
Education Today : Issues, Policies & Practices / by Watnick, Beryl,editor.;
Edition statement supplied by publisher.Includes bibliographical references and index.Volume 1. History of education ; Education theory ; Education psychology ; Education and the law ; Politics, government & education ; School administration & policy ; Public school education ; Higher education ; School safety -- Volume 2. Multicultural & diversity education ; Curriculum and organization ; Early childhood education ; Guidance & counseling ; Teaching methods ; Special education ; ESOL ; Physical education -- Volume 3. Technology in education ; Testing and evaluation ; Alternative education ; Extended learning ; Service learning ; Teacher education ; Adult education ; International perspectives.This title examines education in America, with articles written by education experts and administrators on a wide range of topics, starting with a historical look at education, and including sections on: Education Theory; Psychology; Law; Government; School Safety; Diversity; Curriculum; Counseling; Teaching Methods; Technology in Education; Testing; Alternative Education; Teacher Education; International Perspectives; and more.
Subjects: Education; Education and state; Teaching; School management and organization; Educational technology;
Available copies: 3 / Total copies: 3

Education Today : Issues, Policies & Practices / by Watnick, Beryl,editor.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Vol. 1 -- Publisher's Note -- Introduction -- Contributors -- Volume 1 -- Section 1: History of Education -- Aristotle and Realism -- Early Roots of Modern American Education -- History of public Education in the U.S. -- John Locke and Education -- Modern European Influences on American Education -- Chautauqua Movement -- Education of Women in the U.S. -- Education Reform Movements -- Minorities and Education in America -- History of Teacher Education -- Women in Education -- Social History of American Education -- Section 2: Education Theory -- Plato and Education . -- Karl Marx and Education -- Paulo Freire -- Gagne's Conditions of Learning -- Seymour Papert and Constructionism -- Postmodernism and Education -- Affective Domain -- Assimilation Theory -- Attribution Theory -- Behaviorism -- Cognitive Dissonance Theory -- Cognitive Theories -- Constructivism -- Epistemology -- Existentialism -- Pragmatism -- Theory of Mind -- Social Learning Theory -- Experiential Learning -- Transformative Learning -- Multiple Intelligences -- Learning Styles -- Taxonomy of Educational Objectives-The Cognitive Domain -- Educational Anthropology -- Sociology of Education -- Social Change Education -- Social Development Model -- Social Justice in Education -- Section 3: Education psychology -- Cognitive Neuroscience -- Brain-Based Learning -- Cognitive Development -- Social Cognition -- Socio-Emotional Development -- Pyramid Model -- Adolescent Development -- Addressing Student Sleep Deprivation -- Developmental psychology -- Personality Theories -- Self-Determination Theory -- Motivation -- Humanism -- Intelligence Scales -- Abstract Thinking Skills -- Psycholinguistics -- Instructional Design -- Token Economy -- Mathematics Anxiety -- Affective Variable -- Section 4: Education and the Law -- Equal Educational Opportunity -- School Desegregation -- Evolution vs. Creation -- School prayer -- Freedom of Religion and public Education -- Freedom of Expression and public Education -- Parental Rights and public Education -- Student Rights in the public Schools -- Undocumented Immigrant Students -- Title IX -- Inclusive Education Laws -- Academic Freedom -- Out of School Faculty Behavior -- Sexual Misconduct in the Schools -- School Safety Legislation -- Search and Seizure in the public Schools -- Dispensing Birth Control in public Schools -- Race, Class, and School Discipline -- No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 -- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) -- Fear of Litigation -- Section 5: politics, Government & Education -- Education and the Economy -- Public Education Finance -- Equalization Aid -- Identity politics in Education -- Cultural Capital & U.S. Education -- Meritocracy -- Teacher's Unions-past and present -- Collective Bargaining and Teachers' Unions -- Minority Teacher Shortages -- U.S. Educational Indicators -- Busing -- Overcrowding in Schools -- English-Only Movement -- School Choice -- School Vouchers -- Spellings Report -- Teacher Tenure -- Tuition-Free College -- Section 6: School Administration & policy -- Becoming a public School Administrator -- Centralized Administration -- Decision-Making Structures and processes -- School Superintendency -- School Boards and Committees -- Education Leadership policy -- School Leadership -- Public School Accountability -- School Improvement plans (SIP) -- School Accreditation -- School-Based Management -- Student Governments -- Instructional Leadership -- Highly Qualified Teachers -- Performance-Based Salaries -- Staff performance Evaluations -- Teacher Supervising -- Classroom Autonomy -- School Culture and School Reform Efforts -- School Climate -- "Sick" School Buildings -- School Dropout Issues -- Marketing of Education -- Section 7: public School Education -- Urban Education -- Rural Education -- Class Size -- The pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence Controversy -- Grade Inflation -- School Nursing -- School Librarianship -- Strategies in Teaching Math -- Teaching Reading and Writing -- Teaching English and Literature -- Teaching poetry -- Teaching Creative Writing -- Teaching Humanities -- Teaching History -- Teaching Science in U.S. public Schools -- Teaching Social Studies -- Teaching Foreign Languages in U.S. public Schools -- Teaching physical Education -- Teaching Health and Sex Education -- Teaching the Gifted Student -- Teaching Life Skills -- Teaching Industrial Arts/Technology Education -- Teaching Study Skills -- Business Curriculum -- Library and Resource Instruction -- Public School Education: Middle Grades -- The Creative Writing Classroom -- Section 8: Higher Education -- Land-Grant Universities -- African-American Colleges and Universities -- Tribal Colleges -- Access to Higher Education -- Grants and private Funding -- Affirmative Action in Higher Education -- Admissions policies -- Institutional Effectiveness in Higher Education -- Community College Education -- Accelerated Degree programs -- Virtual Universities -- Non-Traditional Minority Students -- Non-Traditional Older Students -- Underprepared College Students -- Writing Centers -- Academic Dishonesty in Colleges and Universities -- Student Retention -- College Housing -- Crime on College Campuses in the U.S. -- Diploma Mills (Degree Mills) -- Section 9: School Safety -- Social Concerns among Students -- Conflict Mediation -- Crisis Management -- Violence prevention -- Weapons in the Schools -- Zero Tolerance policies -- School-to-prison pipeline -- Bullying -- School Security -- School Health Services -- Drug and Alcohol prevention programs -- Laboratory Safety in the Schools -- Internet Safety -- Dress Codes and Uniforms in public Schools -- Gang Involvement -- Juvenile Delinquency/Truancy -- Hazing -- Guns on Campus.Volume 2 -- Section 1: Multicultural & Diversity Education -- Achievement Gap -- Multicultural Education -- Critical pedagogy -- Culturally Responsive Teaching -- Cultural Intelligence -- Cultural pluralism -- Cultural Values and their Impact on Education -- Multicultural Curricula -- Monoculturalism (Cultural Conservatism) -- White privilege: The Invisible Advantages and Apparent Disadvantages -- Faculty/Staff Diversity -- Section 2: Curriculum and Organization -- Anti-Bias Curriculum -- Home Visits -- School Orientation and Open House -- Parent-Teacher Conferences -- State Curriculum Guidelines -- Academic Learning Time -- Continuous progress Approach -- Integrated Curriculum -- Core Curriculum -- Elective Courses -- Non-Graded Instruction -- Multi-Age Classrooms -- Information Technology Literacy (ITL) -- Coding in the Curriculum -- Ability Grouping -- Looping -- Same-Sex Classrooms -- Self-Contained Classrooms -- Personalized Learning -- Advanced placement program -- Dual Enrollment -- Student Internships -- Student Exchange programs -- Pedagogical Content Knowledge -- Field Trips -- Course Scheduling -- Open Classrooms -- Section 3: Early Childhood Education -- Daycare programs -- Child Development programs -- Early Childhood/preschool Education -- Head Start program -- Home Visits -- Childhood Development -- Language Development -- Developmental Risks -- Early Intervention -- Montessori Method . -- Universal pre-Kindergarten -- Full-Day Kindergarten -- Emergent Literacy -- Section 4: Guidance & Counseling -- School Guidance Centers -- Counseling Methods -- Course Scheduling -- Academic Interventions -- Birth Order & Educational Achievement -- College placement Counseling -- Vocational Counseling -- Multicultural Counseling programs -- Peer Counseling programs -- Counseling Students Who are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, or Questioning -- School programs to Address Teen pregnancy Issues -- Substance Abuse Counseling -- Students with Mental Illness -- When Students Encounter Death -- Section 5: Teaching Methods -- Metacognition -- Schema Theory -- Socratic Method -- Direct Instruction -- Differentiated Instruction -- Remedial Education -- Whole Language -- Reader-Response Methods -- Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) -- Reciprocal Teaching -- Assessment for Learning -- Student Mentoring -- Concept Mapping -- Process Writing -- Paraphrasing Strategy -- Writing Across the Curriculum -- Transmedia Storytelling -- Game-Based Learning -- Problem-Based Learning -- Cooperative Learning -- Instructional Modeling -- Lesson planning -- Classroom Management -- Classroom Environment -- Team Teaching -- Reflective Teaching -- Section 6: Special Education -- Learners who are Exceptional -- Service Coordination -- Residential Care Education -- Normalization -- Over-identification -- Assessment for Exceptional Learners -- Functional Behavior Assessment -- Multidisciplinary Evaluation -- Response to Intervention (RTI) -- Individualized Education plans -- Inclusive Education -- Mainstreaming in the public Schools -- Instructional Design for Special Education -- Universal Design for Learning -- Homebound Education -- Resource Room in Special Education -- Sheltered Workshops -- Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH) -- Teaching Students with Autism -- Teaching Dyslexic Students -- Teaching Students with ADHD -- Teaching Students with physical Disabilities -- Teaching the Gifted Student -- Behavior Intervention-Seclusion and Restraints -- Communication-Based Intervention -- Language Acquisition through Motor planning (LAMp) -- Education for the Deaf -- Title I -- Remedial Education -- Transition planning -- Family Involvement in Special Education -- Adaptive Skills and Behavior -- Applied Behavioral Analysis -- Section 7: ESOL -- Teaching English as a Second Language -- Structured English Immersion in ESL Instruction -- Bilingual Education -- Second Language Acquisition -- Sociolinguistics -- Communicative Competence -- English for Specific purposes -- Inter-language pragmatics -- Suggestopedia -- Audio-lingual Method -- World Englishes -- Teaching Heritage Languages -- Peer Response for Second Language Learners -- Writing Assessment for Second Language Learners -- Caring for Infants and Young Children -- Based Intervention -- Language Acquisition through Motor planning (LAMp) -- Education for the Deaf -- Title I -- Remedial Education -- Transition planning -- Family Involvement in Special Education -- Adaptive Skills and Behavior -- Applied Behavioral Analysis -- Section 7: ESOL -- Teaching English as a Second Language -- Structured English Immersion in ESL Instruction -- Bilingual Education -- Second Language Acquisition -- Sociolinguistics -- Communicative Competence -- English for Specific purposes -- Inter-language pragmatics -- Suggestopedia -- Audio-lingual Method -- World Englishes -- Teaching Heritage Languages -- Peer Response for Second Language Learners -- Writing Assessment for Second Language Learners -- Caring for Infants and Young Children.Volume 3 -- Section 1: Technology in Education -- Computers in the Classroom -- Computer-Assisted Instruction -- Assistive Technology in Education -- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) -- Social Media as a Teaching and Learning Tool -- Technology Access Gap -- iPads in the Classroom -- Web 2.0 in the Schools -- Anchored Instruction -- Online Learning preparation -- Artificial Intelligence in Schools -- Hypermedia in Education -- Educational Software -- STEM Fields and STEM Education -- Integrated Learning Systems -- Intelligent Tutoring Systems -- E-books and Educational Outcomes -- Section 2: Testing and Evaluation -- Intelligence Testing -- Aptitude Testing -- Achievement Tests -- Psychological Testing -- Classroom Evaluation -- Rubrics -- Grades and Report Cards -- Diagnostic Teaching and Testing -- Formative and Summative Assessments -- Authentic Assessment -- Alternative Assessment -- Norm-Referenced Testing -- Criterion-Referenced Testing -- Item Response Theory -- Assessing Digital Literacy -- Student peer Evaluation -- Test Bias -- High School Exit Exams -- College Entrance Exams -- Graduate Record Examinations -- Teacher Competency Requirements -- Section 3: Alternative Education -- Overview of Alternative Education -- Alternative College prep programs -- Distance Learning -- Blended Learning -- Charter Schools -- Magnet Schools -- Pilot Schools -- Home Schooling -- Boarding Schools -- Waldorf Schools -- Tribal Education -- American Heritage Education -- Military Education -- Naturalist Teaching and Learning -- Environmental Education -- Outdoor Adventure Education -- Agricultural Education -- Religious Education in the U.S -- Section 4: Extended Learning -- Educational Television in the Classroom -- Out of School Time programs -- Extended School Year -- Summer Learning Loss -- Community/Youth programs -- Extracurricular Activities and programs -- Supplemental Education Services -- Section 5: Service Learning -- Adult Education programs -- Community-School partnerships -- Community Service Education -- Civics Education in the Schools -- Parent Volunteers in Schools -- Volunteer Teaching Opportunities -- Student Leadership -- Service Learning for Disabled Students -- Gap Year -- Section 6: Teacher Education -- Teacher Certification and Licensure -- In-Service Education programs -- Highly Qualified Teachers -- Master Teachers -- Microteaching Labs -- Teachers' Computer Literacy -- Student Evaluation of Teachers -- Employment Opportunities in Teaching -- Section 7: Adult Education -- Adult Learning Theory -- Andragogy -- Adult Education programs -- Adult Literacy programs -- GED programs -- Career Transition Education Resources -- Industrial and Work-Based Education -- Microdegrees -- Citizenship Classes -- English as a Second Language for Adults -- Family Literacy programs -- Lifelong Learning -- Section 8: International perspectives -- Globalization and Education -- Gender Disparities in World Education -- Charities and Global Education -- poverty Reduction Strategies -- UNESCO-Education for All -- Teaching in Developing Countries -- International Education Indicators -- International Student Mobility -- International Baccalaureate -- Study Abroad programs -- Fulbright program -- National Education plans -- Non-Formal Education -- Skills Development programs -- Terms & Concepts -- Index.A three volume set that includes 446 articles arranged in twenty-five sections that cover a wide range of topics, starting with a historical look at education, and including sections on education theory, psychology, law, government, school safety, diversity, curriculum, counseling, teaching methods, technology in education, testing, alternative education, teacher education and international perspectives.10-A.Mode of access: Internet.
Subjects: Education; Education and state; Teaching; School management and organization; Educational technology;
On-line resources: -- Available online. Click here to access.;