
Reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates : an identification and care guide / by Bartlett, Patricia,1949-; Griswold, Billy.; Bartlett, Richard D.,1938-;
Includes bibliographical references (p. 273-274) and index.Introduction -- Part 1: Reptiles -- Snakes -- Boas and Pythons -- Colubrine Snakes -- Lizards -- Agamid Lizards -- Angiod Lizards: Alligator Lizards and Glass Lizards -- Chameleons -- Iguanian Lizards: Iguanas and relatives -- Armadillo Lizards and Plated Lizards -- Gekkonid Lizards -- Aeluroscalobotid Lizards -- Eublepharine Geckos: Eyelidded Geckos -- True Geckos -- Lacertid Lizards -- Skinks -- Teiid Lizards: Whiptails and Tegus -- Varanid Lizards: monitors -- Tortoises and Turtles -- Tortoises -- Mud Turtles and Musk Turtles -- Basking Turtles -- Side-necked Turtles -- Soft-shelled Turtles -- Crocodilians -- Caiman -- Part 2: Amphibians -- Frogs, Toads, and TreeFrogs -- Bombinatorids: Fire-bellied Toads -- Bufonids: True Toads -- Horned Frogs and relatives -- Dendrobatids: poison Frogs -- Hylid Frogs: Australian and American TreeFrogs -- Hyperoliid Frogs -- Leptopelid Frogs -- Mantellas -- Malayan Horned Frog -- Microhyulids: Narrow-mouthed Toads -- Pipid Frogs -- Ranids: True Frogs -- Rhacophorids: Gliding Frogs and relatives -- Newts, Salamanders, and Caecilians -- Ambystomatids: Mole Salamanders -- Salamandrids: Newts -- Caecilians -- Part 3: Invertebrates -- Arthropods -- Tarantulas -- Millipedes and Centipedes -- Scorpions -- Mantids and Stick Insects -- Cockroaches -- Bibliography -- Index.From Back Cover Of Book: Reptiles, Amphibians, and Invertebrates an identification and card guide. Hundreds of color illustrations. Snake, lizards, insects, turtles and tortoises, frogs and toads, salamanders and newts, and arachnids are all featured in this book. It's a pictorial identification guide and husbandry manual covering more than 250 species, subspecies, and color morphs. The authors tell you what to look for when purchasing these animals and discuss caging and feeding. Each profile includes the animal's place of origin, its size from hatchling to adult, its lifespan, and its general behavior traits.
Subjects: Amphibians as pets.; Reptiles as pets.; Invertebrates as pets.; Amphibians; Reptiles; Invertebrates; Reptiles; Amphibians; Animal Husbandry; Invertebrates;
© 2010., Barron's ; Publishers Group UK [distributor],
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Guide and reference to the amphibians of eastern and central North America (north of Mexico) / by Bartlett, Richard D.,1938-; Bartlett, Patricia Pope,1949-;
Includes bibliographical references (p. [273]-276) and index.1. Introduction -- 2. Frogs, toads, and treefrogs -- 3. Treefrogs -- 4. Tropical frogs -- 5. Narrow-mouthed toads -- 6. Spadefoots -- 7. Tongueless frogs -- 8. Typical frogs -- 9. Burrowing toads -- 10. Salamanders and newts -- 11. Amphiumas -- 12. Hellbenders -- 13. Lungless salamanders -- 14. Mudpuppies and waterdogs -- 15. Newts -- 16. Sirens.
Subjects: Amphibians; Amphibians; Amphibians; Amphibiens; Amphibiens; Amphibiens;
© c2006., University Press of Florida,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1

Guide and reference to the crocodilians, turtles, and lizards of Eastern and Central North America (North of Mexico) / by Bartlett, R. D.(Richard D.),1938-; Bartlett, Patricia,1949-;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 307-309) and index."Bartlett's Guide and Reference contains up-to-date and easy-to-use information for all 208 recognized species and subspecies of crocodilians, turtles, and lizards (native, introduced, and established) found within eastern and central North America, north of Mexico. Each species is classified by family and illustrated with a full-color photo. Detailed descriptions include information on appearance, behavior, range, habitat, and identifying features, as well as how to distinguish between similar species. Ecological issues are also highlighted."--Jacket.
Subjects: Crocodilians; Turtles; Lizards;
© ©2006., University Press of Florida,
Available copies: 1 / Total copies: 1