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- Age of myth / by Sullivan, Michael J.,1961-;
"A new series set in the world of the Riyria Chronicles. In the land of the Rhune, trees can tell the future and the gods are beyond reproach. But when Raithe's father is slain, he does the unthinkable--he kills a god. From this act, rises the legend of the God Killer, the seeds of a rebellion, and the question of whether the gods are really immortal after all"--
- Subjects: Fantasy fiction.; Adventure fiction.; Epic fiction.; Action and adventure fiction.; Gods; Prophets; Imaginary wars and battles; Revolutions;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Honest aging : an insider's guide to the second half of life / by Leipzig, Rosanne M.,1951-author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.A geriatrician, Leipzig provides readers with inside information about the aging process. She details what to expect, what's normal, what's not-- and what options there are when adapting to getting older. By recognizing age-related changes in your body and mind, you will gain the knowledge to optimize aging and make the best decisions about your life. - adapted from back coverAging 101 - What really matters as you grow older -- Difficult decisions.
- Subjects: Aging.; Older people.; Geriatrics.; Aging; Geriatrics;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Aging bones : [electronic resource] : A short history of Osteoporosis. by Grob, Gerald N.;
In the middle of the twentieth century, few physicians could have predicted that the modern diagnostic category of osteoporosis would emerge to include millions of Americans, predominantly older women. Before World War II, popular attitudes held that the declining physical and mental health of older persons was neither preventable nor reversible and that older people had little to contribute. Moreover, the physiological processes that influenced the health of bones remained mysterious. In Aging Bones, Gerald N. Grob makes a historical inquiry into how this one aspect of aging came to be considered a disease. During the 1950s and 1960s, as more and more people lived to the age of 65, older people emerged as a self-conscious group with distinct interests, and they rejected the pejorative concept of senescence. But they had pressing health needs, and preventing age-related decline became a focus for researchers and clinicians alike. In analyzing how the normal...Electronic reproduction.
- Subjects: Electronic books.; Nonfiction.; History.; Medical.; Science.;
- © 2014.,
- On-line resources: -- Click to access digital title in OverDrive.;
- Our aging bodies / by Merrill, Gary F.;
How we age -- The aging nervous system -- The aging endocrine system -- The aging immune system -- The aging reproductive system -- The aging urinary system -- The aging gastrointestinal system -- Aging musculoskeletal system -- The aging cardiovascular system -- The aging respiratory system."People in developed countries are living longer and, just as the aged population around the world is steadily growing, the number of adults eighty-five and older in the United States is projected to quadruple to twenty-one million people by 2050. The aging of our population has huge implications for baby boomers and their children, and has generated a greater interest in the causes and effects of aging. Our Aging Bodies provides a clear, scientifically based explanation of what happens to all the major organ systems and bodily processes--such as the cardiovascular and digestive systems--as people age. The first section is an overview of secondary aging--changes that occur with age that are related to disease and the environment--and include the effect of such things as diet, humor, and exercise. Readers will also learn about primary aging--intrinsic changes that occur with the aging of specific organs and body systems (including the prostate, the heart, the digestive system, and the brain). Throughout the book, Gary F. Merrill weaves in personal anecdotes and stories that help clarify and reinforce the facts and principles of the underlying scientific processes and explanations. Our Aging Bodies is accessible to a general reader interested in the aging phenomenon, or baby boomers wanting to be more informed when seeing their doctor and discussing changes to their bodies as they age"--Publisher's description.
- Subjects: Aging.; Aging; Aging;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- New aging : live smarter now to live better forever / by Hollwich, Matthias.; Krichels, Jennifer,author.;
"Aging is a gift that we receive with life--and in New Aging, the architect Matthias Hollwich outlines smart, simple ideas to help us experience it that way. New Aging invites us to take everything we associate with aging--the loss of freedom and vitality, the cold and sterile nursing homes, the boredom--and throw it out the window. As an architect, Matthias Hollwich is devoted to finding ways in which we can shape our living spaces and communities to make aging a graceful and fulfilling aspect of our lives. Now he has distilled his research into a collection of simple, visionary principles--brought to life with bright, colorful illustrations--that will inspire you to think creatively about how you can change your habits and environments to suit your evolving needs as you age. With advice ranging from practical design tips for making your home safer and more comfortable to thought-provoking ideas on how we work, relax, and interact with our neighbors, and even how we eat, New Aging will inspire you and your loved ones to live smarter today so you can live better tomorrow"--Love aging -- Be social -- Never retire -- Stay fit -- You are how you eat -- Access vs. mobility -- Our homes are our castles -- Add services and conveniences -- Pass it on.
- Subjects: Older people.; Older people; Older people; Aging.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Successful aging : a neuroscientist explores the power and potential of our lives / by Levitin, Daniel J.,author.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages [403]-474) and index.Introduction -- The continually developing brain. Individual differences and personality ; Memory and your sense of "you" ; Perception ; Intelligence ; From emotions to motivation ; Social factors ; Pain -- The choices we make. The internal clock ; Diet ; Exercise ; Sleep -- The new longevity. Living longer ; Living smarter ; Living better -- Appendix: Rejuvenating your brain."Author of the iconic bestsellers This Is Your Brain on Music and The Organized Mind, Daniel Levitin turns his keen insights to what happens in our brains as we age; why we should think about health span, not life span; and, based on a rigorous analysis of neuroscientific evidence, how you can make the most of your seventies, eighties, and nineties today, no matter how old you are now"--Recent studies show that our decision-making skills improve as we age, and that our happiness levels peak at age eighty-two. Levitin examines the neuroscientific evidence to challenge many of the beliefs that surround aging. He provides realistic plans for how you can make the most of your seventies, eighties, and nineties today-- no matter how old you are now. -- adapted from jacket
- Subjects: Brain; Brain; PSYCHOLOGY / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition.; PSYCHOLOGY / Developmental / Adulthood & Aging.; SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Neuroscience.; Brain;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Aging joyfully : a woman's guide to optimal health, relationships, and fulfillment for her 50s and beyond / by Manly, Carla Marie.; Familius LLC.publisher.;
Includes bibliographical references (pages [247]-252).Introduction -- Embracing maturity with wisdom and joy -- Loving your maturing self from the inside out -- Appreciating and caring for your beautiful, maturing body -- Tuning in to your relationships and roles -- Embracing changes in relationships and roles -- A brave, passionate you -- Joyfully living your dreams."Clinical psychologist Dr. Carla Marie Manly provides an important and meaningful window into womanhood for those approaching fifty and beyond. A must-read book for every woman who wants to embrace the aging process, Aging Joyfully invites the reader to discover a radiant life filled with freedom, beauty, and joy."--Back cover
- Subjects: Older women; Older women; Older people.; Longevity; Old age.; Aging.; Happiness.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Aging together : dementia, friendship, and flourishing communities / by McFadden, Susan H.,author.; McFadden, John T.,author.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Dilemmas of dementia diagnoses -- Receiving the diagnosis -- Personhood -- What is friendship? -- When our friends travel the dementia road -- Dementia fear and anxiety -- Beyond fear and anxiety -- The flourishing community -- Congregations as schools for friendship -- The things that abide -- Practicing friendship in the "thin places" -- Memory, forgetting, and the present time"Never in human history have there been so many people entering old age -- roughly one-third of whom will experience some form of neurodegeneration as they age. This seismic demographic shift will force us all to rethink how we live and deal with our aging population.Susan H. McFadden and John T. McFadden propose a radical reconstruction of our societal understanding of old age. Rather than categorize elders based on their respective cognitive consciousness, the McFaddens contend that the only humanistic, supportive, and realistic approach is to find new ways to honor and recognize the dignity, worth, and personhood of those journeying into dementia. Doing so, they argue, counters the common view of dementia as a personal tragedy shared only by close family members and replaces it with the understanding that we are all living with dementia as the baby boomers age, early screening becomes more common, and a cure remains elusive. The McFaddens' inclusive vision calls for social institutions, especially faith communities, to search out and build supportive, ongoing friendships that offer hospitality to all persons, regardless of cognitive status. Drawing on medicine, social science, philosophy, and religion to provide a broad perspective on aging, Aging Together offers a vision of relationships filled with love, joy, and hope in the face of a condition that all too often elicits anxiety, hopelessness, and despair"--Provided by publisher.
- Subjects: Alzheimer Disease; Aged; Alzheimer Disease; Community Networks.; Social Support.; Spirituality.; Dementia; Dementia;
- © 2011., Johns Hopkins University Press,
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Redefining aging : a caregiver's guide to living your best life / by Stearns, Ann Kaiser.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Foreword, by J. Raymond DePaulo, Jr., MD -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- The challenge -- On both sides, vulnerability and loss -- Is this normal aging or dementia? -- Aging as successfully as possible-both you and your loved one -- Anger, guilt, and resentment -- Caregiver stress--what helps and what usually doesn't -- Comforting insights and myth-busting knowledge -- You're not a bad person because you're exhausted or just need a life of your own -- Truly helpful caregiving tips -- When your loved one dies--relief, grief, and moving forward -- What kind of an "old person" will I/will you become? -- Making life easier for those who someday will take care of you -- Epilogue. A letter to my daughters -- Appendixes -- Notes -- Index."Stearns explores the practical and personal challenges of both caregiving and successful aging. She couples findings from the latest research with ... insights and problem-solving tips to help caregivers achieve the best life possible for those they care for--and for themselves as they age"
- Subjects: Caregivers.; Older people; Care of the sick; Consumer education.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Aging wisely : strategies for baby boomers and seniors / by Levine, Robert,1939-; Levine, Robert,1939-Aging with attitude : growing older with dignity and vitality.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Everyone ages. Not everyone ages well. Aging Wisely explains that much of what happens to our minds and bodies as we grow older depends on our approach to life and our attitudes and feelings about ourselves. Though there are elements beyond our control, we must take advantage of those things we can control while dealing competently with adversity. In describing the impact of aging and various conditions associated with the aging process upon our minds and bodies, Aging Wisely provides readers with the knowledge needed to fight back and maximize their relevance and independence. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining the quality of our lives in addition to longevity, for survival alone does not matter if the quality of survival is poor. To age successfully, we must find satisfaction and pleasure in what we do in the time available to us.
- Subjects: Older people; Older people; Aging; Quality of life.; Aging; Aged.; Quality of Life.;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
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