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- Black bears / by Daly, Timothy M.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 46) and index."While several distinct bear species live throughout the world, the most common and well known is the black bear. Readers will find out what sets these powerful mammals apart from their relatives, from what they eat and where they live to how they interact socially and how they raise their young. They will also learn about the complicated relationship between black bears and humans"--Provided by publisher.The bear facts -- Kings of the forest -- Lone rangers -- Bears of all kinds -- Living with black bears.
- Subjects: Black bear; Black bear.; Bears.;
- © c2013., Children's Press,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Winnie : the true story of the bear who inspired Winnie-the-Pooh / by Walker, Sally M.; Voss, Jonathan D.,illustrator.;
"When Harry Colebourn saw a baby bear at a train station, he knew he could care for it. Harry was a veterinarian. But he was also a soldier in training during World War I. Harry named the bear Winnie, short for Winnipeg, his company's home town, and he brought her along to the military camp in England. Winnie followed Harry everywhere and slept under his cot every night. Before long, she became the regiment's much-loved mascot. But who could care for the bear when Harry went to battle? Harry found just the right place for Winnie--the London Zoo. There a boy named Christopher Robin played with Winnie--he could care for this bear too!"--Ages 4-8.Includes bibliographical references.Junior Library Guild selection
- Subjects: Winnipeg (Bear); Colebourn, Harry, 1887-1947; Canada. Canadian Armed Forces; Winnie-the-Pooh (Fictitious character); Black bear; Colebourn, Harry, 1887-1947.; Canada. Canadian Armed Forces; Winnipeg (Bear); Winnie-the-Pooh (Fictitious character); Black bear.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Nomads of the north : a story of romance and adventure under the open stars / by Curwood, James Oliver,1878-1927.;
Adventures of Neewa, a black bear, and Miki, a wolf, in Canada's northwoods.
- Subjects: Bears; Wolves; Animals;
- © 2015., Pearl Necklace Books,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Things that bite : a realistic look at critters that scare people / by Anderson, Tom,1951-;
"Spiders, snakes, bears and bats--they're out there but there's no reason to fear them. Things that bite takes a matter-of-fact look at more than 30 creatures of the Great Lakes region"--P [4] of cover.
- Subjects: Dangerous animals; Bites and stings; Parasites; Animal attacks;
- © c2008., Adventure Publications, Inc.,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Behavior of North American mammals / by Elbroch, Mark.; Rinehart, Kurt.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 357-370) and index.Order Didelphimorphia (Family Didelphidae: Virginia opossum) -- Order Sirenia (Family Trichechidae: West Indian manatee) -- Order Cingulata (Family Dasypodidae: Nine-banded armadillo) -- Order Lagomorpha (Family Ochotonidae: American pika ; Family Leporidae, Eastern cottontail and allies) -- Order Soricomorpha (Family Soricidae: Northern short-tailed shrew, with notes on water shrew and allies ; Family Talpidae: Star-nosed mole and allies) -- Order Chiroptera (Family Molossidae: Mexican free-tailed bat and allies) -- Order Carnivora (Family Felidae: Bobcat and Canada lynx ; Cougar) ; (Family Canidae: Coyote ; Wolf ; Common gray fox, with notes on kit and swift foxes ; Arctic fox ; Red fox) ; (Family Ursidae: American black bear ; Brown bear ; Polar bear) ; (Family Odobenidae: Walrus) ; (Family Phocidae: Northern elephant seal) ; (Family Mustelidae: Sea otter ; North American river otter ; Wolverine ; Fisher and American marten ; Weasels and black-footed ferret ; American mink ; American badger) ; (Family Mephitidae: Striped skunk, with notes on spotted skunks) ; (Family Procyonidae: Raccoon) -- Order Artiodactyla (Family Tayassuidae: Collared peccary) ; (Family Cervidae: Moose ; White-tailed deer and mule deer ; Elk) ; (Family Antilocapridae: Pronghorn) ; (Family Bovidae: American bison ; Mountain goat ; Bighorn sheep) -- Order Rodentia (Family Aplodontiidae: Mountain beaver) ; (Family Sciuridae: Eastern gray squirrel, eastern fox squirrel , and allies ; Red squirrel and Douglas's squirrel, with notes on flying squirrels ; Black-tailed prairie dog ; Yellow-bellied marmot and woodchuck ; Uinta ground squirrel and allies ; Eastern chipmunk and allies) ; (Family Castoridae: American beaver) ; (Family Heteromyidae: Desert kangaroo rat and allies) ; (Family Cricetidae: Meadow vole and allies ; Common muskrat ; Woodrats ; North American deermouse, with notes on California deermouse) ; (Family Erethizontidae:, North American porcupine).Provides detailed information on the behavior of more than 70 species of mammals, along with photographs and drawings, that includes daily and seasonal activities, food and foraging, home range and habitat, communication, courtship and mating, development and dispersal of young, interactions within a species, and interactions with other species.
- Subjects: Mammals; Mammals; Mammals; Mammals;
- © c2011., Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Say it louder! : black voters, white narratives, and saving our democracy / by Cross, Tiffany D.,1977-author.; Dyson, Michael Eric,writer of foreword.;
Black voters were critical to the Democrats' 2018 blue wave. In fact, 90 percent of Black voters supported Democratic House candidates, compared to just 53 percent of all voters. Despite media narratives, this was not a fluke. Throughout U.S. history, Black people have played a crucial role in the shaping of the American experiment. Yet still, this powerful voting bloc is often dismissed as some "amorphous" deviation, argues Tiffany Cross. Say It Louder! is her explosive examination of how America's composition was designed to exclude Black voters, but paradoxically would likely cease to exist without them. With multiple tentacles stretching into the cable news echo chamber, campaign leadership, and Black voter data, Cross creates a wrinkle in time with a reflective look at the timeless efforts endlessly attempting to deny people of color the right to vote--a basic tenet of American democracy. And yet as the demographics of the country are changing, so too is the electoral power construct--by evolution and by force, Cross declares. Grounded in the most-up-to-date research, Say It Louder! is a vital tool for a wide swath of constituencies."--Amazon.Foreword: Bearing the cross / by Michael Eric Dyson -- Introduction -- How I got here. For colored girls who consider journalism when twitter is not enough ; I'm beat! ; Ring the alarm! -- How WE got here. The Trump card ; The red summer ; White economic anxiety in West Virginia [crossed out] Black economic anxiety in Michigan ; Georgia outkasts ; Ohio and the purge ; Florida man ; You down with GOP? ; Silencing Black women ; Kamala's campaign -- Where we need to go. If you don't vote, you don't count? ; Fade to Black.
- Subjects: Voting; African Americans; African Americans; Suffrage; Voting registers; Racism; Political participation; Democracy;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- The last ranger [electronic resource] : A novel. by Heller, Peter.; Deakins, Mark.;
Narrator: Mark Deakins.Officer Ren Hopper is an enforcement ranger with the National Park Service, tasked with duties both mundane and thrilling: Breaking up fights at campgrounds, saving clueless tourists from moose attacks, and attempting to broker an uneasy peace between the wealthy vacationers who tromp through the park with cameras, and the residents of hardscrabble Cooke City who want to carve out a meaningful living. When Ren, hiking through the backcountry on his day off, encounters a tall man with a dog and a gun chasing a small black bear up a hill, his hackles are raised. But what begins as an investigation into the background of a local poacher soon opens into something far murkier: A shattered windshield, a series of red ribbons tied to traps, the discovery of a frightening conspiracy, and a story of heroism gone awry. Populated by a cast of extraordinary characters -- famous scientists, tattooed bartenders, wildlife guides in slick Airstreams -- and bursting with unexpected humor and grace, Peter Heller masterfully unveils a portrait of the American west where our very human impulses -- for greed, love, family, and community -- play out amidst the stunning beauty of the natural world.Requires the Libby app or a modern web browser.
- Subjects: Electronic books.; Fiction.; Literature.; Suspense.; Thriller.;
- © 2023., Books on Tape,
- On-line resources: -- Click to access digital title in OverDrive.;
- Wild : [electronic resource] : From lost to found on the Pacific Crest Trail. by Strayed, Cheryl.; Dunne, Bernadette.;
Narrator: Bernadette Dunne.At twenty-two, Cheryl Strayed thought she had lost everything. In the wake of her mother's death, her family scattered and her own marriage was soon destroyed. Four years later, with nothing more to lose, she made the most impulsive decision of her life: to hike the Pacific Crest Trail from the Mojave Desert through California and Oregon to Washington State--and to do it alone. She had no experience as a long-distance hiker, and the trail was little more than "an idea, vague and outlandish and full of promise." But it was a promise of piecing back together a life that had come undone. Strayed faces down rattlesnakes and black bears, intense heat and record snowfalls, and both the beauty and loneliness of the trail.Requires OverDrive Listen (file size: N/A KB) or OverDrive app (file size: 366891 KB).
- Subjects: Electronic books.; Authors, American; Nonfiction.; Biography & Autobiography.; Travel.;
- © 2012., Random House Audio,
- On-line resources: -- Click to access digital title in OverDrive.;
- Grizzly years : in search of the American wilderness / by Peacock, Doug.;
- Subjects: Grizzly bear.; Peacock, Doug.;
- © 1996., H. Holt,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Mosby's handbook of herbs & natural supplements / by Skidmore-Roth, Linda.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Herbal Monographs: -- Acidophilus -- Aconite -- Agar -- Agrimony -- Alfalfa -- Allspice -- Aloe -- American hellebore -- Andrographis -- Androstenediol -- Angelica, European -- Anise -- Arginine -- Arnica -- Artichoke -- Ash -- Astragalus -- Avens -- Balsam of Peru -- Barberry -- Barley -- Basil -- Bay -- Bayberry -- Bearberry -- Bee pollen -- Benzoin -- Beta-carotene -- Betel palm -- Bethroot -- Betony -- Bilberry -- Birch -- Bistort -- Bitter melon -- Bitter orange -- Black catechu -- Black cohosh -- Black haw -- Black hellebore -- Black pepper -- Black root -- Blessed thistle -- Bloodroot -- Blue cohosh -- Blue flag -- Bogbean -- Boldo -- Boneset -- Borage -- Boron -- Boswellia -- Brewer's yeast -- Broom -- Buchu -- Buckthorn -- Bugleweed -- Burdock -- Butcher's broom -- Butterbur -- Cacao tree -- Calcium -- Calumba -- Capsicum -- Caraway -- Cardamom -- Carline thistle -- Carnitine -- Cascara -- Castor -- Catnip -- Cat's claw -- Celandine -- Celery -- Centaury -- Chamomile -- Chaparral -- Chaste tree -- Chaulmoogra oil -- Chickweed -- Chicory -- Chinese cucumber -- Chinese rhubarb -- Chitosan -- Chondroitin -- Chromium -- Cinnamon -- Clary -- Clematis -- Cloves -- Coenzyme Q10 -- Coffee -- Cola tree -- Colostrum, bovine -- Coltsfoot -- Comfrey -- Condurango -- Copper -- Coriander -- Corkwood -- Couchgrass -- Cowslip -- Cranberry -- Creatine -- Cucumber.Daffodil -- Daisy -- Damiana -- Dandelion -- Devil's claw -- DHEA -- Dill -- Dong quai -- Echinacea -- Elderberry -- Elecampane -- Ephedra -- Eucalyptus -- Evening primrose oil -- Eyebright -- False unicorn root -- Fennel -- Fenugreek -- Feverfew -- Figwort -- Fish oils -- Flax -- Folic acid -- Fo-ti -- Fumitory -- Galanthamine -- Gamma linolenic acid -- Garcinia -- Garlic -- Gentian -- Ginger -- Ginkgo -- Ginseng -- Glossy privet -- Glucomannan -- Glucosamine -- Glutamine -- Glycine -- Goat's rue -- Golden rod -- Goldenseal -- Gossypol -- Gotu kola -- Grapeseed -- Graviola -- Green tea -- Ground ivy -- Guarana -- Guar gum -- Guggul -- Gymnema -- Hawthorn -- Hops -- Horehound -- Horse chestnut -- Horseradish -- Horsetail -- Huperzine A -- Hyssop -- Iceland moss -- Indigo -- Inosine -- Irish moss -- Jaborandi -- Jamaican dogwood -- Jambul -- Jimsonweed -- Jojoba -- Juniper -- Kaolin -- Karaya gum -- Kava -- Kelp -- Kelpware -- Khat -- Khella -- Kudzu -- Lady's mantle -- Lavender -- Lecithin -- Lemon balm -- Lemongrass -- Lentinan -- Licorice -- Lily of the valley -- Lobelia -- Lovage -- Lungwort -- Lycopene -- Lysine -- Maitake -- Male fern -- Mallow -- Marigold -- Marijuana -- Marjoram -- Marshmallow -- Mayapple -- Meadowsweet -- Melatonin -- Milk thistle -- Mistletoe, European -- Monascus -- Morinda -- Motherwort -- Mugwort -- Mullein -- Mustard -- Myrrh -- Myrtle -- Neem -- Nettle -- New Zealand green-lipped mussel -- Night-blooming cereus -- Nutmeg -- Oak -- Oats -- Octacosanol -- Oleander -- Oregano -- Oregon grape -- Pansy -- Papaya -- Parsley -- Parsley piert -- Passionflower -- Pau d'arco -- Peach -- Pectin -- Pennyroyal -- Peppermint -- Perilla -- Peyote -- Pill-bearing spurge -- Pineapple -- Pipsissewa -- Plantain -- Pokeweed -- Pomegranate -- Poplar -- Poppy -- Prickly ash -- Propolis -- Pulsatilla -- Pumpkin -- Pycnogenol -- Pygeum -- Queen Anne's lace -- Quince -- Quinine -- Ragwort -- Raspberry -- Rauwolfia -- Red bush tea -- Rose hips -- Rue.Safflower -- Saffron -- Sage -- SAM-e -- Sassafras -- Savory -- Saw palmetto -- Schisandra -- Senega -- Senna -- Shark cartilage -- Siberian ginseng -- Skullcap -- Slippery elm -- Sorrel -- Soy -- Spirulina -- Squill -- St John's wort -- Storax -- Tea tree oil -- Thymus extract -- Tonka bean -- Turmeric -- Valerian -- White cohosh -- Wild cherry -- Wild yam -- Wintergreen -- Witch hazel -- Wormseed -- Yarrow -- Yellow dock -- Yellow lady's slipper -- Yerba mate -- Yerba santa -- Yew -- Yohimbe -- Appendixes: -- A: Herbal resources -- B: Drug/herb interactions -- C: Pediatric herbal use -- D: Abbreviations -- References -- Glossary -- Index.Overview: Access the most reliable information on herbs and alternative medicines from trusted author, Linda Skidmore-Roth, in Mosby's Handbook of Herbs and Natural Supplements! Reviewed by nurses and herbalists alike, this authoritative resource presents herb and supplement profiles in a convenient, A-Z format for fast reference. This edition's updated, streamlined design helps you find information quickly, and a new systematic pregnancy and breastfeeding classification offers the latest guidelines for this special client population. Detailed monographs for 300 commonly used herbal products and natural supplements include vital information on the products you'll encounter with your clients. Updated references and information from new studies make this a reliable source for herbal content. Alert icons warn you of potentially dangerous reactions that could threaten your clients' health. Popular Herb, Pregnancy, and Pediatric icons help you find relevant content quickly for common herbs and herbs for special populations. Quick-reference format presents consistent monographs for each herb and makes it easy to find the information you need. Herbal Resource appendix, Drug/Herb Interaction appendix, Pediatric Herbal Use appendix, and a list of abbreviations provide essential resources and expanded herbal material in one convenient spot. A comprehensive index of herbal terms allows you to look up an herb by its common or scientific name, as well as by condition.
- Subjects: Handbooks.; Materia medica, Vegetable; Herbs; Phytotherapy.; Plants, Medicinal.;
- © ©2010., Elsevier Mosby,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
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