
Stalking the plumed serpent and other adventures in herpetology / by Means, D. Bruce.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 223-226) and index.Foreword / Edward O. Wilson -- The Eastern Diamondback: Gentle Ben of rattlesnakes -- River of May: New World's first snake -- Diamonds in the rough: afternoon delight -- Herpetophobia: roundups or festivals? -- Herpetophilia: Apalachicola Kingsnake -- Blue Indigo: forest ruler -- Phaeognathus: secrets in the Red Hills -- The feared cottonmouth: is it aggressive? -- Cotton Rat: base of the food web -- Alligator snapping turtle: leviathan of Southern rivers -- Ouachita earthworms: a glowing story -- Bushmasters and the volcano: silent death, violent death -- Is Tzabcan Kukulcan? Stalking the plumed serpent -- Island treasures: Nosy Mangabe -- Treefrog dines on bats: prey turns predator -- Wonambi: quest for the Rainbow Serpent -- Black Tiger Snake: glutton of Chappell -- Hunt for the Roughie: rare Kimberley relict -- The fiercey: world's deadliest -- Coastal Taipans: a dream realized -- Greenies and the Cape York Python trove -- Okefenokee alligators: congratulatory bellows.Based on his more than 40 years of field research, Means, an expert on the eastern diamondback rattlesnake, reveals the biological complexity and beauty of animals that he has studied, including the rattlesnake that might have served as the model for the mythical plumed serpent of Mayan art.
Subjects: Reptiles.; Amphibians.;
© c2008., Pineapple Press,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

What is an amphibian? / by Schaefer, Lola M.,1950-;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 23) and index.Simple text and photographs present kinds of amphibians and their general characteristics.
Subjects: Amphibians; Amphibians.;
© c2001., Pebble Books,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Familiar reptiles and amphibians / by Behler, John L.; National Audubon Society.;
Subjects: Reptiles; Amphibians;
© 1998., Knopf : Distributed by Random House,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Firefly encyclopedia of reptiles and amphibians / by Halliday, Tim,1945-; Adler, Kraig.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 229-231) and index.
Subjects: Reptiles; Amphibians;
© 2002., Firefly Books,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

The amphibians and reptiles of Michigan : a Quaternary and recent faunal adventure / by Holman, J. Alan,1931-2006.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 253-275) and 1. Michigan as a herpetological habitat. pt. 2. Species accounts. Class amphibia : Order caudata (salamanders): Family ambystomatidae: Blue-spotted salamander ; Blue-spotted/Jefferson salamander complex ; Spotted salamander ; Marbled salamander ; Small-mouthed salamander ; Eastern tiger salamander -- Family plethodontidae: Four-toed salamander ; Eastern red-backed salamander -- Family proteidae: Common mudpuppy -- Family salamandridae: Eastern newt -- Family sirenidae: Western lesser siren -- Order anura (frogs and toads) -- Toads: Family bufonidae: Eastern American toad ; Fowler's toad -- Frogs: Family hylidae: Blanchard's cricket frog ; Cope's gray treefrog ; Gray treefrog ; Northern spring peeper ; Boreal chorus frog ; Western chorus frog -- Family ranidae: American bullfrog ; Northern green frog ; Pickerel frog ; Northern leopard frog ; Mink frog ; Wood frog -- Class reptilia : Order testudines (turtles): Family chelydridae: Eastern snapping turtle -- Family emydidae: Painted turtle ; Spotted turtle ; Blanding's turtle ; Wood turtle ; Northern map turtle ; Eastern box turtle ; Red-eared slider -- Family kinosternidae: Eastern musk turtle -- Family trionychidae: Eastern spiny softshell -- Order Squamata -- Lizards: Family scincidae: Five-lined skink -- Family teiidae: Six-lined racerunner -- Snakes: Family colubridae: Kirtland's snake ; Blue racer ; Northern ring-necked snake ; Eastern hog-nosed snake ; Eastern milksnake ; Copper-bellied watersnake ; Common watersnake ; Smooth greensnake ; Central ratsnake ; Eastern foxsnake ; Western foxsnake ; Queen snake ; DeKay's brownsnake ; Northern red-bellied snake ; Butler's gartersnake ; Northern ribbonsnake ; Eastern gartersnake -- Family viperidae: Eastern massasauga -- pt. 3. Quaternary remains of Michigan amphibians and reptiles. Michigan's pleistocene herpetofauna : Anurans: Family bufonidae: American toad -- Family ranidae: Green frog -- Turtles: Family emydidae: Painted turtle -- Family trionychidae: Spiny softshell turtle -- Michigan's holocene herpetofauna : Anurans: Family bufonidae: American toad -- Family hylidae: Spring peeper -- Reptiles: Family chelydridae: Eastern snapping turtle -- Family emydidae: Painted turtle ; Spotted turtle ; Blanding's turtle ; Specifically undetermined map turtle -- Family kinosternidae: Eastern musk turtle -- Family trionychidae: Spiny softshell -- Herpetofauna of Michigan archaeological sites : Anurans: Family bufonidae: American toad ; Toad -- Family ranidae: American bullfrog ; True frog -- Reptiles: Family chelydridae: Snapping turtle -- Family emydidae: Painted turtle ; Spotted turtle ; Blanding's turtle ; Wood turtle ; Northern map turtle ; Eastern box turtle ; Pond slider -- Family kinosternidae: Eastern musk turtle -- Family trionychidae: Spiny softshell -- Family colubridae: North American watersnakes ; Eastern foxsnake ; North American gartersnakes -- The Pleistocene."With its temperate climate and variety of habitats, Michigan supports a diverse array of animals and plants, including fifty-four species of amphibians and reptiles. The dispersal and biology of the Michigan herpetofauna - amphibians and reptiles - is even more unique because Michigan consists of two peninsulas that project into large freshwater seas and also because it was completely covered by a massive ice sheet a relatively short time ago. In The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michigan: A Quaternary and Recent Faunal Adventure, author J. Alan Holman explores the state's amphibians and reptiles in detail and with many helpful illustrations, making this the only volume of its kind available.Holman uniquely bridges the gap between neo- and paleoherpetology and shows that Michigan's modern herpetofaunas reflect Pleistocene (ice age) and Holocene (warm period after the ice age) events, as the entire modern population was forced to re-invade the state after the last withdrawal of ice. In Part 1, Holman discusses Michigan as an amphibian and reptile habitat, including a geological, climatic, and vegetational history. Part 2 presents recent species accounts, covering all fifty-four species of amphibians and reptiles, along with their general distribution, Michigan distribution (with range maps), geographic variation, habitat and habits, reproduction and growth, diet, predation and defense, interaction with humans, behavioral characteristics, population health, and general remarks. In Part 3, Holman examines the Michigan herpetofauna in Quaternary and recent historical times and the species accounts include Pleistocene, Holocene, and archaeological records.Color photographs of major herpetological habitats in Michigan are provided and color photographs of all modern species are included. Black-and-white illustrations depict both modern and ancient speicies. Herpetologists, paleontologists, zoologists, ecologists, and general biologists, as well as anyone who loves salamanders, frogs, turtles, and snakes will appreciate the comprehensive research presented in The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michigan."--pub. desc.
Subjects: Amphibians; Reptiles; Amphibians, Fossil; Reptiles, Fossil;
© c2012., Wayne State University Press,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates : an identification and care guide / by Bartlett, Patricia,1949-; Griswold, Billy.; Bartlett, Richard D.,1938-;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 273-274) and index.Introduction -- Part 1: Reptiles -- Snakes -- Boas and Pythons -- Colubrine Snakes -- Lizards -- Agamid Lizards -- Angiod Lizards: Alligator Lizards and Glass Lizards -- Chameleons -- Iguanian Lizards: Iguanas and relatives -- Armadillo Lizards and Plated Lizards -- Gekkonid Lizards -- Aeluroscalobotid Lizards -- Eublepharine Geckos: Eyelidded Geckos -- True Geckos -- Lacertid Lizards -- Skinks -- Teiid Lizards: Whiptails and Tegus -- Varanid Lizards: monitors -- Tortoises and Turtles -- Tortoises -- Mud Turtles and Musk Turtles -- Basking Turtles -- Side-necked Turtles -- Soft-shelled Turtles -- Crocodilians -- Caiman -- Part 2: Amphibians -- Frogs, Toads, and TreeFrogs -- Bombinatorids: Fire-bellied Toads -- Bufonids: True Toads -- Horned Frogs and relatives -- Dendrobatids: poison Frogs -- Hylid Frogs: Australian and American TreeFrogs -- Hyperoliid Frogs -- Leptopelid Frogs -- Mantellas -- Malayan Horned Frog -- Microhyulids: Narrow-mouthed Toads -- Pipid Frogs -- Ranids: True Frogs -- Rhacophorids: Gliding Frogs and relatives -- Newts, Salamanders, and Caecilians -- Ambystomatids: Mole Salamanders -- Salamandrids: Newts -- Caecilians -- Part 3: Invertebrates -- Arthropods -- Tarantulas -- Millipedes and Centipedes -- Scorpions -- Mantids and Stick Insects -- Cockroaches -- Bibliography -- Index.From Back Cover Of Book: Reptiles, Amphibians, and Invertebrates an identification and card guide. Hundreds of color illustrations. Snake, lizards, insects, turtles and tortoises, frogs and toads, salamanders and newts, and arachnids are all featured in this book. It's a pictorial identification guide and husbandry manual covering more than 250 species, subspecies, and color morphs. The authors tell you what to look for when purchasing these animals and discuss caging and feeding. Each profile includes the animal's place of origin, its size from hatchling to adult, its lifespan, and its general behavior traits.
Subjects: Amphibians as pets.; Reptiles as pets.; Invertebrates as pets.; Amphibians; Reptiles; Invertebrates; Reptiles; Amphibians; Animal Husbandry; Invertebrates;
© 2010., Barron's ; Publishers Group UK [distributor],
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Reptiles & amphibians of Michigan field guide / by Tekiela, Stan.;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 138) and index.
Subjects: Reptiles; Amphibians; Frog sounds; Toad sounds;
© c2004., Adventure Publications,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Amphibians and reptiles of the Great Lakes Region / by Harding, James H.,1949-; Mifsud, David A.,author.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 371-377) and index.Introduction to herpetology -- Salamanders -- Mudpuppies -- Sirens -- Newts -- Mole salamanders -- Lungless salamanders -- True toads -- Treefrogs and relatives -- Typical frogs -- turtles -- Snapping turtles -- Musk and mud turtles -- Pnd and box turtles -- Softshell turtles -- Skinks -- Racerunners and whiptails -- Glass lizards and alligator lizards -- Typical snakes -- Pit vipers and vipers -- Easter hellbender -- Long-tailed salamander -- Plains leopard frog -- Eastern mud turtle -- Yellow mud turtle -- Ornate box turtle -- False map turtle -- Northern prairie skink -- Graham's crayfish snake -- Bullsnake.
Subjects: Reptiles; Amphibians;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Guide and reference to the amphibians of eastern and central North America (north of Mexico) / by Bartlett, Richard D.,1938-; Bartlett, Patricia Pope,1949-;
Includes bibliographical references (p. [273]-276) and index.1. Introduction -- 2. Frogs, toads, and treefrogs -- 3. Treefrogs -- 4. Tropical frogs -- 5. Narrow-mouthed toads -- 6. Spadefoots -- 7. Tongueless frogs -- 8. Typical frogs -- 9. Burrowing toads -- 10. Salamanders and newts -- 11. Amphiumas -- 12. Hellbenders -- 13. Lungless salamanders -- 14. Mudpuppies and waterdogs -- 15. Newts -- 16. Sirens.
Subjects: Amphibians; Amphibians; Amphibians; Amphibiens; Amphibiens; Amphibiens;
© c2006., University Press of Florida,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Wild world : an encyclopedia of animals / by Johnson, Jinny,1949-; Animal Planet (Television network);
Mammals -- Birds -- Reptiles and amphibians -- Fish -- Invertebrates.Presents the main groups within the animal kingdom -- mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates -- and reveals the similarities and differences between the animals within each group.
Subjects: Animals; Animals.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1