
The couple next door / by Lapena, Shari,1960-; Potter, Kirsten,narrator.;
Read by Kirsten Potter.A domestic suspense debut about a young couple and their apparently friendly neighbors, a twisty rollercoaster ride of lies, betrayal, and the secrets between husbands and wives.
Subjects: Thrillers (Fiction); Audiobooks.; Domestic fiction.; Detective and mystery fiction.; Fiction.; Suspense fiction.; Mystery fiction.; Married people; Family secrets; Neighbors; Married people.; Neighbors.; Family secrets.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

An unwanted guest / by Lapena, Shari,1960-; Huber, Hillary,narrator.;
Read by Hillary Huber.A remote lodge in upstate New York is the perfect getaway, until the bodies start piling up.
Subjects: Audiobooks.; Thrillers (Fiction); Psychological fiction.; Suspense fiction.; Detective and mystery fiction.; Mountain resorts; Murder; Murder; Blizzards; Man-woman relationships;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Not a happy family / by Lapeña, Shari,1960-author.;
Brecken Hill in upstate New York is an expensive place to live. You have to be rich to have a house there, and Fred and Sheila Merton certainly are rich. But even all their money can't protect them when a killer comes to call. The Mertons are brutally murdered after a fraught Easter dinner with their three adult kids. Who, of course, are devastated. Or are they? They each stand to inherit millions. They were never a happy family, thanks to their vindictive father and neglectful mother, but perhaps one of the siblings is more disturbed than anyone knew. Did someone snap after that dreadful evening? Or did another person appear later that night with the worst of intentions? That must be what happened. After all, if one of the family were capable of something as gruesome as this, you'd know.
Subjects: Suspense fiction.; Thrillers (Fiction); Psychological fiction.; Families; Rich people; Murder;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1