
Gerontological nursing / by Eliopoulos, Charlotte.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Unit 1: The aging experience. The aging population -- Theories of aging -- Diversity -- Life transitions and story -- Common aging changes -- Unit 2: Foundations of gerontological nursing. The specialty of gerontological nursing -- Holistic assessment and care planning -- Legal aspects of gerontological nursing -- Ethical aspects of gerontological nursing -- Continuum of care in gerontological nursing -- Unit 3: Health promotion. Nutrition and hydration -- Sleep and rest -- Comfort and paint management -- Safety -- Spirituality -- Sexuality and intimacy -- Safe medication use -- Unit 4: Geriatric care . Respiration -- Circulation -- Digestion and bowel elimination -- Urinary elimination -- Reproductive system health -- Mobility -- Neurologic function -- Vision and hearing -- Endocrine function -- Skin health -- Cancer -- Mental health disorders -- Delirium and dementia -- Living in harmony with chronic conditions -- Unit 5: Settings and special issues in geriatric care -- Rehabilitative and restorative care -- Acute care -- Long term care -- Family caregiving -- End of life careFocusing on the content that students need to know for effective practice, this text offers engaging, evidence-based coverage of the aging process, factors contributing to healthy aging, and unique aspects of disease presentation and management in older adults. Updated to help students meet the challenges of this increasingly diverse population, the ninth edition retains its acclaimed holistic approach through insightful coverage of the psychosocial, legal, ethical, and spiritual elements of patient care.
Subjects: Geriatric nursing.; Geriatric Nursing.; Aging;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Fast facts for the long-term care nurse : what nursing home and assisted living nurses need to know in a nutshell / by Eliopoulos, Charlotte.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Unique aspects of long-term care -- Settings for long term-care -- Reimbursement for long-term care -- Regulations -- Long-term care nursing responsibilities -- Culture change -- The minimum data set (MDS) -- Assessing needs beyond the minimum data set (MDS) -- Assessment skill -- Identifying changes in status -- Creating care plan -- Ensuring person-centered care -- Caring for families -- Documentation essentials -- Promoting medication safety -- Reducing common risks -- Identifying and managing clinical emergencies -- End-of-life care -- Overview of dementia -- Communication challenges with residents with dementia -- Special clinical challenges -- Foundations of leadership and management -- Determining staffing needs -- Surveys -- Legal aspects -- Self-care."The book embodies a holistic approach to nursing that recognizes the importance of quality of life in addition to quality of care. It provides an overview of the unique features of long-term care, addressing the operational differences between these settings and those of acute settings, the distinct responsibilities of long-term care nurses, special needs of the residents, and major clinical challenges. The text offers guidance on the use of evidence-based knowledge within the constraints of long-term care settings. Topics such as legal risks, documentation essentials, and the importance of self-care are covered, along with management and leadership issues relevant to the supervision of unlicensed personnel. The Fast Facts in a Nutshell feature assists readers in reinforcing and applying content, and a comprehensive resource list supplements the text. The book will also serve as a useful study tool for long-term nursing care certification." - Provided by publisher.
Subjects: Long-term care of the sick; Nursing home care.; Older people; Long-Term Care.; Nursing Care; Assisted Living Facilities.; Nursing Homes.; Needs Assessment.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Invitation to holistic health : a guide to living a balanced life / by Eliopoulos, Charlotte.;
Includes bibliographical references and index.Strengthening your inner resources -- Introduction to holistic health -- Healthful nutrition -- Exercise: mindfulness in movement -- Sleep and rest -- Immunity enhancement: mind/body considerations -- Flowing with the reality of stress -- Developing healthy lifestyle practices -- Growing healthy relationships -- Survival skills for families -- The spiritual connection -- Balancing work and life -- Promoting a healthy, healing environment -- Taking life lightly: humor the great alternative -- Taking charge of challenges to the body, mind, and spirit -- Understanding the hidden meaning of symptoms -- Working in partnership with your health practitioner: advocating for yourself -- Menopause: time of the wise woman -- Living fully with chronic conditions -- Addiction: diseases of fear, shame, and guilt -- Medication wisdom -- Surviving caregiving -- Safe use of complementary and alternative therapies -- Navigating the use of complementary and alternative therapies -- Alternative medical systems -- Nutritional supplements -- Herbal medicine -- Aromatherapy: common scents -- Mind-body therapies -- Manipulative and body-based methods -- Energy therapies.Invitation to Holistic Health: A Guide to Living a Balanced Life provides solid principles and proven measures to promote optimal health and well-being using a holistic approach. Divided into three parts: Strengthening Your Inner Resources, Developing Health Lifestyle Practices, and Taking Charge of Challenges to the Mind, Body, and Spirit, this easy-to-read guide it provides how-to information when dealing with a variety of health-related issues that includes, but is not limited to, nutrition, exercise, herbal remedies, and homeopathic remedies. The Second Edition as been completely revised and includes current research on the effectiveness and safety of herbs and other complementary and alternative medicine therapies. The chapter on Menopause has been updated to reflect current thinking about the safe use of estrogen replacement, soy products, and other approaches to manage symptoms and new suggested readings and resources have been provided for further exploration into topics. -- Provided by publisher.
Subjects: Holistic medicine.; Medicine, Chinese.;
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1