
Calico's curious kittens / by Tildes, Phyllis Limbacher.;
While Calico takes a nap, her naughty kittens go exploring and land in trouble.
Subjects: Cats; Animals; Cats; Animals;
© 2003., Charlesbridge Pub.,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Baby animal families / by Fujikawa, Gyo.;
Cute baby animals frolic and play, hop and waddle, fly and climb, and cuddle with mama, from the icy far north to the warm jungles.
Subjects: Board books.; Animals; Animals; Board books; Animals; Animals;
© c2008., Sterling,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Kitten's first full moon / by Henkes, Kevin.;
When Kitten mistakes the full moon for a bowl of milk, she ends up tired, wet, and hungry trying to reach it.
Subjects: Juvenile materials.; Cats; Animals--Infancy--Fiction.; Cats--Juvenile fiction.; Animals--Infancy--Juvenile fiction.;
© 2004., Greenwillow Books,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Biscuit and the little pup / by Capucilli, Alyssa Satin,1957-; Schories, Pat,ill.;
80Biscuit tries to coax a little puppy to come out and play.
Subjects: Dogs; Animals; Play; Dogs; Animals; Play;
© 2008., HarperCollins Childrens Books,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

I'm not reading! / by Allen, Jonathan,1957-author.;
Baby Owl reluctantly reads a story to Baby Chick, whose numerous brothers, sisters, cousins, and friends join in and test Baby Owl's patience.
Subjects: Owls; Chickens; Animals; Books and reading; Owls; Chickens; Animals; Books and reading;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Biscuit in the garden / by Capucilli, Alyssa Satin,1957-; Schories, Pat,ill.;
Biscuit the puppy is eager to see the plants and make friends with the animals in the garden.
Subjects: Dogs; Animals; Gardens; Garden animals; Dogs; Animals; Gardens; Garden animals;
© c2013., Harper,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Five little chicks / by Tafuri, Nancy.;
002-005.Five chicks and their mother peck in the corn patch in search of breakfast.
Subjects: Chickens; Animals; Mother and child; Chickens; Animals; Mother and child;
© c2006., Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

One pup's up / by Chall, Marsha Wilson.; Cole, Henry,1955-ill.;
Ages 1-4.Rhyming text counts off ten puppies as they awaken one by one, chase and bounce around the house, eat kibble and get washed, then fall back to sleep.
Subjects: Stories in rhyme.; Dogs; Animals; Counting.; Counting; Animals; Dogs;
© c2010., Margaret K. McElderry Books,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The pigeon wants a puppy! / by Willems, Mo.;
A Junior Library Guild selectionAges 2-6.The pigeon really, really wants a puppy, but when a puppy arrives the pigeon changes its mind.
Subjects: Picture books for children.; Pigeons; Puppies; Pigeons; Animals; Dogs;
© c2008., Hyperion Books for Children,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Mother Bruce / by Higgins, Ryan T.;
Preschool570Accelerated ReaderReading Counts!Bruce is a grumpy bear who likes no one and nothing but cooked eggs, but when some eggs he was planning to boil hatch and the goslings believe he is their mother, he must try to make the best of the situation.
Subjects: Bears; Geese; Animals; Eggs; Bears; Geese; Animals; Eggs;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1