Results 1 to 4 of 4
- Historical statistics of the United States, colonial times to 1957 / by United States.Bureau of the Census.; Social Science Research Council (U.S.).;
- Includes bibliographical references.
- © 1960., U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census,
- Available copies: 2 / Total copies: 2
- ProQuest statistical abstract of the United States : 2016 / by ProQuest (Firm); United States.Bureau of the Census.; United States.Economics and Statistics Administration.;
- Includes bibliographical references and index.Preface -- New and deleted tables -- Guide to tabular presentation -- Section 1: Population: -- Estimates and projection by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin -- States, metropolitan areas, cities -- Mobility status -- Profiles of elderly, racial, and Hispanic-origin populations -- Native and foreign-born populations -- Immigration -- Ancestry, languages -- Marital status and households -- Religion -- Section 2: Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Divorces: -- Births -- Sexuality and family planning -- Life expectancy -- Deaths -- Marriages and divorces -- Section 3: Health And Nutrition: -- National health expenditure accounts -- Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP -- Health insurance -- Healthcare industry revenue and employment -- Hospitals and healthcare utilization -- Health measures -- Food consumption, nutrition -- Section 4: Education: -- Overview: All levels of education -- School readiness -- Primary and secondary schools -- Higher education -- School crime and safety -- Libraries -- Section 5: Law Enforcement, Courts, And Prisons: -- Crimes and crime rates -- Law enforcement and arrests -- Courts -- Juveniles, child abuse -- Prisoners and inmates -- Fire departments and property losses -- Section 6: Geography And Environment: -- Land and water -- Air quality -- Municipal hazardous waste -- Weather -- Conservation -- Section 7: Elections: -- Voter registration and vote results -- Campaign finances -- Section 8: State And Local Government Finances And Employment: -- Governmental units -- Aid to state and local governments -- State and local governments -- Local government finances -- Employment and payroll -- Section 9: Federal Government Finances And Employment: -- Budget receipts, outlays, debt -- Income taxes -- Federal employment, payroll, and facilities -- Section 10: National Security And Veterans Affairs: -- National defense outlays, expenditures, personnel -- Military manpower --Military sales and assistance -- Veterans -- Homeland security -- Section 11: Social Insurance And Human Services: -- Government transfer payments -- Social security, retirement funds, and other income assistance -- Federal food programs and family assistance -- Child care, child support -- Social services providers -- Section 12: Labor Force, Employment, And Earnings: -- Labor force status -- Occupations and employment projections -- Unemployment -- Establishments -- Compensation and hours worked -- Benefits -- Injuries -- Union membership -- Section 13: Income, Expenditures, Poverty, And Wealth: -- Gross domestic product -- Personal and household income -- Consumer expenditures -- Money income -- Poverty status -- Wealth -- Section 14: Prices: -- Consumer price index -- Cost of living index -- Producer price index -- Section 15: Business Enterprise: -- Sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations -- Establishments, employees, payroll -- Firms, births, deaths, expansions and contractions -- Women- and minority-owned businesses -- Bankruptcy, patents -- Investment, capital expenditures -- Economic indicators -- Corporate profits -- Multinationals -- Section 16: Science And Technology: -- Research and development funds, outlays -- Science and engineering degrees -- Science and engineering employment -- Space program -- Section 17: Agriculture: -- Farms and farmland -- Farm balance sheet, income -- Agricultural exports and imports -- Crops, livestock -- Section 18: Forestry, Fishing, And Mining: -- Natural resource-related industries -- Timber, lumber -- Fishery -- Mining, minerals, and energy resources -- Section 19: Energy And Utilities: -- Energy production, consumption -- Energy expenditures and trade -- Crude oil -- Nuclear -- Renewable energy -- Electric power -- Gas and other utilities -- Section 20: Construction And Housing: -- Construction industry indicators -- Home sales and prices -- Housing supply -- Housing occupancy and tenure -- Home improvements -- Nonresidential construction -- Section 21: Manufactures: -- Manufacturing summary -- Hours and earnings of production workers -- Shipments, inventories, new orders, and finances -- Industry reports by subject and subsector -- Section 22: Wholesale And Retail Trade: -- Wholesale trade -- Retail trade -- Section 23: Transportation: -- Transportation system -- Air transportation -- Water transportation and port traffic -- Highways -- Motor vehicle registrations and fuel consumption -- Motor vehicle accidents -- Urban transit and commuting -- Trucks, railroads, and pipelines -- Postal service -- Section 24: Information industries -- Publishing: newspapers, books and online -- Recording media and broadcasting -- Telecommunications -- Internet access and use -- Libraries -- Section 25: Banking, Finance, And Insurance: -- Establishments, receipts -- Flow of funds, financial assets, and liabilities -- Financial institutions -- Payment instruments, credit and debit cards -- Consumer credit, mortgage debt -- Money stock, interest rates -- Stocks and bonds, equity ownership, mutual funds -- Insurance and real estate -- Section 26: Arts, Recreation, And Travel: -- Employees, establishments, and payroll -- Performing arts -- Leisure activities -- Sports -- Parks and wildlife activities -- Travel -- Section 27: Accommodation, Food Services, And Other Services: -- Section 28: Foreign Commerce And Aid: -- International transactions -- Foreign investments -- Foreign grants and credits -- Exports and imports -- Section 29: Puerto Rico And The Island Areas: -- Section 30: International Statistics: -- World population, vital statistics -- Economic measures -- Labor force -- Agriculture -- Energy and environment -- Technology -- Finance -- Appendix 1: Guide to sources of statistics, state statistical abstracts, and foreign statistical abstracts -- Appendix 2: Metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas: concepts, components, and population -- Appendix 3: Limitations of the data -- Appendix 4: Weights and measures -- Index."Since 1878, this publication has provided a statistical portrait of social, political, and economic conditions of the United States" and includes thousands of tables from hundreds of sources and valuable, detailed bibliographic documentation.
- Subjects: Statistics; Censuses; Demography; Population;
- Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1
- Civil Rights Movements : Past and Present / by O'Neal, Michael,1949-editor.;
- Vol. 1 -- Publisher's Note -- Introduction -- Complete List of Contents -- List of Contributors -- Abolition -- Abortion Rights -- Accommodationism -- ACT UP -- Adarand Constructors v. Pena -- Affirmative Action -- African American-American Indian Relations -- African American Baptist Church -- African American Women -- Afrocentrism -- Aid to Families with Dependent Children -- AIDS Conspiracy Theory -- AIDS Crisis -- Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education -- All African People's Revolutionary Party -- AME Church -- AME Zion Churches -- American Anti-Slavery Society -- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) -- American Council on Race Relations -- Americans with Disabilities Act -- American Indian Movement (AIM) -- Amistad Slave Revolt -- Anti-Semitism in America -- Antislavery Laws of 1777 and 1807 -- Atlanta Compromise -- Attica Prison Uprising -- Bakke Case -- Banking Practices -- Baseball -- Batson v. Kentucky -- Biracialism -- Black Cabinet -- Black Church -- Black Codes -- Black Colleges and Universities -- Black Conservatism -- Black Flight -- Black Is Beautiful Movement -- Black Lives Matter -- Black Middle Class/Black Underclass Relations -- Black Nationalism -- Black-on-black Violence -- Black Panther Party -- Black Power Movement -- Blackness and Whiteness: Legal Definitions -- Bleeding Kansas -- Body of Liberties -- Bolling v. Sharpe -- Bracero Program -- Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters -- Brown v. Board of Education -- John Brown's Raid -- Buchanan v. Warley -- Busing and Integration -- Censuses, U.S -- Charleston Church Shooting -- Charleston Race Riots -- Cesar Chavez -- Chicano Movement -- Church Burnings -- Citizens' Councils -- Civil Disobedience -- Civil Liberties -- Civil Rights -- Civil Rights Act of 1957 -- Civil Rights Act of 1960 -- Civil Rights Act of 1964 -- Civil Rights Act of 1968 -- Civil Rights Act of 1991 -- Civil Rights Acts of 1866-1875 -- Civil Rights Cases -- Civil Rights Movement -- Civil Rights Restoration Act -- Civil War and African Americans -- Class Theories of Racial/Ethnic Relations -- Clinton Massacre -- Clinton's Initiative on Race -- Colegrove v. Green -- Coleman Report -- Colfax Massacre -- Colin Kaepernick Taking a Knee -- College Admissions -- College Entrance Examinations -- Color of Law -- Colored Women's League -- Commission on Civil Rights, U.S. -- Compromise of 1850 -- Compromise of 1877 -- Confiscation Acts of 1861 and 1862 -- Congress of Racial Equality -- Congressional Black Caucus -- Conservative Theorists -- Constitutional Racism -- Cooper v. Aaron -- Council of Federated Organizations -- Crime and Race/Ethnicity -- Criminal Justice Reform -- Critical Race Theory -- Culture of Poverty -- Daughters of Bilitis -- Desegregation of the Defense Industry -- Desegregation of Public Schools -- Detroit Riot -- Disability Rights Movement -- Discrimination -- Discrimination: Behaviors -- Discrimination: Racial and Ethnic -- Disfranchisement Laws in Mississippi -- Don't Ask, Don't Tell -- Drugs and Racial/Ethnic Relations -- Ebonics -- Economics and Race -- Edmonson v. Leesville Concrete Company -- Education and African Americans -- Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 -- Education and Racial/Ethnic Relations -- Election of Barack Obama -- Emancipation Proclamation -- Employment among African Americans -- Entitlement Programs -- Environmental Racism -- Equal Educational Opportunity -- Equal Employment Opportunity Act -- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission -- Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) -- Equality -- Equality of Opportunity -- Fair Employment Practices Committee -- Fair Housing Act -- Ferguson/Shooting of Michael Brown -- Fifteenth Amendment -- Flint Water Crisis -- Fourteenth Amendment -- Free African Society -- Free Blacks -- Free-Soil Party -- Freedmen's Bureau -- Freedom Riders -- Freedom Summer -- Betty Friedan -- Fugitive Slave Laws -- Fullilove v. Klutznick -- Gallaudet University Protests -- Mohandas K. Gandhi -- Gentrification -- Gideon v. Wainwright -- Grandfather Clauses -- Great Migration -- Green v. County School Board of New Kent County -- Greensboro Sit-ins -- Griffin v. Breckenridge -- Griggs v. Duke Power Company -- Grovey v. Townsend -- Grutter v. Bollinger -- Guinn v. United States -- Haitians and Haitian Refugees -- Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections -- Head Start -- Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States -- Hernandez v. Texas -- Homelessness -- Housing -- Hypersegregation -- "I Have a Dream" Speech -- Ideological Racism -- Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 -- Individual Racism -- Inequality 312 -- Institutional Racism -- Integration -- Intelligence and Race -- Internal Colonialism -- Internalized Racism -- Interracial and Interethnic Marriage -- Japanese Internment Camps -- Jewish-African American Relations -- Jim Crow Laws -- Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Company -- Judicial Review -- Jury Selection -- Kansas-Nebraska Act -- Kerner Report -- Keyes v. Denver School District No. 1 -- King, Martin Luther, Jr. -- Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination -- Rodney King Case -- Know-Nothing Party -- Ku Klux Klan -- Ku Klux Klan Acts.Vol. 2 -- Labor Movement -- Lau v. Nichols -- Lawrence v. Texas -- LGBT Rights -- Liberator, The -- Lincoln-Douglas Debates -- Literacy Tests -- Little Rock School Desegregation -- Los Angeles Riots of 1992 -- Lynchings -- Malcolm X Assassination -- March on Washington -- Marshall, Thurgood -- Mattachine Society -- McCleskey v. Kemp -- Me Too Movement -- Miami Riots of 1980 -- Military and Racial/Ethnic Relations -- Military Desegregation -- Milk, Harvey -- Milliken v. Bradley -- Million Man March -- Million Woman March -- Minority and Majority Groups -- Miranda v. Arizona -- Miscegenation Laws -- Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party -- Missouri Compromise -- Montgomery Bus Boycott -- Moose Lodge No. 107 v. Irvis -- Morrill Land Grant Act of 1890 -- Moynihan Report -- Multiracial Movement -- Naivete Explanation of Racism -- Nation of Islam -- National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders -- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People -- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense and Educational Fund -- National Association of Colored Women -- National Black Women's Political Leadership Caucus -- National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America -- National Council of Colored People -- National Council of Negro Women -- National Organization for Women (NOW) -- National Urban League -- Negro Conventions -- New York City Slave Revolt -- New York Times Co. v. Sullivan -- Newberry v. United States -- Niagara Movement -- Nineteenth Amendment -- Nixon v. Herndon -- Nonviolent Resistance -- North Star, The -- Obergefell v. Hodges -- Occupation of Wounded Knee -- Ole Miss Desegregation -- One-drop Rule -- Operation Wetback -- Orangeburg Massacre -- Pan-Africanism -- Pasadena City Board of Education v. Spangler -- Passing -- Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery -- Plessy v. Ferguson -- Police Brutality -- Police Shootings of Black Citizens -- Poll Tax -- Poverty and Race -- President's Committee on Civil Rights -- Proposition 209 -- Proslavery Argument -- Psychology of Racism -- Quotas -- Race as a Concept -- Race Relations Cycle -- Race Riots of 1866 -- Race Riots of 1943 -- Race Riots of the Twentieth Century -- Racial and Ethnic Demographics: Trends -- Racism as an Ideology -- Racism: Changing Nature of -- Racism: History of the Concept -- Rainbow Coalition -- R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul -- Reconstruction -- Redemption Period -- Redistricting -- Redlining -- Reitman v. Mulkey -- Removal of Confederate Statues and Monuments -- Reparations -- Restrictive Covenants -- Reverse Racism -- Reynolds v. Sims -- Richmond v. J. A. Croson Company -- Roe v. Wade -- Roosevelt Coalition -- Rosie the Riveter -- Runyon v. McCrary -- Scott v. Sandford -- Scottsboro Trials -- The Second Sex -- Segregation -- Segregation on the Frontier -- Segregation vs. Integration -- Self-segregation -- Selma-Montgomery March -- Seneca Falls Convention -- Separatism -- Set-asides -- Sexual Fears and Racism -- Sharecropping -- Shaw v. Reno -- Shelby County v. Holder -- Shelley v. Kraemer -- Shooting of Trayvon Martin -- O. J. Simpson Trial -- Slave Codes -- Slave Rebellions -- Slavery and Race Relations -- Slavery and the Justice System -- Slavery: History -- Slavery: North American beginnings -- Smith v. Allwright -- Social Identity Theory -- Southern Christian Leadership Conference -- Southern Conference for Human Welfare -- Sports -- Steinem, Gloria -- Stereotype -- Stonewall Uprising -- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee -- Summit Meeting of National Negro Leaders -- Supreme Court and Ethnic Representation -- Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education -- Sweatt v. Painter -- Symbolic Racism -- Talented Tenth -- Thirteenth Amendment -- Thomas/Hill Hearings -- Three-fifths Compromise -- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 -- Tokenism -- Tolerance -- Transgender Rights -- Triple Oppression -- Trump Administration Family Separation Policy -- Turner's Slave Insurrection -- Tuskegee Airmen -- Underclass Theories -- Underground Railroad -- "Unite the Right" Rally -- United Mexican American Students (UMAS) -- United States v. Cruikshank -- United States v. Reese -- United Steelworkers of America v. Weber -- Universal Negro Improvement Association -- Voting Rights -- Voting Rights Act of 1965 -- Washington v. Davis -- Watts Riot -- Weber v. Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation -- Webster v. Reproductive Health Services -- Welfare Reform: Impact on Racial/Ethnic Relations -- White Privilege -- White Supremacy -- Wilson-Willie Debate -- Wisconsin v. Mitchell -- Women's March -- Women's Rights -- Zoning -- Bibliography -- Notable Civil Rights Figures -- Time Line -- Index.A two-volume set that contains more than 350 in-depth essays that analyze the events that have shaped American attitudes from the start of the civil rights movement into the new millennium.10-A.Mode of access: Internet.
- Subjects: Gay rights movement; Civil rights movements; African Americans; Feminism;
- On-line resources: -- Available online. Click here to access.;
- Civil rights movements : past and present / by O'Neal, Michael,1949-editor.;
- Includes bibliographical references (pages 683-704) and index.Volume 1: Publisher's Note. Introduction. Complete List of Contents. List of Contributors. Abolition -- Abortion Rights -- Accommodationism -- ACT UP -- Adarand Constructors v. Peña -- Affirmative Action -- African American-American Indian Relations -- African American Baptist Church -- African American Women -- Afrocentrism -- Aid to Families with Dependent Children -- AIDS Conspiracy Theory -- AIDS Crisis -- Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education -- All African People's Revolutionary Party -- AME Church -- AME Zion Churches -- American Anti-Slavery Society -- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) -- American Council on Race Relations -- Americans with Disabilities Act -- American Indian Movement (AIM) -- Amistad Slave Revolt -- Anti-Semitism in America -- Antislavery Laws of 1777 and 1807 -- Atlanta Compromise -- Attica Prison Uprising -- Bakke Case -- Banking Practices -- Baseball -- Batson v. Kentucky -- Biracialism -- Black Cabinet -- Black Church -- Black Codes -- Black Colleges and Universities -- Black Conservatism -- Black Flight -- Black Is Beautiful Movement -- Black Lives Matter -- Black Middle Class/Black Underclass Relations -- Black Nationalism -- Black-on-black Violence -- Black Panther Party -- Black Power Movement -- Blackness and Whiteness: Legal Definitions -- Bleeding Kansas -- Body of Liberties -- Bolling v. Sharpe -- Bracero Program -- Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters -- Brown v. Board of Education -- John Brown's Raid -- Buchanan v. Warley -- Busing and Integration.Volume 1 (con't): Censuses, U.S. -- Charleston Church Shooting -- Charleston Race Riots -- César Chávez -- Chicano Movement -- Church Burnings -- Citizens' Councils -- Civil Disobedience -- Civil Liberties -- Civil Rights -- Civil Rights Act of 1957 -- Civil Rights Act of 1960 -- Civil Rights Act of 1964 -- Civil Rights Act of 1968 -- Civil Rights Act of 1991 -- Civil Rights Acts of 1866-1875 -- Civil Rights Cases -- Civil Rights Movement -- Civil Rights Restoration Act -- Civil War and African Americans -- Class Theories of Racial/Ethnic Relations -- Clinton Massacre -- Clinton's Initiative on Race -- Colegrove v. Green -- Coleman Report -- Colfax Massacre -- Colin Kaepernick Taking a Knee -- College Admissions -- College Entrance Examinations -- Color of Law -- Colored Women's League -- Commission on Civil Rights, U.S. -- Compromise of 1850 -- Compromise of 1877 -- Confiscation Acts of 1861 and 1862 -- Congress of Racial Equality -- Congressional Black Caucus -- Conservative Theorists -- Constitutional Racism -- Cooper v. Aaron -- Council of Federated Organizations -- Crime and Race/Ethnicity -- Criminal Justice Reform -- Critical Race Theory -- Culture of Poverty -- Daughters of Bilitis -- Desegregation of the Defense Industry -- Desegregation of Public Schools -- Detroit Riot -- Disability Rights Movement -- Discrimination -- Discrimination: Behaviors -- Discrimination: Racial and Ethnic -- Disfranchisement Laws in Mississippi -- Don't Ask, Don't Tell -- Drugs and Racial/Ethnic Relations -- Ebonics -- Economics and Race -- Edmonson v. Leesville Concrete Company -- Education and African Americans -- Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 -- Education and Racial/Ethnic Relations -- Election of Barack Obama -- Emancipation Proclamation -- Employment among African Americans -- Entitlement Programs Environmental Racism -- Equal Educational Opportunity -- Equal Employment Opportunity Act -- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission -- Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) -- Equality -- Equality of Opportunity.Volume 1 (con't): Fair Employment Practices Committee -- Fair Housing Act -- Ferguson/Shooting of Michael Brown -- Fifteenth Amendment -- Flint Water Crisis -- Fourteenth Amendment -- Free African Society -- Free Blacks -- Free-Soil Party -- Freedmen's Bureau -- Freedom Riders -- Freedom Summer -- Betty Friedan -- Fugitive Slave Laws -- Fullilove v. Klutznick -- Gallaudet University Protests -- Mohandas K. Gandhi -- Gentrification -- Gideon v. Wainwright -- Grandfather Clauses -- Great Migration -- Green v. County School Board of New Kent County -- Greensboro Sit-ins -- Griffin v. Breckenridge -- Griggs v. Duke Power Company -- Grovey v. Townsend -- Grutter v. Bollinger -- Guinn v. United States -- Haitians and Haitian Refugees -- Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections -- Head Start -- Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States -- Hernández v. Texas -- Homelessness -- Housing -- Hypersegregation -- "I Have a Dream" Speech -- Ideological Racism -- Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 -- Individual Racism -- Inequality -- Institutional Racism -- Integration -- Intelligence and Race -- Internal Colonialism -- Internalized Racism -- Interracial and Interethnic Marriage -- Japanese Internment Camps -- Jewish-African American Relations -- Jim Crow Laws -- Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Company -- Judicial Review -- Jury Selection -- Kansas-Nebraska Act -- Kerner Report -- Keyes v. Denver School District No. 1 -- King, Martin Luther, Jr. -- Great Migration -- Green v. County School Board of New Kent County -- Greensboro Sit-ins -- Griffin v. Breckenridge -- Griggs v. Duke Power Company -- Grovey v. Townsend -- Grutter v. Bollinger -- Guinn v. United States -- Haitians and Haitian Refugees -- Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections -- Head Start -- Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States -- Hernández v. Texas -- Homelessness -- Housing -- Hypersegregation -- "I Have a Dream" Speech -- Ideological Racism -- Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 -- Individual Racism -- Inequality -- Institutional Racism -- Integration -- Intelligence and Race -- Internal Colonialism -- Internalized Racism -- Interracial and Interethnic Marriage -- Japanese Internment Camps -- Jewish-African American Relations -- Jim Crow Laws -- Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Company -- Judicial Review -- Jury Selection -- Kansas-Nebraska Act -- Kerner Report -- Keyes v. Denver School District No. 1 -- King, Martin Luther, Jr. -- Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination -- Rodney King Case -- Know-Nothing Party -- Ku Klux Klan -- Ku Klux Klan Acts.Volume 2: Labor Movement -- Lau v. Nichols -- Lawrence v. Texas -- LGBT Rights -- Liberator, The -- Lincoln-Douglas Debates -- Literacy Tests -- Little Rock School Desegregation -- Los Angeles Riots of 1992 -- Lynchings -- Malcolm X Assassination -- March on Washington -- Marshall, Thurgood -- Mattachine Society -- McCleskey v. Kemp -- Me Too Movement -- Miami Riots of 1980 -- Military and Racial/Ethnic Relations -- Military Desegregation -- Milk, Harvey -- Milliken v. Bradley -- Million Man March -- Million Woman March -- Minority and Majority Groups -- Miranda v. Arizona -- Miscegenation Laws -- Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party -- Missouri Compromise -- Montgomery Bus Boycott -- Moose Lodge No. v. Irvis -- Morrill Land Grant Act of 1890 -- Moynihan Report -- Multiracial Movement -- Naïveté Explanation of Racism -- Nation of Islam -- National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders -- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People -- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense and Educational Fund -- National Association of Colored Women -- National Black Women's Political Leadership Caucus -- National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America -- National Council of Colored People -- National Council of Negro Women -- National Organization for Women (NOW) -- National Urban League -- Negro Conventions -- New York City Slave Revolt -- New York Times Co. v. Sullivan -- Newberry v. United States -- Niagara Movement -- Nineteenth Amendment -- Nixon v. Herndon -- Nonviolent Resistance -- North Star, The -- Obergefell v. Hodges -- Occupation of Wounded Knee -- Ole Miss Desegregation -- One-drop Rule -- Operation Wetback -- Orangeburg Massacre.Volume 2 (con't): Pan-Africanism -- Pasadena City Board of Education v. Spangler -- Passing -- Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery -- Plessy v. Ferguson -- Police Brutality -- Police Shootings of Black Citizens -- Poll Tax -- Poverty and Race -- President's Committee on Civil Rights -- Proposition 209 -- Proslavery Argument -- Psychology of Racism -- Quotas -- Race as a Concept -- Race Relations Cycle -- Race Riots of 1866 -- Race Riots of 1943 -- Race Riots of the Twentieth Century -- Racial and Ethnic Demographics: Trends -- Racism as an Ideology -- Racism: Changing Nature of -- Racism: History of the Concept -- Rainbow Coalition -- R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul -- Reconstruction -- Redemption Period -- Redistricting -- Redlining -- Reitman v. Mulkey -- Removal of Confederate Statues and Monuments -- Reparations -- Restrictive Covenants -- Reverse Racism -- Reynolds v. Sims -- Richmond v. J. A. Croson Company -- Roe v. Wade -- Roosevelt Coalition -- Rosie the Riveter -- Runyon v. McCrary -- Scott v. Sandford -- Scottsboro Trials -- The Second Sex -- Segregation -- Segregation on the Frontier -- Segregation vs. Integration -- Self-segregation -- Selma-Montgomery March -- Seneca Falls Convention -- Separatism -- Set-asides -- Sexual Fears and Racism -- Sharecropping -- Shaw v. Reno -- Shelby County v. Holder -- Shelley v. Kraemer -- Shooting of Trayvon Martin -- O. J. Simpson Trial -- Slave Codes -- Slave Rebellions -- Slavery and Race Relations -- Slavery and the Justice System -- Slavery: History -- Slavery: North American beginnings -- Smith v. Allwright -- Social Identity Theory -- Southern Christian Leadership Conference -- Southern Conference for Human Welfare -- Sports -- Steinem, Gloria -- Stereotype -- Stonewall Uprising -- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee -- Summit Meeting of National Negro Leaders -- Supreme Court and Ethnic Representation -- Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education -- Sweatt v. Painter -- Symbolic Racism.This new, two-volume set explores the ways in which civil rights have been given, cemented, overturned, or left unrecognized, from the first uprisings to present-day 2020. In 2014, as the nation celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the March on Washington, civil rights groups such as Black Lives Matter were organizing. Though our societal rhetoric has shifted, the struggle remains the same. In 362 alphabetically arranged essays, ranging in length from 200 to 2,700 words, Civil Rights Movements: Past & Present examines a wide range of civil rights issues in all their manifestations. This edition not only provides 64 new articles but also includes hundreds of updates to older articles that include new biographical resources. Not just focusing on the history of African American civil rights in the United States, this new edition has been expanded to include other civil rights movements -- the women's movement, the LGBT movement, the Chicano Movement, the American Indian Movement, and the disability rights movement -- while still maintaining a comprehensive overview of African American civil rights. The entries are arranged alphabetically and run from "Abolition" to "Zoning." -- Provided by publisher.The essays in Civil Rights Movements: Past & Present cover a wide variety of material. While some essays focus on individual organizations, movements, or people, other cover court cases or pieces of official legislation. Still, others cover broader, more conceptual topics. Back matter in Volume 2 contains a number of reference tools to help readers further explore civil rights history. An updated Bibliography, organized by category, directs readers to accessible sources for further study. An updated glossary of Notable Civil Rights Figures offers overviews of the life and achievements of 64 key historical actors involved in all aspects of American civil rights. A Timeline provides a snapshot of significant civil rights events covering four centuries, from 1619 to 2019. Lastly, a Subject Index provides access to the individual essays and their content through multiple access points. This two-volume work contains more than 350 in-depth essays that analyze the events that have shaped American attitudes from the start of the civil rights movement into the new millennium, communicating important concepts in a clear, approachable style, with more than 100 photographs. This is an essential text for any scholar interested in the evolution of activism. -- Provided by publisher."Not just focusing on the history of African American civil rights in the United States, this new edition has been expanded to include other civil rights movements--the women's movement, the LGBT movement, the Chicano Movement, the American Indian Movement, and the disability rights movement--while still maintaining a comprehensive overview of African American civil rights" --
- Subjects: Civil rights movements; Civil rights movements; Civil rights movements; African Americans; Feminism; Gay liberation movement;
- Available copies: 2 / Total copies: 2
Results 1 to 4 of 4