social programs, but that also, with the advent of World War Two, would be weaponized against many of the citizens whom it was supposed to serve. In our age of quantification, Democracy's Data not only teaches us how to read between the lines but gives us a new perspective on the relationship between representation, identity, and governance today.Electronic reproduction.
- Subjects: Electronic books.; Nonfiction.; History.; Politics.; Sociology.;
- © 2022.,
- On-line resources: -- Click to access digital title in OverDrive.;
- Unofficial workbook : a how-to manual for tracing your family tree on the #1 genealogy website / by Hendrickson, Nancy,1947-;
In this workbook, an essential companion to the Unofficial Guide to, you'll learn how to use to its full advantage with detailed guides to searching's digitized records.Introduction -- Search and the card catalog -- Census records -- Birth, marriage, and death records -- Military records -- Immigration records -- Historical maps, images, newspapers, and publications -- Social history -- AncestryDNA -- Appendix A. Account info and quick links -- Appendix B. Research checklists and worksheets -- Appendix C. Census abstract forms.
- Subjects: (Firm); Genealogy; Genealogy;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Historical statistics of the United States, colonial times to 1957 / by United States.Bureau of the Census.; Social Science Research Council (U.S.).;
Includes bibliographical references.
- © 1960., U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census,
- Available copies: 2 / Total copies: 2
- A beginner's guide to online genealogy / by Dunn, Michael,1971-author.;
Where should you begin? -- Learn how to search -- Online starting points -- Search for death records -- Check the census -- Find family connections -- Look local -- Seek out military records -- Trace your immigrant ancestors -- Locate records abroad -- Connect with other genealogists -- Putting it all together.Includes bibliographical references and index.Presents easy-to-understand strategies for researching family roots online. Featuring detailed explanations, each chapter teaches you how to navigate popular genealogy websites, decipher census data and other online records, and connect with other family members to share your findings. The book also includes tips on using free databases and genealogy apps.
- Subjects: Genealogy; Internet research;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Tracing your Irish ancestors : the complete guide / by Grenham, John.;
The Internet is changing the way genealogical research is done. This book is an indispensable guide to what records in Ireland are available online; where they are; and what they mean.Introduction -- General Register Office records -- Census records -- Church records -- Property and valuation records -- The Internet -- Wills -- The Genealogical Office -- Emigration and the Irish abroad -- The Registry of Deeds -- Newspapers -- Directories -- Occupational records -- County source lists -- Roman Catholic parish registers -- Research services, societies, repositories and publishers.
- Subjects: Irish Americans;
- © c2012., Genealogical Pub. Co.,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
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